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Why does the Bible oppose homosexuality?
I am straight, but never CHOSE my sexuality and gay people whom I know have told me that they don't either. So, one must assume we are 'given' our sexualities by some other source. So, from a Christian standpoint, why does God disapprove of the people he created?
p.s. A Bible quote isn't an explanation.

2007-01-06 14:16:46 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

A lot of people have alluded to the fact that 'because God says so' is a satisfactory answer, but I want to know WHY he says so, WHY is he is against something that he is supposed to have created.

2007-01-06 14:23:27 · update #1

47 answers

God does not disapprove of His creation for starts.

God disapproves of all sin, not just one

2007-01-06 14:20:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Hi, Bible thumping reactionist/extremist/zealot here.

Why do you ask a question and then define the way in which it must be answered? Do you want the answer or don't you?

1) The Bible opposes homosexuality because God intended for sex to be between two married people, a male and a female. How do I know that? Because the Bible says it, and the Bible is what we (as Christians, to whom you addressed your question) hold to be the ultimate truth, without error and without contradiction.

2) You are half right. You did not choose to be straight, because God created everyone straight. Your gay friends, though they may believe that they did not choose to be gay, choose to pervert what God intended for sex every time they practice homosexuality. That is my belief, and you will not change it, just as I will not change your belief of the opposite. (I will still pray for you, though)

3) God does not disapprove of the people He created, He only disapproves of the things that they do. We all have sinned. My sins are no greater or lesser than the sins of any homosexual, and that is why we ALL need Jesus.

Hope that helps

God Bless

2007-01-06 14:29:01 · answer #2 · answered by I'll Try 3 · 3 0

God does not disapprove of his people he disapproves of their behavior like so many on here have stated and that is why Homosexuality is wrong. God is our Father and he has set down rules that we are supposed to follow in order to return to him. He has told us the rules and the rewards that go with them. He has also told us the consequences to disobedience of those rules.

Do you not set rules with rewards and consequences for your children? Do YOU disapprove of your children when they disobey or only because you have to punish them? Or do you just allow your children to do whatever they want no matter what they do with NO CONSEQUENCES?

You have to remember Sodom and Gommorah, God must have been very sad about the behavior of the people and and then the punishment he was about to deal out to them.

For those that say that people are born Gay, all they are doing is trying to prove that there must be a GAY GENE. Here is an article about that. People MAY FEEL that they are born gay and therefore God and EVERYBODY ELSE HAS TO ACCEPT THEM BECAUSE GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY. We may accept the people but we don't have to accept the behavior.

The "gay gene" theory which was discredited by 1999. Even the Globe reported in a major article on Sunday, February 7, 1999, under the headline, "The Fading Gay Gene," that "The [gay] gene still has not been found, and interest in - and enthusiasm for, the 'gay gene' research has waned among activists and scientists alike. And there is a growing consensus that sexual orientation is much more complicated than a matter of genes."

In fact, much or most of the research is going the other way. The psychiatrist who was responsible for removing homosexuality from the disordered list of the American Psychiatric Society in 1973, Dr. Robert Spitzer, Chief of Biometric Research and Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, has done studies which show that some homosexuals can and do change. "Like most psychiatrists," he says, "I thought that homosexual behavior could only be resisted and that no one could really change their orientation. I now believe that to be false. Some people can and do change."

How was that? No Bible references.

2007-01-06 15:33:21 · answer #3 · answered by trollwzrd 3 · 1 0

Sexuality and sexual preferences are actually a choice. If it were not so every woman no matter how old or ugly would attract every man and vice versa.

Leviticus 20:13 Was Moses right and did he speak for the creator.

Romans 1 Did Paul speak for the creator of all things

2Peter 2 Did Peter speak for the creator of all things.

Did any of these people even know the creator of all things and did they have any contact with this creator.

I guess you have to decide for yourself.
Consider Romans 1:27 last part.

2007-01-06 15:24:06 · answer #4 · answered by Bullfrog21 6 · 0 0

God has power to claim people in the womb of their mother to live a rightous life and the devil does that too. Since Adam and Eve sinned it was like satan bought us but when Jesus died for us on the cross we can do God's will only if we want. When someone was gay very little and he grows and hear the gospel/read the bible he/she should change her/his way and live the life of christ. Saying you were born that way is really not an excuse because God didn't create you that way. Satan rules over the world. We need to make an effort to do God will but if we think that God is responsible when in fact we know the story of adam and eve we will end up in HELLLLLLLLL. Here is a good verse.
1john 5:19-- 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

2007-01-06 14:24:31 · answer #5 · answered by Jesus loves you 1 · 5 0

Man has been passing The Blame ever since The Garden of Eden. When Satan tempted the two people God loved, Adam and Eve.
Ever since, man has continued to blame. A boy steals, his parents are to blame. A person is murdered, his environment is to blame. Someone cheats, the system is to blame. Whats even worse, man'keeps asking, " How can a good and loving God allow so much suffering in the world?"
Human nature has been flawed because of Satan's influence. The beginning of all the pain and suffering in the world started with one act of disobedience. We all have inherited the consequences, our polluted environment and flawed human nature. We all have wittnessed the progression of " the father of lies " down through the centuries. He was behind each and every major crisis of faith and obedience and he still deceives gullible men and women of every age. One crisis followed another throughout human history.

