Lately my boyfriend and i have had a rough patch. But we were just starting to get better. Then today was our 3 month aniversery (i no its not that big of a deal)but he offered to take me to a pretty nice italian resturant. but he doesn't call me at all, he told me we would go around 6. So i send him a text message at 5 saying that, "i can't stay out too late tonight because i have classes early tommorow." he replied saying, "theres only a place at 8 and im not sure if i can go, i have so much **** to do." i told him, "o ok, w/e do what u have to do." he then told me how he had to fix a broiler in bronx +he had a case study due tommorow. i didn't say nething and he said are you mad, i go no i just wish u hadn't made plans if u knew u had so much stuff to do. 15 minutes later he texts me back saying then next time he just won't make plans. I don't get why he always has to turn the situation around and make me the bad person... what should say back him?
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