Ok I was planing on taking a trip to see my friends, and a girl.
This girl knew I was coming and was having me plan things to do.
I had asked for 4 days (Jan 11th-14th) off from work in order to spend time with her and my friends last month.
Well I talked to this girl yesterday and she disappointedly told me that we might not get to hang out that much b/c she was going to be doing something Fri-Sat, but wouldn’t tell me what.
She later said that she wanted to tell her sister first.
She did say that what ever this thing was, was good for her.
Now I’m feeling kind of blown off. She knew I was coming. She has had a month off from school and does this thing, what ever it is when I’m there.
Rarely do I get to take a trip or get this many days off to be able to do something like this.
I’m really ticked off by all this, but don’t want to overreact with out knowing why she blew me off like that
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