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The more significant for me was converting my first girlfriend to Christianity. The day we met she was very anti-religious and we got in a debate and ended up kinda getting in a fight, but then I told her I just loved her and didn't want her to be separated from God, and I later learned that she dedicated her heart to Jesus that night, and about a week later she also dedicated it to me.

Secondly, I was debating with a Muslim for about three hours and he basically admitted my arguments were too strong for him and I should debate one of those Islamnic preachers.... I don't think he ended up converting but it was still rewarding spiritually knowing my arguments stood up very well.

All religious people welcome, and please be sincere and don't say "I converted 20,000 people to Judaism" or something like that :P

2007-01-06 18:16:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

I was in a polythiestic chat room in yahoo once and randomly Christians would come in a talk crap to us, accusing us that we were go to hell. One day a preacher's kid came in and started preaching. I asked her kindly to go away. She didn't so I asked her why she came and she said to "convert people to god". Most everyone in there was attempting to boot her out and did several times but I convinced them not to. Then I asked her why she had to try and convert us and she claimed it was because she was trying to save us from hell.

We got into a conversation about the accuracy of the Bible and those who have written it. We also debated about it's contraditions. I brought up the fact that it says that murder is one of the ultimate sins and then says to kill witches. (EXODUX 22:18). She argued that it was written in the Old Testament before Jesus came and made it possible for us to have forgiveness with out having to do such things as sacrific and such. Then I argued with her that there was quotes in the New Testament (MICAH 5:12-15. I will cut off sorceries from your hand I will destroy your cities... etc) about killing heathens and that shut her up. Then we argued about the things in the Bible that were predicted. Like the Twin Towers being attacked. She said that was a prediction. I say that was some loser who read the Bible and decided they had to fulfill the prophocey. Because you don't see the other preditions in the Bible coming true. The Bible doesn't say dinosaurs exist, so you have people who are strange enough to not believe in dinosaurs for that reason even though there is proof. Then we debated Darwins Theory of Evolution and Im sorry there's proof of evoltuion and I assure you there is a possibility of believing in both God (as in the Chirstian god) and evolution. But I won't get into that. After arguing about that for some time she changed the subject after losing and refusing to admit it. Then she began to challenge my believes and why I think Christianity is nothing but contradtion and evil. I told her because it stole from Pagans. Their Satan is a mirror image of our "Stag Horned god". They drink wine and eat bread in ritual which originiated in the Pagan religion. They celebrate their saviors birthday (whom was born in early to mid-April) on December 25th with no reason other then that was oneof the most famous polethiestic ritual days. So the simple answer is they did it to cover up Paganism. The same thing with Easter and Good Friday and Lammas (Lammas was stolen directly from the Pagans and they didn't even care to alter the ritual a bit). Now they've begun to attempt to cover up All Hollow's Eve with Halelujiah Night. The girl couldn't give me a reason for why Christians did this but merely said it was fate. Then we started debating the reality of magick. She asked me to prove to her some power of Paganism. I read off some of her emotions (me being an empath) and told her she would lose some one either through a friendship or death. She said I wasn't right about the emotions (which was a lie). We debated on how Christians are cruel and most teach their children to grow up to murderers or at the least threaten murder to innocent people. She said that isn't true and I told her about some people I knew (me included) that were threatened by a princaple in 7th grade to be expelled for being wiccan. Then how my friends and I were being threatened by other kids saying they would kill us if we came to school because we were an abomination to the lord. My friend had teachers watch as entire classes would harass her and throw Bibles and salt at her whilst chanting hyms like "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". The school refused to do anything about the threats of murder. Then expelled me for being Wiccan (I got back in because I went to the White House and Threated to sue). Then to top it all off, after refusing to do anything to the people who were making in school threats to kill us (even after my friend attempted suicide in school because of this) they suspended five kids for five days for throwing a crayon at a fat boy. We talked about the little girl Tempest Smith who killed herself at twelve because children tormernted her for being a witch and did to her what they did to me and my friends.

