Yes, But it's a lot of work and patience.
2007-01-07 10:47:34
answer #1
answered by You Lames! 6
I hav ebeen with my boyfriend for almost 8 years, our first year together we lived across the US in different states and saw each other 3 times a year, the 2nd year we were together we lived across the same state and saw each other about once a month, we currently live down the road from each other and see each daily. I am about to maove again in 2 years for grad school to another state and I'm sure we'll make it through those 5 years, it can be done but not if your relationship is bsaed on sex, ours began a lot deeper than that and thats why we're still together.
2007-01-07 10:46:26
answer #2
answered by Rachel Green 3
i guess it depends on the connection b/t you 2 and how long you've known each other before the long distance relationship began. i have a friend that met her boyfriend in an army boot-camp and they talked to each other for about 2 months before they went their separate ways. my friend lives in NY and the guy lives in Chicago. they've been together for about 6 month i think a that a long distance relationship is possible.
2007-01-07 10:50:32
answer #3
answered by brown579 s 2
It depends...I for one think that it can not be done, I tried it once and I got cheated on, a couple of days before going to visit her for thanksgiving. It lasted a good 3 months and that was it. Although I know some ppl that make it work, you just have to make sure that you both really do care about each other a lot. Just be very careful.
2007-01-07 10:46:35
answer #4
answered by muchacho3000 2
Yes! Sometimes they are the best kind. You get the best of both worlds. You have someone to be with and then you can be alone too. It's hard to be alone when your bf/gf live in the same town. Try it for awhile. You might just remember who you were before you were a couple and you both and one name.... (there goes nancyandtom) you can just be nancy*!
*just used those two names as ie*
2007-01-07 10:43:47
answer #5
answered by jenny2tone 5
If it's true between you 2...yes , it is possible to have it and maintain it. It is also possible to stay together in the future with that person.
2007-01-07 10:42:18
answer #6
answered by shygal 5
oh yes. I had one that lasted two and a half years. I am also in one that has been going on for 7 months and yes it is possible, good luck
2007-01-07 10:46:46
answer #7
answered by babybg_one 2
love has no boundaries
so therefore, distance is not an issue IF both know you love each other and trust each other to be together someday.
tough but what can you do...these things of luck
2007-01-07 10:44:39
answer #8
answered by . 2
agggrrrh the dreaded long distance relationship.
If you are gonna see eachother every weekend or atleast weekly then yeah its okay but you will rarely see eachother then NO i think!
2007-01-07 10:42:10
answer #9
answered by Genna 2
i hope newlywed wife lives about 400 miles away due to my job. i only get see her about once per month until then end of this year...
2007-01-07 10:44:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous