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16 answers

I havent seen any evidence.

2007-01-07 22:03:10 · answer #1 · answered by Max 2 · 1 0

There are many problems with the salvation-by works doctrine of reincarnation. First, there are many practical problems. For example:
1. We must ask, why does one get punished for something he or she cannot remember having done in a previous life?
2. If the purpose of karma is to rid humanity of its selfish desires, then why hasn't there been a noticeable improvement in human nature after all the millennia of reincarnations?
3. If reincarnation and the law of karma are so beneficial on a practical level, then how do advocates of this doctrine explain the immense and ever-worsening social and economic problems - including widespread poverty, starvation, disease, and horrible suffering - in India, where reincarnation has been systematically taught through out its history?
There are also many biblical problems with believing in reincarnation. For example, in 2 Corinthians 5:8 the apostle Paul states, "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." At death, the, the Christian immediately goes into the presence of the Lord, not into another body. In keeping with this. Luke 16:19-31 tells us that unbelievers at death go to a place of suffering, not into another body.
Further, Hebrews 9:27 assures us that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment." Each human being LIVES ONCE as a mortal on earth, DIES ONCE, and then FACES JUDGMENT. He does not have a second chance by reincarnating into another body.

2007-01-07 15:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

Hi Timbo,

That's a bit like asking if God (Jehovah) exists.

If you are happy with an answer which is esoteric/ occult, then yes reincarnation is a proven fact. Past life regression, Tarot readings, and many other things 'prove' the case.

Have you ever known something you shouldn't, been somewhere familiar when you had never been there before?

It's one of those questions that can not be answered with irrefutable evidence, but yes, IMO and IME, reincarnation does exist.


2007-01-06 23:41:46 · answer #3 · answered by GreenMan 3 · 0 0

this is one area that has provided evidence
i started to study reincarnation as a skeptic as it did go against my own beliefs.....
during my studies i have had to take the evidence into account
there have been children tell of places they have never been to , families they didnt and couldnt know... there is a lot of reasearch done in this area
especially by members of the SPR ( society for psychical research )
i studied this at university
and i dont mind saying that i have had to rethink my own beliefs in regards to reincarnation as i cannot ignore the evidence

what amazes me is people saying no there is no evidence .. yet they have never researched it

added note
for the answerer below
fair point ... i have thought about other theories also as to where the information comes from
although i have no proof for it , but the reincarnation stories are too amazing to discredict with theories alone
i am still searching for answers though

2007-01-06 23:51:36 · answer #4 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

the way i look at it, none individuals extremely is conventional with what occurs when we die. after we die, we are going to comprehend who's 'accurate'. having stated that, i think in reincarnation because each little thing in the international is recycled, so why no longer souls? And too a lot of human beings have too many points of interest to particular international places or cultures or places that they experience linked to of their hearts, yet won't be able to clarify rationally. each so often we've 'options' of places we've by no ability been, or issues we've by no ability considered. personally, i have said that more effective human beings seem 'on the fence' with faith, or do believe in reincarnation. about 20 years in the past, I had a previous life regression hypnosis carried out to objective to figure out why i become petrified of water. grew to grow to be out (lengthy in the previous the action picture ever got here out), i become (in theory) on the tremendous. issues I keep in options about the hypnosis become the chaos on deck because the boats were being loaded, how darkish the water regarded, the celebrities, and how each little thing become slanted in the direction of the bow. the only ingredient that stood out turned right into a noise contained in the history. A deafening sound like the ships horn, yet no longer extremely. Up till that factor, I had by no ability examine or considered some thing on television about tremendous. I researched it after that, and deep interior one e book, got here upon that the boilers had ruptured even as it become sinking, putting off a deafening whistling noise because the boats were being loaded. How might want to I honestly have commonplace one of those ingredient? The unexplained is a staggering, mysterious ingredient.

2016-12-28 07:22:56 · answer #5 · answered by cleaves 4 · 0 0

You can't prove reincarnation, who is to tell if it is true? If someone dies he is unable to tell if his soul lives on and goes to another body.
And if someone would remember his previous life (wich would be hard anyway because memory's are embedded into your brain, wich ceases to exist) it wouldn't be possible to prove it.

That would mean that it's just based on faith, and you'd have to find out for yourself what seems the most logical (a dirty word for believers?)

I don't believe in what the bible says, because everytime something unlogical happens, it is waven away by the almighty power of god, wich means that the research stops there, and all logic dissapears, it's just hard for me to believe in something that proves logic (science) wrong, and it's hard for me to cope with arguments of believers, because they're answer most likely would be something like, believe in god and you will be saved by christ, bla, bla ,blah.

I like to believe that the soul is immortal, and some way it sounds logical there is a soul, your life energy, your entity, i don't feel like a hump of organic material that seems to think and reason, i feel alive, like i exist in more places, outside and inside of myself.

When i meditate i am exploring my inner world, and everything around me dissapears, it is like i don't hear, feel, see, whatever.
only the sensation of *being* and that is like a little personal bit of evidence for me that i exist more then just a body.

Wich makes me believe(not know) that reincarnation could be something very true, and that your entity wanders around, and occasionally lives.

I like to believe in circles, that something never really ends, but only changes occasionally.

Some say the sun always will come up and go down again, but that is not true, but the suns energy, gasses, whatever will always exist in some form, change, or will be the building blocks for a new sun, or planet.

A bit offtopic, but yea..

@Pangel, i think the biggest problem for the evidence is that there are so many possible thing's that could be the cause for those things aswell, wich most likely always will be used to disprove something that seems so weird as reincarnation.

2007-01-07 00:15:24 · answer #6 · answered by bedonstall 1 · 0 0

And what about heaven or hell, some say thats where reincarnation lies, good people in heaven and bad in hell. My mom tells me im going to hell cause of the music i listen to or the movies i watch and also because of the fornication, so i tell her if im going to hell cause of those minor infractions then that rule needs to be changed cause im certain mass murders are in hell and ive never killed anyone, thats why ill be reincarnated in heaven....if that makes any sense...

2007-01-06 23:31:22 · answer #7 · answered by stew s 1 · 1 0

Hi Timbo, I do not believe in reincarnation and have yet to see any real proof of it other than speculation.

2007-01-06 23:27:52 · answer #8 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 1

No, reincarnation is not real. See Hebrews 9:27.


2007-01-06 23:27:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

i dont believe in it but i have seen a documentary about it one guy started getting scars and having memories come back to him, and they connected it with another famous guy that died awhile back same scars and marks, they also connected some other people the same way including new borns with these scars and memories when they got older

2007-01-06 23:32:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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