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What are the opinions of owners? And, should I buy it now for £1500 or wait in hope that the price will drop?


2007-01-07 02:40:02 · 6 answers · asked by Shea D 1 in Consumer Electronics TVs

6 answers

I bought this model in the summer last year and its fab. I wouldn't bother waiting as Sony tvs are always expensive but it depends how quickly you want it. I liked it....so I got it. Haven't regretted it even if the prices DOES go down, so what! Enjoy!

2007-01-07 02:49:08 · answer #1 · answered by Pink n Wise 3 · 0 0

I bought a Sony Bravia KDL-40V2500 LCD television right after Christmas on sale for $2,199 US. It is the model with 1080p resolution, which will be useful once the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD wars settle out. It also handles 1080i and 720p very well. The picture is beautiful and the TV has lots of input options. I looked for 8 months for the right television and waited for prices to drop. I still didn't want to pay as much as I did, but I don't regret the purchase one bit after seeing it in action. This is a great television!

2007-01-07 03:02:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you can afford it then get it.
I just bought the 32" S series and I'm over the moon with that and the W series is way better. I doubt the price for the W series is gonna drop much the cheapest I have seen it for is £1399 on ebay. If you can afford that much why wait go for it and enjoy it as the longer you wait there will always be something cheaper come along. Just make sure you budget for the cables and other HDMI stuff you may need if you haven't already got to get the most from the tv. Otherwise you may as well save a bit of money and go for the S or V seriies.

2007-01-07 02:53:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i presented a Sony Bravia KDL-40V2500 liquid crystal show television suitable after Christmas on sale for $2,199 US. it rather is the variety with 1080p selection, which may be sensible as rapidly because of the fact the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD wars settle out. It additionally handles 1080i and 720p ok. the image is appealing and the television has rather some enter suggestions. I appeared for 8 months for the incredible television and waited for expenditures to drop. I although did no longer elect to pay as much as I did, yet i do no longer remorseful concerning to the acquisition one bit after seeing it in action. this could be an astounding television!

2016-11-27 01:47:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have one and it's brilliant. You could not ask for more. I would shop round to see the lowest you can get it for. I got mine with a five year guarantee. But there are so many deals out there. I can't see this model going down in price quickly though.

2007-01-07 02:49:17 · answer #5 · answered by Spiny Norman 7 · 0 0

Un televisor es indispensable de cualquier casa, en los sitios web he comprad varios televisores de diferentes tamaños, de la mejor calidad y a un excelente precio. El ultimo televisor que he comprado en los sitios web, ha sido un televisor pequeño, perfecto para colocarle en la cocina, además del tamaño excelente tiene una muy buena imagen y excelente sonido todo por un súper precio, per total una excelente compra.

2014-12-12 16:01:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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