I could right about this debate forever because we debated in the chatroom for hours with random people and their random input ofcourse. But the point of all of this is that; the next day, the girl IM'd me. She Admitted to me that she doesn't believe in god as much as she did the day before because she did a lot of research on what I was saying and saw flaws everywhere. We became friends, good friends actually. About two weeks later she IM'd me again and told me she hated me. She said it was my fault and just kept accusing me of something unknown. When I asked her what she said it was my fault because her friend James killed himself. I was right (though I so hated to be) She lost a friend. And I haven't talked to her since.

2007-01-06 18:59:51 · answer #1 · answered by Mirror 2 · 0 0

I've never lost a religious debate only because I can only offer my opinion rather than what I 'know' to be a fact. I accept the idea that I cannot prove anything and I can't exactly prove that any source of information (books, religious or scientific) can prove anything about the existence/non-existence of any god. I may lean toward the idea that evolution cancels out the Adam and Eve story, but I still can't say I know that Adam and Eve never existed. I wasn't there in the beginning so what do I know. I enjoy a religious debate but it's not about winning or losing to me. I just like the challenge.

2016-05-23 02:13:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not sure if I actually fully converted them, but I have made at least three Christians rethink their faith, and although I am a Messianic Jew I have somehow managed to convert a relative to seventh day Adventist.
The most rewarding experience for me spiritually was having my little brother turn Kosher as well as getting my stubborn mother to understand the pagan roots of Christmas. Although I hold some very strong beliefs I do not believe that my religion is the only TRUE religion as do so many others. I believe that the greatest accomplishment is not converting someone from their religion to your religion but to convert a non-believer to a believer. I have not done that yet but I am working on it.

2007-01-06 18:29:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

>>"and about a week later she also dedicated it to me. "<<

something about that I find hilarious.

your second one... I am not sure if that counts or not.I've had several people "yield" and say that they really didn't know, and would have to refer to someone else, or say that I should talk to someone more knowlegeable/educated.

what I think I like the best, is the cases where someone says they will have to think about it, that I've gave them good things to consider and look into.

but then again I have no interest in converting people. its not part of Judaism.

only once have I gotten to a point with a debate where both me and the other person came to a point where neither of us could disprove the other's arguement.

usually they tend to give up first though.
I don't know how many times I've heard the thing about having planted the seeds and that they'll leave it to god or whatnot.

2007-01-06 19:44:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A Christian was trying to explain to me how the Bible has conclusive and reliable eyewitness testimony about the life of Jesus Christ. I kept telling him those "eyewitness" accounts were written decades after the DEATH of Jesus Christ and grew in complexity, like one would expect a myth or legend story to grow. He didn't think the gospels were dated that late. I also pointed out the various inconsistencies between the eyewitness reports, especially considering the difference in time between them (especially the "Luke" accounts). I gave him a few websites to look up and I never heard a word from him on the subject again. I say I won, he may have another opinion.

2007-01-06 18:22:31 · answer #5 · answered by godlessinaz 3 · 0 0

I was talking to one atheist guy about free will and God being All Knowing and destiny. I gave him an example of a time machine. If I go to the future and see what happened and come back and write it down, it doesn't take away the free will of anyone. He said "thats stupid. time machines dont exist!!!" and didn't reply after that.


2007-01-06 18:42:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One Nation of Islam member asked me to explain something about the believe of the races on earth..20 minutes later..he asked me.."Where can I buy a Bible"?..true story.

Long story short.

2007-01-06 18:18:39 · answer #7 · answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 · 0 0

well, i don't know which debates i have won because normally the other side just gets mad at me and leaves. i've never tried to convert anybody to judaism, and i never will. people should be whatever religion they are comfortable in.

2007-01-06 18:19:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its been a long time but i debated the fact that teh rapture is not immenent. it cannot happen today. how the early writers new taught or believed that.

2007-01-06 18:20:12 · answer #9 · answered by Devil Dog 2 · 0 0

So he said 'Oh yeah?' - So I said: 'Yeah.' And he was all like 'Really?' So I said 'Really!' and he said 'Oh Yeah?' So I said 'Yeah!'. Then there was an awkward silence and he said 'Damn.' and he converted.

2007-01-06 18:20:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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