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I know when my baby is born I'll smack her, My father did NOT ever smack me and my ignorant step mother jumped on my mother when ever she smacked me or my sisters. I know if they would have smacked us more we probably wouldn't be like we are now. We are a living proof "positive" discipline RARELY WORKS. So all you people whining about how wrong it is to not smack kids. ASK ALL THOSE THE TEEN PARENTS LIKE ME AND THE KIDS THAT KILL ONE ANOTHER AND FAMILY MEMBERS AND SEE WHAT YOU GET.

I thank my mama for smacking me because I would be in a worser sitution then I already am.


2007-01-06 14:00:57 · 23 answers · asked by 13 year old girl 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

It isn't child abuse. It's child abuse to not smack a kid. By doing that your asking for trouble. Their is a difference between discipline and child abuse hun. Go learn it.

2007-01-06 14:04:12 · update #1

Amen cuten.

2007-01-06 14:05:10 · update #2

my marine we did use one.

Funny how people who say it's child abuse can't prove it.-_-

2007-01-06 14:06:23 · update #3

No I did not feel loved by anyone except my mother and sisters who I rarely got to see.
So I went looking for that loves in a mans arms.

2007-01-06 15:00:16 · update #4

No I did not feel loved by anyone except my mother and sisters who I rarely got to see.
So I went looking for that loves in a mans arms.

2007-01-06 15:00:27 · update #5

No not hit my infant. And bibliobethica or whatever insulting won't solve anything. I wish I would pull something crazy with my mama. She would have split my back in two.

2007-01-07 09:57:30 · update #6

When a child turns 2 they are old enough to know right from wrong. The only "spankings" I'm talking about is one smack on the hand.

2007-01-07 09:58:27 · update #7

23 answers

People claim that spanking is child abuse, then turn around and tell their child to stand in the corner. I don't know about you, but if someone made me stand in the corner all alone and be separated from everyone because I was bad, I would feel like s***. How degrading is that? Putting your child in the corner? Or these parents who say "get down in their face and tell them no". I find that WAY more disrespectful then a spanking.

People need to spank their kids. There's not a good excuse out there not to.

2007-01-06 14:09:11 · answer #1 · answered by CelebrateMeHome 6 · 6 5

. The situation you are in can not get any worse. You are a troubled child who needs caring guidance. You are not 'messed' up because they didn't smack you. You are messed up because no one took the time to treat you like a decent human being.
A child should be taught through actions and words. When you were a child, did you feel loved? Was every effort made to make sure you were provided for emotionally and physically. Did your parents show you the way by acting like people who were in control and yet were honest and apologized when they were wrong. By being in control, I mean not using physical or emotional violence to solve a situation. If your parents use alcohol to cope with the stresses of life, then they are misguiding you. How can someone parent when they're drunk or stoned half the time. If all of that is irrelavent and your parents do not use substances to 'enhance' their life than there are other situations that lead a child astray. In today's society, it is the norm to have two people working to support a family. How can a child grow up healthy when they are being passed around 5-7 days a week.
Children get their self-worth, self-confidence primarily from their parents. If a child is ignored, absent from the parents too often, or are treated no better than the family dog in terms of time and attention then the child will seek love from elsewhere. After all, gettting attention from a 16 year old boy feels good in the place of loving parents for someone who doesn't know better.
Put yourself in the situation of a young child getting hit by their parent. As a child, the response makes no sense. A parent is someone who is suppose to protect them and love them. The act is so contradictory to what a parent should be. There are many developmental stages for a young child. You can't hit a child who has spilled milk all over the table and floor because a child of 2-3 can not predict what will happen if they push the glass. They do not realize that it will make a big mess so hitting a child will not have the desired effect of discipline. You will only manage to steal their self worth and deminish them. Slapping a child for crying too much makes no sense. A child who cries is one who is in distress. It is your job to understand the problem and help the child to sort out their emotions. Children can not articulate their problems in words so sometimes they act out. A good parent, again, would realize this and calmly solve or figure out the problem.
How about giving me an intellegent response to my arguement! Your opinions and ideas about parenting have come from a troubled, disfunctional family. Do not follow their lead!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-06 14:52:29 · answer #2 · answered by louraleigh m 2 · 1 2

To all you idiots out there who dont believe in spanking, take the wool off from over your eyes!!! I have been a foster parent for more than five years and have fostered over 22 children. These children are complete spoiled, self centered little shits. Not because they are going through problems like caseworkers and therapists would like to believe but because they cannot be spanked and they know this.They take advantage of it. Our biological children on the other hand know better and will not dare acts like idiots because they will know whats coming. The states have very much to blame. They dont know where to draw the line between abuse and spanking and will overexaggerate pulling kids left and right out of their homes and leaving parents scared that if they discipline their kids, their kids will be taken away. This sucks. That is why the world keeps getting worse. Most of these foster children would not even act this stupid with their bio parents because they knew there was discipline. Well, whatever, but for those parents that dont believe in spanking or the occasional smack, good luck when your kids hit YOU or possibly murder you when they are older. They will have no respect for you whatsoever.

