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i was born and raised a christian (catholic to be exact) and i recently learned about Buddhism and all my friends agree with me that it seems so tempting to want to join and leave Christianity.

Everyone is like that, it seems.

Why does everyone wanna be a Buddhist?

2007-01-06 14:44:16 · 20 answers · asked by [?] 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Christianity and Buddhism only differs in philosophy and theology. The practice of closing one's eyes and going inward for the truth has been the foundation of the two teachings. When people pray to Jesus or God, what do they pray for? Most people pray for good fortune and wealth. That's all good and well and sometimes your prayers will be answered. But If you pray for the welfare of other people, the whole world, the whole universe with all your heart, that's Metta meditation. Buddhist use the breath as their common meditation object. You can use God as your meditation object. Many christian mystics has seen enlightenment through deep prayers and focused attention to that ONE object in their prayers. They focus on God, and keep focusing on God, until their mind settles down. Until the feeling of energy and rapture fills their body which they call it the initiation to God. They turn their attention away from the concept of God to that feeling of the rapture of God. The feeling of rapture then dies down to a calm joyful feeling that's like the love of God. They turn their attention to that now. The emotional happiness that God provides for them. Then the feeling of contentment and satisfaction arises that is like the fulfillment of God, like He has taken care of everything for you and for once, you are not burdened by anything, just in the warmth of HIS presence. Then you let go of everything that is YOU and fall with trust that GOD will catch you and you descend and descend until you come to a stop and you become ONE with GOD. All worldy matters are subsided and there is only GOD, no you, no mind, no body, no world, no universe, just GOD! Emerging from these experiences, the christian mystics develop the ability to gain insight into all things and slowly transform their lives from ordinary to the Sainthood.

Anyways, i've just described the 4 jhanas for you (in christian terms)..lol

But don't feel like moving away from God means you're growing up or staying with God means you're childish. Believe me, there are many people who don't depend on god and are more evil and deluded than many christians.

There's nothing wrong with the belief in God, or devotion to God. What's wrong is what people do in accordance to it, via Kill in his name, use God or the devil as a scapegoat for their sufferings, use God to create fear for other people, condemn other people for not believing in God.

If believing in God can make you a kinder person, make you more generous, make you less materialistic and more in tune with your inner being, make you less judgemental, and make you be honest with yourself, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

In fact, i agree with Jesus when he said, "You cannot serve 2 masters, God or the worldly life".

Hence, if you go with God, then GO WITH GOD! but do it whole-heartedly! Don't blend god with money, fame, love, etc. When people do that, that's why christianity gets corrupted.

2007-01-06 19:03:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anger eating demon 5 · 2 0

Buddhism offers a well-defined path to follow and an intellectual philosophy that does not depend on mythological events. And, most important, Buddhism is a minority religion in this part of the world - familiarity breeds contempt. Catholic mystics offer the same results as Buddhism, and arrive at many of the same conclusion. But Catholicism is not 'sexy.' Like all forms of Christianity in the west, Catholicism carries a stigma. Buddhism is tempting because your college friends respect it, and you don't have to apologize for it.

2007-01-06 22:53:05 · answer #2 · answered by NONAME 7 · 0 0

BUDDHISM... A phylosophy of life, A way of life and there is so much one can do when you are in Buddhism.

1. You need not to betray any religion to be a Buddhist ( many others may not agree because they may not understand)

Simple explanation (lets not get too deep into Buddhism first), In Buddhism there are such thing called THE LAYMAN VOW, which means no killing, no stealing, no lying, no sexual misconduct.

Are you an assasin?
Are your a Thief?
Are you a Liar and you like to lie in order to get people in deep trouble or maybe getting people killed?
Are you a Rapist?

No? There you go, you are practicing Buddhism, Even the Christian Family and friends of yours are practicing it but they dont know.

Buddhism is simple, it's main purpose is to get someone Enlightened and free from samsara "Sufferings"

Compassion is Buddhism's Phylosophy. Is Being Compassion BAD ? Is Christianity againts it ?(I dont think so). All Religion is the same, but the practice differs.

The word Enlightenment means, free from the 6 realms. Hell, Hungry Ghost, Animal, Demi God, God and Human. this 6 realms are suppose to go round and round, and being Enlightened means it frees you from here.

I have alot of Friends in Buddhism who is from other Religions, and I dont feel like mentioning what religion. But they do not betray their religion, they just join us for Buddha's Teachings.

God is God, Buddha is Buddha never mix them together, If you do you will get more mixed up and confused!

I am a Tibetan Buddhist, We learned to be more alert in Dharma, Devoted to the Teachings, Understanding the Suffering and by doing that, the suffering eases off.

If you are interested, visit my blog man!


or email me at tsondrue.gyatso@gmail.com

You got my full Support Man!

