No, dogs do not spit out the toothpaste. An animal/doggy toothpaste is safe for swallowing.
2007-01-07 05:48:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Honestly, I think some people are overreacting. This persons mom is not the first person to use human toothpaste for her dog. Can human toothpaste be toxic to a dog? It most certainly can, and that's why these days, they make toothpaste for dogs. However, the dogs teeth were brushed yesterday and the dog is still fine. The person is asking if the dog will get sick, so it's safe to assume that the dog hasn't yet. The dog probably did not swallow enough toothpaste to have any ill effects. My mother brushed one of her dogs teeth with human toothpaste once - this was a long time ago, before dog toothpaste was in every vet clinic in our state. Just a dab, not much bigger than a pen tip. The dog lived fifteen years after that. You shouldn't make a habit out of it, though. So, neither should your mom. Toothpaste can make even us sick if we swallow too much of it. We know not to swallow toothpaste, dogs don't. (Though, in my experience, they don't want to... to be perfectly frank) Your mom should either buy canine toothpaste or make some herself at home. (This can be done with baking soda, salt, glycerine and something for taste such as a dab of broth) As for washing the dog... so what? A lot of people don't bathe their dog frequently. I'd hardly say that's "not taking care of the dog". Unless the dog is a really, really messy dog... most dogs don't need constant baths. To be frank, I only bathe my dogs when they need it. ETA: Constant baths are actually detrimental to their health.
2016-05-23 03:35:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No, you could poison it. Human toothpaste has ingredients that dogs aren't supposed to eat (yes, a dog would swallow at least some toothpaste). Trust me, I have 2 dogs of my own. If you really want to brush their teeth, please use toothpaste especially made for dogs. Mine don't enjoy having theirs brushed, and I haven't. I'd only brush a dog's teeth if it had a major problem with its mouth, or if you just have nothing else to do :-D
2007-01-07 05:48:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Use toothpaste made for canines or baking soda which can be made into a paste with a little water. Do not use human toothpaste. Since human toothpaste isn't edible, and dogs can't spit, your dog will swallow the toothpaste and that may make him vomit.
2007-01-07 05:48:17
answer #4
answered by BVC_asst 5
No there is dog toothpaste because dogs swallow the paste unlike us. Even we could get sick if we ate toothpaste, so stick with dog toothpaste since it was made just for them and they know what they might be allergic to, etc.
2007-01-07 05:42:25
answer #5
answered by mysticalelixir 2
I use a paste I make myself from a boullion cube and baking soda.But there's plenty of stuff you can buy just for the dogs teeth if you prefer.
2007-01-07 07:21:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
U should ask your local veterinary for doggie paste and either use ur fingers when brushing it or a soft bristled toothpaste
2007-01-07 05:40:02
answer #7
answered by the_famous_poo 1
Nope-human toothpaste is bad for dogs, especially since they will swallow it instead of spitting it out.
Most vets and/or pet stores sell toothpaste made for dogs, as well as specially designed toothbrushes.
2007-01-07 05:44:27
answer #8
answered by ambr123 5
NO, it makes them sick. Use a meat flavored toothpaste designed just for dogs.
2007-01-07 05:44:19
answer #9
answered by red69 2
i'm not totally sure but i think i would just stick to dog toothpaste. i have this vanilla stuff for my dog and he LUVS it!!!! <3
2007-01-07 06:52:09
answer #10
answered by destiny_forgot_my_bff 1