Buy her some bath oils and some scented candles...make a romantic moment out of it. Take a bath with her, or give her a bath, carassing her skin
Then bring that moment up a lot afterwards, how the smell of those oils on her skin turned you on.
Hopefully she will get it.
2007-01-07 10:32:54
answer #1
answered by maamu 6
They're many ways in which you can express your situation to her, but I think that you don't want to hurt her feelings and I understand. You may want to try some eager hints; take shower before and after making love, give her some soap-lotion-perfume as a present, and you may want to buy some underwear for her as well.
When you're going out somewhere suggest what soap you like to smell from her after taking a bath.
Ex. on the phone
you "lets go to the movies tonight?"
her "Okay what are we going to see?"
you "I don't know. We'll decide when we get there. Go ahead and take a bath and use my favorite soap, dove. Oh yeah, specially use the perfume I brought for you,,OK?"
If you keep this dialog going she may get the point you're stating. If not, you must sit down with her and explain your concern. I wish I could continue with others advice but I am sorry I can't. It's too bad because she should enjoy having you inside of her. Good luck.
2007-01-07 18:45:51
answer #2
answered by tony 6
Good question. I think some women do not even realize how noticeable this can be, mostly because I believe they have become immune to their odor and comfortable with their personal hygiene. But like teeth brushing, either you floss or don' comes down to habit. And bad habits are hard to break. It can be very challenging to try to correct someone on their personal hygiene. I suggest that you make bathing a part of the foreplay...encourage her to take a shower with you...then wash her up. You both may find that you enjoy this. But don't stop there make sure afterward you compliment her about how nice she smells and how much that makes a difference for you in intimacy. Make sense? Good Luck!
2007-01-07 18:37:27
answer #3
answered by curiousJ 2
How old is she? sounds like she's still young and inexperianced...
Go shopping online... there are several online sites that offer erotic suggestions and ideas that can work for you.
Buy her a book on sexual play and care/hygenie.
Be honest with her, before you have sex, be romantic and offer her a soothing bath with oils and bubbles. Then you be can her hand-servant, and wash her arms, back, front, and... casually, attempt to bath/wash the areas that need attention. If she stops you, jokingly tell her if she does't trust you to bath her, then she better make sure she cleans everywhere and everything, because you're going to map her body with your lips and tongue, seeking all those places that "MAKE HER, SIGH, GASP AND MOAN" with pleasure... that may work
2007-01-07 19:37:06
answer #4
answered by cherryadept 2
Without offending her, try telling her you want to take a bath with her as romantic bath with her as foreplay. That way you know with all certainty she is consciously aware of her hygiene as well as yourself. Without resenting her for wanting her to tell her, but not wanting to humiliate her at the same time. If the odor is still present after that, maybe you should talk to her about seeing a doctor to rule out an infection or S.T.D. and protect yourself sexuallyt anyways.
2007-01-07 18:43:55
answer #5
answered by CARAMIA 2
Regardless, you should not be having sex with girls you're not married to, so this problem could be delayed quite a bit if it occurs at all.
I can't believe that people attempt to answer a question like this, other than in the way that I just have. Not only that, but some little liberalized punk give me a thumbs down? No way, buster. I know more about life and more about things than you do.
I must say also, that this is really gross.
2007-01-07 18:32:38
answer #6
answered by Joe C 5
Of course we clean up after using the loo, well i would think most girls would anyway, i def do! Maybe suggest you guys take a shower together next time you are in the mood and rub her down with body wash or somethin and then move things to the bedroom. hopefully she will get the msg cause i really dont know how you can tell her she stinks...sorry
2007-01-07 18:31:28
answer #7
answered by Onie 4
I clean up everytime...most women do. Buy her an expensive perfume and say "i thought you would like it because it smells really nice but you would make it even better." that way she doesn't get mad and you get a nice smell during sex
2007-01-07 18:33:30
answer #8
answered by maris 2
Eek! Personally I can say that I always use proper hygiene, extra tp, never any lack in wiping. Did she just pass gas or was there something there? If it was just gas.. that happens now and then even to girls (although mine smells like lilacs) but if its something clinging, you need to say something to her about it. Try and be gentle because she will be embarrassed, but dang.. that's just not right.
2007-01-07 18:35:55
answer #9
answered by Tracy G 3
Be honest, but tell her in a nice way. I have to do that to my husband and have done so over the course of our lives. It's gotten easier with time but the first time is ever so awkward.
2007-01-07 18:31:20
answer #10
answered by wanninonni 6