2007-01-09 21:03:23 · answer #3 · answered by gerald j 2 · 0 0

Everyone has their own path.

The Buddha frowned upon people following his teachings of enlightenment by blind-faith. He preached that people should study all earthly structures and then choose.

In Buddhism, the path for knowledge in this life is presented. There are no idols who banish all non-believers of that religion to hell.

The Buddha is not worshiped as a prophet, but as a guide for enlightenment through his teachings. Those who say you can be a Buddhist while following Christian doctrines, you should study Buddhist structures more closely.

Good luck.

2007-01-06 22:49:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You can be a Buddhist without necessarily leaving Christianity. Really, it's quite possible. The first missionaries into Buddhist areas were tearing their hair out when their new converts cheerfully dubbed themselves "Christian Buddhists"...

And...well, perhaps there is some truth in it that people see. I like Buddhism because it is peaceful, both in treatment of others and in yourself; it does not teach that it is the only way, and instead says all paths can lead to enlightenment; and the Buddha flat said not to just convert, but to instead test his teachings and see for yourself if they are sound.

It seems many people are finding them sound.

2007-01-06 22:49:10 · answer #5 · answered by angk 6 · 0 1

You don't have to leave Christianity to believe in Buddhism. Buddha came before Jesus Christ and lived in another part of the world. Jesus never condemned Buddha or Buddhism. He never excluded the possibility that Prophets were sent to other parts of the world.

I believe Buddhism and Christianity are completely compatible and come from one Divine Source.

In response to "Jett", I know quite a lot about Buddhism and Christianity. I do not believe that many Christian "doctrines" are compatible with Buddhism, but if you look at the core of Jesus's teachings and those of Buddha, they are one and the same. "Prophet" is not a term used in ancient India, but other terms are used, such as "Tathagata". Buddhas are seen as divinely guided beings who bring a special message to humanity. I would define that as a Prophet.

2007-01-06 22:48:28 · answer #6 · answered by darth_maul_8065 5 · 0 1

Because buddhism is fair. No matter what you have a chance of nirvanah, and not just 1 chance but unlimited as long as it takes. In chirstianity everyone else goes to hell.
Buddha once promised never to allow someone to follow him if his parents do not approve. Please tell your parents first and have an equal fighting ground!

2007-01-06 22:52:34 · answer #7 · answered by Brian 4 · 0 0

Because it seems more logical and less of an engineered brainwashing stunt to get power.
Still, it's a religion, and as such bound to be full of contradictions and fallacies. Eastern thought is also only partially understood by westerners.

2007-01-06 22:53:42 · answer #8 · answered by sandwich 3 · 0 0

Because there is no ultimate God, and therefore no consequences for our wrong actions, This allows Buddhists to live a cosy life, based on well meaning comforts, yet it fails to provide any solid promises about what happens to us when we die.

In the words of Jack Nicholas from the film "Anger Management" ..."How can a man that weighs over 350 pounds teach anyone about Self discipline?"

Wishful thinking, being a good person and well meaning can not save us in the end, only Christ is qualified to save our souls.

Dear friend, you have the choice to turn your back on Jesus, but why would anyone leave a friend that loved us to much that he gave his life? Buddah would never give his life for your sake, and when he died, he stayed exactly that way,,, Dead!

Buddhas grave... OCCUPIED,
Allah's grave... OCCUPIED,
Confucius grave... OCCUPIED,
Jesus Christ grave...EMPTY!!

Forget about what your 'friends' think... Which example will you follow???

God Bless you , thank you for the question


2007-01-06 23:05:18 · answer #9 · answered by Dr. Phil 3 · 0 3

maybe coz you were born Christian.. n people get bored with their originality.. I was like you about 3 years ago until we moved to Australia n joined this new church that change completely my perception of Christianity... is way beyond what I can imagine.. n I thankful to God, He didn't let go of me !!!!

2007-01-06 23:30:25 · answer #10 · answered by duffy_dev 3 · 0 0

how do you know that catholism is christianity? So you are tempted to look to Buddah for inspiration or even faith, "she was wastin christian kisses on a heathen idol made of wood one they call the great god bud, so i kissed her where she stood,on the road to Mandalay"
what do you know about christianity,that you believe you are tempted to leave it, for what you believe, perhaps to be a heathen religion, i am laughing alittle to myself here, or laughing, catholics and christianity, something as far as the east is from the west perhaps, i do not see any equation here, but not to ramble, hope you come to the truth in your search, i think what you are looking for is not in Buddah either, but you are searching, and i am not saying good luck ,because luck does not enter in here, God bless, to make it clearer, you want to leave what you believe is christianity, but you might be surprised to learn, what christianity is,

2007-01-06 22:58:34 · answer #11 · answered by chinpingmei 2 · 0 2

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