Some say that the sexual revolution is slowing down. People are seeing the ravages of Aids and adjusting their lifestyles. Sexual immorality has always been a cause of death, judgment, and Hell. Aids has clearly reminded our society of that, but the reality is not limited to Aids.
The gift of sex is misused with reckless disregard for the consequences. What was meant by God to be beautiful within the bounds of marriage is degraded in everything from advertisements for perfume to comic strips.
A loving God ordained monogamous marriage and the sanctity of what we call traditional family. Within the bounds of marriage, sex is a gift of God, but when it is misused the possibilities are frightening.

Most gay people often claim that their life-style is a result of their genes, but after several scientific studies, genetic, hormonal, and body-build hypotheses clearly discredits their claim. The general consensus among researchers and psychologists is that it is a " learned behaviour ", it is the result of a learning process and a choice.
The fact that homosexuality is a choice and not a disease, as some claim it is, can be seen in God's Old Testament. When the Israelities mingled with pagan people, they frequently chose to accept the cultural practices of these people in spite of their religious heritage. God did not consider such an adaptation to be a sickness but condemned it as sin, because it was at variance with His revealed will and Holiness. Another prime example can be seen in the story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. No place in the story passages do we find God condoning the mob's actions or forgiving them because " they could'nt help it '. Instead, these men chose to participate in homosexual acts and as a result God destroyed the cities for their wickedness.
In the same way, today's homosexuals also makes a choice. Sometimes this choice is made very early in life -and often before the person really understands the evil nature of this practice. Nevertheless, a choice is made to learn and practice homosexuality.
While the Bible offers hope of change to the practicing homosexual, it condemns the practice. Divine opinion is absolute -and what was applicable to those living in the first century is still pertinent today. Bibical truth cannot be set aside in favor of relevancy to a changing society.

To make it short, God does not " Hate " homosexuals, He hates their sexual perversion. Homosexuals have violated God's laws regarding His gift of sex He gave to His created beings, " Male and Female ". Just as rape, incest, premarital-sex, adultry are sins in God's eyes, so is practicing homosexual acts, and these abound today because man has rejected God and His perfect-will.

2007-01-06 16:49:02 · answer #6 · answered by trieghtonhere 4 · 0 0

Many homosexuals believe they did not "choose" their sexuality, but in all actuality, their mind is clouded and they do not know that this is a choice they have made. They've made it subconsciously. But according to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, just as lying, cheating, etc. are sins. All sins are equal in God's eyes, no sin is worse than any other. Any homosexual can repent and ask God for his forgiveness, and they will receive it if they make a choice to turn their lives around. Counseling can work wonders here. All sinners will be held accountable to their Father if they do not repent. Remember that.

2007-01-06 14:26:49 · answer #7 · answered by indiesky 3 · 4 0

God cannot accept sin.
sin is something which hurts us and Him at the same time.

homosexuality in men is extremely dangerous.
it is the route to disease and death.

God is a loving Father and does NOT lay down the law. otherwise He could simply strike the offending party down.
I feel that He simply wants a more healthy lifestyle.

the actual answer could be written in a book, it is that complex. it is to do with what is the driving force in a person's life. people who take drugs do so bcos they like the feeling they get. people who drink do so bcos they like the feeling it gives them.

personally, i think it is an attempt by demonic forces to destroy the individual. this leaves me with a moral dilemma over whether it is less of a sin to be a lesbian. i think the distinction lies purely with the risks involved and the spread of disease which of course is prevalent in most forms of sexual immorality between individuals.

i do not condemn homosexuals nor would i dream of persecuting them in any way but i do genuinely fear for their safety.

i still think tho that there are a lot worse things a person can do.

2007-01-06 14:44:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are being ridiculous. You asked why God, and ruled out quoting from the Bible. It is just the same as asking a question that we must answer in English language but telling us do not use English words or words from the English Dictionary.

2007-01-06 14:38:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not Christian, but I suspect I know why.
You reasoned that you didn't choose your sexuality, so neither did homosexuals. I believe that is the premise they differ on. Most Christians who disapprove of homosexuality (and not all do) see it as a choice, you either love god who created you to be heterosexual or you fall into the trappings of the devil!

2007-01-06 14:32:24 · answer #10 · answered by mrtryitall 2 · 0 0

Puberty is a clean slate, neither heterosexual nor homosexual.
Whoever gets to you first is how you will tend to be. God forbids sex before marriage. Any type of sex. If no one has gotten to you first, your biology and logic would cause you to marry the oposite sex, and, after that, no one would feel that homosexuality was anything but a free choice, yes or no. The problem comes from those who were "gotten to" so early that they think they were born that way. And heterosexuals who refuse to admit they too could have gone either way exacerbate the problem by pretending they were born heterosexual.

2007-01-06 14:32:40 · answer #11 · answered by Emmaean 5 · 1 0

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