Thats a tough question and I really feel for you. It seems to me that parents choose to home-school for 3 predominant reasons. Reason number 1 is for religious purposes. Reason number 2 is because they have strong belief (and rightly so) that our public education system teaches many wrong facts. For instance, that Christopher Columbus discovered America. This is known falacy. Columbus was not first, but he was brutal and slaughtered many native indians. Reason number 3 is that some parents are rather socially odd. They have very few if any friends or contacts outside of work. They keep themselves isolated and have a stong desire to isolate their children as well. They see society as sick and ill and perverted and they want to protect their children from it.
If your parents are in category 1, then they have already made their religious impression. They could well be mature enough to realize they cannot control your life forever and that you deserve the chance to exercise what you've learned from them. They have probably been waiting for the day when you ask to go to public school.
If your parents are in category 2, same answer as for category 1.
If your parents are in category 3, forget it. They see you as a budding target for perverts and you could never be in more danger. You'll have to stick it out till at 18, you can decide your own fate.
For any category; thank your parents for the huge sacrifice and grand effort they have put forth to home school you. You are deeply loved by them.
2007-01-07 11:28:21
answer #1
answered by brooster42 1
Social interaction is a good thing for when your older. Asking your parents if you can go to highschool would be a wonderful thing to do because it lets you make your own decisions about friends and also does give you the opportunity to meet new people and good friends. I have a girl in my art class that has been homeschooled all her life as well and she has made many friends so far.
I hope your parents say yes :)
2007-01-07 19:10:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Just tell them I am a parent and I want my daughter to just tell me not beat around the bush about things. I really think you should go to high school because one day you are going to be on you own and you won't have any experience with people. I personally don't think that is healthy for anybody. Your parents can't always be right by your side. My daughter is 18 and is graduating this year and then going to college. Do your parents want you to go to college if so they had better let you have some freedom now or when you do get out you might go wild. I wish you the best of luck.
2007-01-07 19:18:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You should be close enough to your parents to atleast tell them how you feel about your schooling. You are 14 now...and homeschool is probably depriving you from social skills. Just tell them that you would have to take on a new learning experience and meet new people. Highschool is something that you should be able to look back on and have fond memories of. Just tell them how you feel and be honest. They should respect your input.
2007-01-07 19:12:08
answer #4
answered by BabyDoll 1
Just be honest with them, explain what you just told us and see how they react. with the safety that our schools allow, or dont allow I should say, I dont know if they would feel safe with you going to a public high school. that will be their main concern, just remind them that if something is meant to happen it will no matter where you go. Prime example is the Amish School Shooting last year
2007-01-07 19:11:26
answer #5
answered by rockydriver22 5
Just tell them that you think its time you joined school with people your own age and you want the chance to do all the things that other teenagers do - clubs, prom, etc.
2007-01-07 19:10:41
answer #6
answered by melissa_marie45 3
well i think u shud just let them kno, say ur growing older and need more frneds and become more social....then ask if they wud mind u going to highscool next year. they can still help tutor u at home wen u need help, so they wont be forgotten as well :D
2007-01-07 19:09:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Just be straight forward and tell them. You want inter action with kids your age.
2007-01-07 19:17:21
answer #8
answered by Magicman 4
Yes tell them how you feel. But first take it slowly not to hurt their feelings.
2007-01-07 19:09:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no don't forget it just explain to them as you have us. they can only say no. i would say school at home is good for schooling but you do miss out on life skills also needed for life
2007-01-07 19:12:34
answer #10
answered by iam g 2