i think i've fallen for two really great guys.one is my ex and the other is a great guy whose been there for me. my ex and i had ups and downs... but we were best friends before. we went out. its crazy. and well..in the downs of our relationship i went to the other guy.. and i think i;v in love with him but i don't want to be..... my ex has hurt me.. but has taught me so much.. and has made me happy. and the other...its like another bestfriend like my girl bestfriend but at the same time i feel something for him... but i don't want to.. and i had to pick.. i chose my ex bf instead of him. because my ex boyfriend told me he realized i was the best friend adn girlfriend he ever had... and that... i was better than anyone.i spent time with him.. and i knew he loved me.. he listened to me.. and well i listened to him. but.... i can;t get the other guy out ofmy head.. i don;t want him did i make a bad choice?
13 answers
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Family & Relationships
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i love my ex very much... and he helped me so much...he broke me out of my shell... and without him he was great. he's someone not everyone looks up to. but the other guy everyone likes...but st the same time.. he;s a good guy. a great guy but no one knows my ex is also a great guy....
10:37:23 ·
update #1
i never broke it off with my ex.. he broke it off with me.. i hung on when eveyone else said i shouldn't
10:41:27 ·
update #2
i went with teh other guy before iw ent back to my ex because iw anted to give it a try.. i know the feelings wouldn;t go away just by doing nothing so i gave it a shot...
i thought my ex was over me but he wasn't.. okay?
10:47:25 ·
update #3
That was kind of confusing to read! Anyway it's all in your heart. You could have just fallen for the second guy because you were sad. If your best friend/boyfriend is really the one for you don't you think you would know? I think you are answering your own question by posting on here.
2007-01-07 10:39:06
answer #1
answered by jenny2tone 5
It mite just be a case of grass is always greener... u have to ask ur self, if u had chosen the other guy, would u be thinking the same thing about ur ex?? U just need to really think about it. Which one can u see urself happiest with? Good luck!! :))
2007-01-07 10:42:15
answer #2
answered by Katie 3
Yes, the wrong choice all around.
An ex is an ex is an ex. you can never go back.
You got with someone when things were bad with your ex bf. you still had feelings for him and used someone to comfort you.
Now you dump the one who comforted you, you go to the ex who you now think has changed.....
What are you thinking.? You are playing ping pong with peoples lives and emotions.
You need to get over a relationship before you can start a new one..
Don't go off ,make rash decisions, and screw up peoples lives
2007-01-07 10:44:35
answer #3
answered by doclakewrite 7
I think you need to let go of the ex cause yu broke it off with him and if things dont work out then you may want to go to the other guy and he may be taken try it with the other guy first
2007-01-07 10:39:26
answer #4
answered by crystal n 1
no. you made a good choice but did the best friend ever say he loved you? get the other guy out of your head by spending more time with your ex
2007-01-07 10:38:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
everyone has a stepping stone to ward off the hurt but you should apologize to number 2 and tell him he's a good guy. your bf is probably a guy who keeps to himself thats why noone knows hes a good guy. in any case, you'll be hurt more than either one of them if you dont set things straight
2007-01-07 10:43:12
answer #6
answered by heyman016032003 2
you are able to desire to truly do B or C. If he chooses to come back when you for $$ you ought to finally finally end up in courtroom. in spite of if he loses it may be a great complication for you. the two shop the cable yet provide up with the flicks or merely close it off and get your very own. while you're over him thoroughly then shrink off this final tie and get your very own cable.
2016-11-27 02:42:31
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Its really up to you...
Try reconsidering.. and ask yourself these questions...
-Is your ex the one who is going to make you happy no matter what?
-When you get into a fight.. .will he be the one that will apologize even though it was your fault
-Will he love you for you and something that your not?
-Will he promise to be there for you.
~hope this helps
2007-01-07 10:44:05
answer #8
answered by Patel N 2
yeah you made the right choic especially if you were saying you didnt like the other guy nd all those things your ex said were really sweet i would have made the same choice
2007-01-07 10:39:31
answer #9
answered by lil shortie 1
Just because someone is a ' great person ' and you feel love for that person . . . does NOT make that person right for your heart to share a full committed relationship with them. And...just by you feeling the need to ask "is he right for me" ... right there tells me he is NOT right for you. If a person has to ask...than the answer is no.
2007-01-07 10:40:19
answer #10
answered by onelight 5