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I am not saying that some people are better than others, and some will think I am, but I am simply asking a question, and please don't patronize me on what I personally believe. How come people like atheist or another religion need scientific proof for everything. As we all know, math, science, or logic CANNOT explain everything, phenomons, miracles, the totally unexplainable. Are some people born with a lack of faith, hope, and optimism or are they just molded on what they have grown up to believe by thier enviornment, mainly parents? People will go down my throats about how I am wrong, but please do not, just answer with your beliefs kindly. It is deeply depressing ( TO ME) to think that everything about the work is mathamartically configured and nothign happes without scientific proof. What happened to believeing in somehting, having faith, having hope that one day you will go to Heaven and be explained all the questions unanswered about the world. Somethings willalways be unaswered

2007-01-06 14:18:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Now, which "Religions" are we talking about????

2007-01-06 14:19:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, there is no such thing as phenomons, but most phenomena (probably all, given complete study) are understandable. A rainbow is a phenomenon, and while not understood for quite some time, is now fully explained.

If anything is unexplainable, it is for two resons only: A, we don't know enough about it, or B, we refuse to accept what we do know.

Many so-called miracles have been proved to be either fabrications, or explainable by other means. The Catholic church has a rigorous method of verification before calling anything a miracle today. Healings require complete medical documentation, testimony of patients, families, doctors, etc. Most televangelists don't require anything but the testimony of the supposed patient.

I'm not disputing the intervention of deity; I happen to believe myself. Still, I prefer to rule out any possible natural cause for any phenomena prior to classifying something a miracle or supernatural event.

Years ago, a magician who could predict an eclipse could step outside, say some magic words and cause the moon to eat the sun. He was filled with great magic. Today, we recognize that Science tells a much more accurate story, and the magician, while not having been (back then) a complete fraudster (as he posessed arcane knowledge), was simply using his greater knowledge. That's what science is about.

In the end, knowledge doesn't destroy faith. It shows true miracles to be more special and less mundane. People grow tired of hundreds of people throwing away crutches and wheel-chairs that they never needed. Fraudsters have mental or other patients throwing out their medications only to be hospitalized afterward. The belief of "miracles on demand" as if deity were some cosmic vending machine is dangerous.

2007-01-06 14:33:30 · answer #2 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 0 0

"How come people like atheist or another religion need scientific proof for everything."

Science can be depended on. BTW: Atheism is not a religion.

"As we all know, math, science, or logic CANNOT explain everything"

Why not?

"Are some people born with a lack of faith, hope, and optimism or are they just molded on what they have grown up to believe by thier enviornment, mainly parents?"

We're all born with the lack of belief in gods. Faith in myths (theism) is put into the minds of several million children.

"What happened to believeing in somehting, having faith, having hope that one day you will go to Heaven and be explained all the questions unanswered about the world."

Heaven has no evidence of existing. Why believe in it? Do YOU believe in unicorns? Why not just have faith in unicorns? ... faith is a non-thinking process that is believing without any evidence.

In any case, even if Heaven were to exist I wouldn't want to go there. I want no part in living forever as a happy drone freak thank you very much.

2007-01-06 14:25:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you really and truely beleive that 2 human beings died and were raised again from the dead after the 5 minutes allowed for oxygen deprivation? And do you really & truely beleive that just because those 2 fells died and were (supposedly) raised again, you are going to do the same?

So why havent all the other dead believers over the last 2000 years crawled up out of their graves, or reformed after being cremated, and been "raised from the dead". HAve you seen any? Have you read about any in the history books? Neither have I.

Since only 2 men, only 2 - out of billions and billions of people who have lived and died on this planet - were raised from the dead, dont you think the evidence kind of does NOT support that belief?

So if thats a lie, then probably the rest of it is as well.

2007-01-06 16:36:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to be an atheist, then I was agnostic and now I'm a Christian. I can't speak on behalf of all atheist, agnostics etc. I can tell you that for me personally, when I followed the thread of logic of 'how' and 'why' it became clear that science had no answers. That's when I realized THAT was the 'proof' I needed! In faith, there are supposed to be things that are unexplained, things that are beyond the scope of our logic. I began to research the Bible, and it became clear to me that God meant for us to not know everything.
As for the rest, I think humans have always desired an explanation for everything. To some, faith is not a satisfactory explanation. They want knowledge.

2007-01-06 14:30:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Given time, science can explain anything that is real.

Most of the things you listed are really just the product of human imagination. It is funny how "miraicals" suddenly don't work in a controlled environment. Humans are pre-wired to see patterns in everything. If you think you see a big cat under the tree and you avoid the tree, you live rather the cat was there or not. So the result is that we see patterns where they don't exist.

2007-01-06 14:25:04 · answer #6 · answered by Alex 6 · 1 0

Long live Santa Claus, or don't you believe in that anymore.

Atheist means you don't believe in a religion, it is not a matter of faith. I believe in lots of things, some of them have been proven wrong and I've had to adjust my beliefs.

Pessimism is a good belief system, currently I believe I am alive and someday will die. After that as a pessimist, if something nice happens I'll be pleasantly surprised.

2007-01-06 14:24:47 · answer #7 · answered by Old guy 124 6 · 0 0

It can't explain it YET. That doesn't mean science won't ever be able to explain it. Are you really dumb enough to think that science knows everything it will ever know?

If someone hadn't had the courage in the past to rely on that wonderful science, you would not have the computer you're typing on right now.

Scientists have the courage to question and continue to question until they get a provable factual answer. Unlike the religious.

2007-01-06 14:22:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jesus is the Messiah in Islam, the Mahdi would be putting issues up for Jesus' return and reign. Messiah comes from a Hebrew word and has an identical word in Arabic, Missah it skill annointed one, incredibly all the prophets have been annointed a minimum of with the aid of God, if not actually like David, yet this call of being the Annointed one is Jesus's. Messiah additionally has different meanings in Arabic, one is to cleanse/purify and it is obvious from the Bible he got here to marvelous/ purify the religion of the Jews, and Jesus will come back and marvelous/ purify the Christians and stop them from worshipping him, alongside with everybody else and he will unite human beings under the worship of one God and in residing in submission to the elect of God. His venture became positioned on carry whilst the Jews tried to kill him, whilst he comes back he will finished his venture totally.

2016-10-30 05:10:41 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Phenomenons, miracles, and the totally unexplainable don't necessarily need a God behind them. The word "atheist" means "without God", not "without belief in anything that hasn't been scientifically proven". Though many do feel that way, others believe in forces that do not include any gods.

2007-01-06 14:20:47 · answer #10 · answered by angk 6 · 3 0

Just because science is not capable of 'explaining' everything, that does not mean that a bunch of made up fairy tales do.

For me it is a question of what am I really after? If you want the truth and not just a bunch of pre-fabricated beliefs, you start with science - understand what it is and learn as much about it as possible. Then you learn its limitations and work from there.

2007-01-06 14:22:53 · answer #11 · answered by mullah robertson 4 · 2 0

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