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I am a religious jew and i have been studying in israel for a year and a half. i am curious to know what others think of judaism. with the war in israel this past summer (my grandparents actually live real close to haifa and thank G-d they weren't hurt), i am just curious to know if the baised media has really affected ppl and if most ppl actually think that israel was at fault.

also, i am curious to know how everyone feels about jews and judasim in general.

please be honest, thanx.

2007-01-06 14:28:38 · 19 answers · asked by themouse 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I am a Christian who has always loved the history of Judaism, through the knowledge of what I have read in the Old Testament. I believe that you are God's Chosen people and still are even though You do not believe that Jesus is your Messiah. My mother was a WW2 survivor, not a Jew herself, but used to tell me much about the Jews in her country and how they were hated by so many and blamed for so much. I believe that Christians and Jews are both hated so much because we do worship the same God. I believe that your country is a gem and that the world is jealous and hateful towards Israel. To me, it's the birthplace of my Savior and I see it as holy ground, a place where God came to earth and walked among us. You may not understand that there are different kinds of Christians just as there are different kinds of Jews, but like me, feel that we have the same Father and therefore are kin in the spiritual sense. I have a respect for your people and your country.

2007-01-06 14:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I feel Jews and Judaism are equal with everyone else. I do not feel Israel represents Jews and Judaism as a whole. The Israeli government seems to think it can do what it wants and is always right. When that government gets in trouble for doing something wrong it screams anti-semitic, which in an aspect is prejudice itself.

What the Israeli goverment did to Lebanon was wrong. Both sides lost many innocent people over two soldiers that were kidnapped. I have never ever heard of a country going to war over two people being kidnapped. An assasination attempt or something of that nature would have been understandable.

Just to set the record straight, Hezbollah did not fire rockets until Israel invaded Lebanon. I do not believe they would have kidnapped the two soldiers if they had known Israel was going to attack. In attacking, Israel made a major gamble and lost. In the end, Israel did nothing more than strengthen support for Hezbollah.

The war that happened between Israel and Lebanon is not solely Israel's governments fault. The U.S. government allowed it to happen with vetos. When guerrilla warfare is involved, it is impossible to win without commiting genocide. Does anyone honestly think two soldiers were worth all those deaths? Wonder how those two soldiers feel about it.

2007-01-06 22:54:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I had the oppurtunity to speak with the leader of a syngouge (?) a few years back. I asked him about the animal sacrifices that they used to do. I asked if it was because of sin that the sacrifices were made. I asked why it is not done any more. I asked what has taken the place of the sacrifices...
I think that Judaism is a religion that has long since swerved from the path that God had placed His chosen ones upon. But one day there will be many Jews who will be reconciled back to God just as the Bible states. I look forward to those days.

2007-01-06 22:41:56 · answer #3 · answered by Jimguyy 5 · 3 0

Presently, Judaism has little or nothing to do with the Old Testament or God. The ancient israelites were dispersed throughout the world and the people who have assumed their identity are thieves and liars. Present day Judaism has been mixed with the Babylonian ancient religions and is an abomination.

If God was truly for the Israeli people and their country, then they would enjoy peace. Instead, they commit evil acts and claim self defense. If you truly have God and He supports you, then put down your weapons and let God be your defense. The faction of Jews who support Israel are religious hypocrites. Although, there are a few Jews left who do not support the evil acts of Israel and are true to God.

2007-01-06 23:56:27 · answer #4 · answered by CuriousKelly22 2 · 0 2

Well, as a Christian i feel we owe a great deal of thanks to Judaism.

The Old Testament account of what God has done with the people of Israel brings us alot of insight into who the Lord is and what he expects of the people who follow Him. Without the Old Testament account we would not understand who Yeshua is and that the promised Messiah has already come.

The Messiah was promised to Israel and Isaiah says the He would come. If Yeshua had not come I would not know the forgivness of my sins as I do. As Isaiah says, "So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed. "

Messiah has come! Emmanuel!
Yeshua forgave me for my sins!

Hope that helps some

Yeshua Loves You

2007-01-06 22:38:37 · answer #5 · answered by revshankumc 2 · 0 0

There is something about Judaism i find particularly uncomfortable, namely the idea that god adopted an ethnic group and favoured them above and beyond the rest of the world. It doesn't seem like the actions of a loving father -to play favourites like that, and actively support say, the conquest of Canaan. Assuming that the bible is correct for a second, and suspending my disbelief, it wasn't the Canaanites fault the Egyptians treated slaves so harshly! But god just takes their country and hands it over to someone else anyway! It just seems absurd.

I suppose its things like this which make an atheist.

2007-01-06 22:37:59 · answer #6 · answered by Stannnn 3 · 0 0

I believe the Jews were God's chosen people in the Old Testament days. I believe it is extremely sad that Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah they have hoped/are hoping for. I believe many American Jews (I don't know about Israeli Jews) just call themselves Jews and practice obvious sins without shame; premarital sex, coarse joking, taking God's name in vain, working on the Sabbath, etc etc. I believe Judaism was once the only way for people to inherit God's grace/mercy, but now Christianity and belief in Jesus has taken it's place.

I respect you as a true Jew, but I pray you'll see the truth about who Jesus of Nazareth truly is.


2007-01-06 22:35:38 · answer #7 · answered by L-dog =) 3 · 0 1

I have nothing against Judaism or Jews. They are simply a different religion than me, like any other religion's follower.

But I would have a bad opinion about you if you support what the Israeli government is doing.

2007-01-06 22:32:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

To me it's a dead religion.......Jews think that they still are God's chosen people, but thats no longer true. When Jesus died on the cross, He died for everyone in the whole world....not just for the Jews. So for me, Christianity is the real way to go...not Judaism.

2007-01-06 22:35:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I love Judaism. It proposes logic to be a good thing for understanding G-d [I'll be nice for you, and omit the o]. However, I study it more for Kaballah, gematria, and etc, so I've only seen the logical side.

However, my only nitpick is the occupation. I see it as wrong, morally, to uproot a bunch of people who took land when a group left for a long time. But that's just me.

2007-01-06 22:36:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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