Wow, this sounds familiar! We do love to get our hands dirty in everyones minds!
2007-01-07 11:41:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What all of you are referring to as "mind games" is nothing more than MANIPULATION.
Men and Women are guilty of it. When you don't get what you want, or things don't go quite right...if your next step is to say or do something that you know is probably a little "shady" at best then you are guilty of it.
If whatever "tactic" you use is not clear cut, open communication then you are guitly of manipulation and you need to stop using that tactic if you value your relationship.
Men and Women both need to express openly what they want/need and why. That is the only way that you will ever have the potential to get your wants and needs fulfilled. If you express to your mate that you want something and your mate openly expresses to you why they think it is a bad idea, the two of you need to continue to COMMUNICATE until the issue is resolved to mutual satisfaction. Any tactics other than that is MANIPULATION or "mind games" as you all have called it.
If you want happier relationships...stop trying to manipulate each other.
NOTE: It is nearly impossible to find someone who is not guilty of this to some degree and it has frustrated me so much that I don't even bother with relationships anymore. I have discovered that it is VERY possible to be content single...because no one is playing mind games with you!!! LMAO!!
2007-01-07 18:51:10
answer #2
answered by iipiki_okami 2
If you are being honest and they think you are playing mind games then maybe they are just in denial. Mind games are usually when one is being controlling, expecting their results,or trying to protect themselves. It may well be that she is playing the games because she cannot accept. If you love the person then you should compromise and try to be willing to understand whatever it is that they are going through, if you dont love them, you need to be honest and tell them flat out IM NOT IN LOVE, or the will not get the point and keep trying to dictate your feelings for you.
Peace out and good luck bro!
2007-01-07 18:43:26
answer #3
answered by renew69 2
Mind Games men play all the time but then again women do to.
Men should satisfy their women,thats life.
2007-01-07 18:41:05
answer #4
answered by Denny O 4
That one works both ways.
BTW, men do play mind games very well...see, you just did it. Knowing that you are in a mind game, is a game itself.
Life is a it hard, play it well, but play it fairly!
2007-01-07 18:41:17
answer #5
answered by Luvy 2
I'm afraid that just as many guys accuse women of playing mind games.
It is human nature, I guess.
2007-01-07 18:39:47
answer #6
answered by Great Dane 4
2007-01-07 18:39:21
answer #7
answered by zen522 7
yup, i agree
its a gauntlet of acusation of mind games or abuse in some way shape or form
2007-01-07 18:40:42
answer #8
answered by zether 6
girls def play more mind games then guys
2007-01-07 18:41:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2007-01-07 18:44:55
answer #10
answered by ? 7