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Well my life is a complete mess. and really its all because of me. well im sure its not nearly as bad as many people have it. well at school i feel like a try but i fail most of my classes. i have problems doing just about everything. i cant keep my mind set on one thing. and i am completely lazy and have no energy at all. im depressed all the time. im not really sure if this is worth posting or a problem even at that. im just asking for what people do to get motivation in life and to keep there hopes up.

2007-01-06 19:05:44 · 9 answers · asked by some guy 1 in Health Mental Health

9 answers

Start by doing one thing in the next ten minutes that will make things better. Often theres a domino effect and accomplishment (no matter how small) leads toward more success.

Go do it now...

2007-01-06 19:09:48 · answer #1 · answered by spiritualjourneyseeker 5 · 1 0

Your question was all negativity! Depression is what you definitely have. Depression (the sads) is caused by a blow or blows to your self esteem. It can be from a put down by another individual, the situation (like school) or a hypercritical consciousness. ( or a self depreciating self analysis, like you did in the question). It is usually combination of these things working in concert in a negativity-depressive mood reinforcing cycle. For example:

You get a bad grade on a paper or test. Your mood takes a dive to a sadder feeling. This sad feeling causes you to think negatively about yourself as to your intelligence or ability to do the work required. This causes your mood to sink even lower. Which causes a give up attitude (no use, no energy to do anything). Which causes a further lowering of your self esteem (sadder feeling) and you don't study or prepare and so fail the next test which starts the cycle all over again. It is necessary to break out of this cycle of reinforcing negativity.

Try this: You have to get some positive thinking going. Remember when you got a good grade or comment by a teacher? Remember when you did something that you really enjoyed? Remember someone whom you know really likes you; think about him or her. Think about these things until you feel a start of lifting of your spirits. Dwell on things like that. It is hard to concentrate on such thoughts I know but you have to will yourself to do that. If your will to think so lapses a negative thought (and mood) slips in.If you keep this up for awhile then you will feel your spirits lighten and soon, voila! You feel good again. Now go do something constructive about your studies and tasks that will give you a feeling of accomplishement before you get a chance to self depreciate again.

Once you have accomplished a study or other task that gives you some pride remember it and keep it in mind as a way to keep your spirits up. Avoid self pity. Avoid negative people till you gain some confidence that you can maintain this good feeling. Whenever you detect a negative thought creep in just stop thinking and do some thing else constructive! All this is not easy but isn't the better mood worth it? Isn't the sense of accomplishing something good worth it? Now go back and read this again.

2007-01-07 04:32:55 · answer #2 · answered by Mad Mac 7 · 0 0

You have symptoms of major depression, so you should talk to a doctor about it.

In the mean time, find something to do that will take your mind off your negative thoughts. Most people find that doing charity work helps, but any kind of hobby is good. This should help you become less lazy and more attentive so you'll do better at school as well.

2007-01-07 03:26:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are describing the symptoms of someone suffering from some form of depression, possibly with a physical disorder as well. Go talk to your Doctor and be totally open and honest with him/her. This can become serious, even fatal. Good luck and take care.

2007-01-07 03:51:37 · answer #4 · answered by rick m 3 · 0 0

well we all feel like this one time or another it seems...You need to write down a check list of the things that you are doing that is making you feel this way, and pray to God through Jesus to stop them, if you can't do it on your own..you're just a sinner like the rest of us..but the good news is, you can be forgiven and move on...you need to just find out what it is that is detouring you from being the best person you can be, and eliminate them, and concentrate of the good in you and I bet you are a good person...or you wouldn't feel so guilty....just pray, forget the meds, and ask God for forgive you...and move on.

2007-01-07 04:23:31 · answer #5 · answered by MotherKittyKat 7 · 0 0

go to your doctor and have your metabolism checked. may be an underactive thyroid.

if that is not the problem, you may need medication for depression.

don't let this keep up without finding the problem and getting help.
you deserve more out of your life than you are getting.

2007-01-07 03:13:05 · answer #6 · answered by july 3 · 0 0

it sounds like depression or anxiety. sometimes people get into a slump. get out and do something for you. talk to a parent, teacher or councelor. good luck and take care of you.

2007-01-07 03:18:59 · answer #7 · answered by nakita 6 · 0 0

you sound depressed...you need some help...talk to someone...friend, family, religous family...SOMEONE...and do it soon......NEXT QUESTION!

2007-01-07 03:10:18 · answer #8 · answered by Loquat 3 · 0 0

Swami Sukhabodhananda
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One youngster comes to me very depressed and asks this question "Why is God creating so many difficulties for us? How to handle stress?" I tell this youngster to reflect on this beautiful story:

A man goes to a shop, picks up a beautiful cup and says "my god this cup is so beautiful" and suddenly the cup starts talking to the man. The cup starts saying "O man, I am beautiful right now, but what was the state of my being before the pot-maker made me a beautiful pot?

Before I was sheer mud and the pot-maker pulled me out of the mud from the mother earth and I felt why that pot-maker is so cruel, he has separated me from mother earth. I felt a tremendous pain. And the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me and churned me, when I was churned I felt so giddy, so painful, so stressful, I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me into a oven and heated me up, I felt completely burnt. There was tremendous pain and I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait."

Then he poured hot paint on me and I felt the fume and the pain, I again asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then again he put me into an oven and heated it to make me more strong, I felt life is so painful hence pleaded the pot-maker and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." And after that the pot-maker took me to the mirror and said, "Now look at yourself". And surprisingly I found myself so beautiful.

When god gives us lot of trouble, it appears god is very cruel but we need patience and we have to wait. When bad things happen to good people, they become better and not bitter.

So all difficulties are part of a cosmic design to make us really beautiful. We need patience, we need understanding, we need the commitment to go through in a very calm and wise way. So all difficulties are not to tumble us but to humble us.

With this understanding, let us not be against difficulty. Understand difficulty is a part of a purifying process. A purifying process at present which we cannot understand and hence we need faith and we need trust.

Let us understand how to handle stress with this background. You can be affected by stress from two angles. There is an internal stress and there is an external stress. Nobody can avoid stress; one has to only manage stress. Managing stress can be internal and also external.

The internal stress is; your thoughts can create stress, your values can create stress, and your beliefs can create stress, meaning thereby your stress is coming from your mind more from the outer world. Many people suffer not from heart attack - they suffer from thought-attack.

For example, when somebody says you are an idiot, we get so hurt, we get so victimised. My boss has called me an idiot and I am feeling tremendous pain. Now where does this stress come from? If my boss has called me an idiot, I have to ask myself "am I an idiot"?

If I am an idiot nothing to be upset about; and if I am not an idiot, then also nothing to be upset about! It is the perception of the boss. But why do we suffer from that stress? I suffer not because my boss has called me an idiot but because of the thought-attack.

I may say the boss has called me an idiot; therefore I am suffering? It is true that the words are unpleasant. But what hurts is the interpretation of the unpleasant word. The thought in me interprets. That is pain and therefore it becomes pain. Much of our stress is our mind interpreting it as pain. So we suffer from thought-attack more than heart attack.

John Whittier, the 19th century Quaker poet observed in his Maud Muller, “For all sad words of tongue or pen,/ The saddest are these: It might have been.”

Indeed the creative fire that burns, albeit in varying degrees in all humans, is not allowed to manifest in most cases. This results in frustration, self pity, repentance and anger, leading to low self-esteem and regrets for what “could have been” — for not having obtained those acquisitions and virtues which could have led one on.

Adi Sankaracharya in his Bhaja Govindam (Verse 7) notes: “Childhood is spent in play, youth in attachment to women and old age in repentance, with no time left for devotion to the sublime.” In fact, the philosophy of enlightened selfishness, as propounded among others by Ayn Rand, observes that fulfilment can best be found in those pursuits which are aimed primarily at obtaining happiness for oneself.

A deeper insight on this issue would reveal that true peace can also be obtained through activities which are aimed at uplifting society. Indeed a life dedicated to the welfare of others is a truly worthy life! During recapitulation in the evening of one’s life, if one were to feel that he has contributed his mite in this regard, this feeling would by itself serve to erase any regrets that may still linger.

It is in the above spirit that John Wesley wrote, “Do all the good you can,/In all the ways you can,/In all the places you can,/At all times you can,/To all the people you can,/As long as ever you can.” (Rules of Conduct). Valluvar, the great Tamil saint also observes (Kural 36) that one should not postpone virtuous deeds, as these alone would befriend one always, even after death.

Even those who may feel empty within can take heart from these lines of F P Adams’, “And of all words of prose and rhyme,/The gladdest are: Act while there yet is time”. In fact, it is never too late for an aspiring soul. Clarity and effectiveness can be attained through proven methods of cleansing oneself of various afflictions and stresses which retard one’s natural progress.

Arriving at this happy state of affairs, one can make up for the apparent drift or waste of time and also accomplish much in lesser time through effective time management and focus. The vast world of immense goodness and accomplishment indeed waits, inviting to be explored, to translate one’s dreams into reality!

2007-01-07 04:00:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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