2007-01-06 18:38:51 · answer #3 · answered by Blue 4 · 3 2

at 13 what do you know? I hope someone calls CPS on you because child abuse is provable. Smacking a baby? are you an idiot!? I hope you rot in hell - because with children like you coming up in the world, and having children as soon as you start puberty, and spend the rest of your pitiful existence on welfare...us hard working normal people wont even have social security to rely on when we retire. Then you bring a poor little soul into this world, and they don't stand a chance in life except to follow in your footsteps. Its a vicious cycle of life that you've created for this child. and then you have a 16 year old boyfriend that is the father, and they arent going to stick around. So now you have a child thats not going to have a father, and will only have a retarded mother to look to for guidance.

and what kind of role model can you be for this baby? thats right, you can't be.

you make me sick, and i hope reporting you will get you booted off this site because you ask the same questions over and over, and then answer questions that you have no idea what in the world youre talking about.

Have a nice life, and I hope you treat that poor little baby like a human being instead of a play doll. Or at least CPS will step in and take the baby from you.

2007-01-06 16:00:55 · answer #4 · answered by purelce 2 · 1 2

it sounds like daddy wasn't there for u . Ur stepmother only intervened to save u from abuse if u teach a child "smacks" as you were taught how come you are in what you call "go thru all this"life you are wrong most teenagers sixteen fift are not taught to treat a baby most do not have anyone who even cares if the child is born or not it is the parents fault u came out like this you should just give the baby a better do not hit the baby look at your hand compared to that babys and ur sick girl god it really is bad for teenagers

2007-01-06 14:22:46 · answer #5 · answered by sunshine 5 · 0 1

The "trick" is this: while kids are rather small and basically pre-verbal, you can't explain anything to them. That comes a bit later. Up until they are perhaps 5 or so, a meaningful swat on the butt is necessary to get their $#@! ATTENTION, heh heh! They're just not housebroken yet; its important to make sure that when they reach that threshold of understanding, they'll believe you when you require them to do as you say. You have to establish boundaries and while they are still little monsters, that means a few spankings. Would you spank them to keep them from touching a hot stove? Sure you would. BE the adult and think in those specific terms.
Its not at all easy, but we ARE animals of a sort and if a parent doesn't get their "fix" in early, they can't get it later, after the kid has essentially become an independent person. If you spank them just enough early on, you won't HAVE to do so later, when its more damaging and leads to resentment rather than benefit.
If you sit and read to them, you not only lead them into the important world of books; you create a bond that makes them respect you on an vital level when hard moments come up. That's your best and most important tool: making them trust your guidance, even when they're mad... especially when they are mad!;) Is it hard to do? You bet it is! But if you can manage it, things will be better for them AND you as they get older.
Spanking is not abuse; its instruction during those very few years before they come to grips with words. Its only abusive if you go at it wildly when you are angry or use it as your first choice in dealing with them. Don't be foolish and gooey about it; they need it! Simply try to find a balance between 3 meaningful swats to the butt and then talking to them until the need to spank them fades over time, as it should. "Balance" can mean different things in different families, but if you make it a goal, your chances of having things work better over time are pretty good.
Think of it like this: if they turn about 5 and stop arguing with you (more often than not, anyway) when you say "It really needs to be THIS way" over an issue, you're well on your way to having a decent kid and earning a major merit badge as a parent.

2007-01-06 14:40:21 · answer #6 · answered by gamerathon 3 · 3 2

First of all, smacking a child is abuse. However, I see nothing wrong with spanking a child. The bible says"Spare the rod, Spoil the child." For those that don't understand, If you use whatever you spank with for decorations only, that child will be spoiled and out of control. My kids get spankings. I bet you won't see any of mine throwing a temper tantrum because I tell them no they can't have something. I can grocery shop in peace without hearing screaming. My kids are disciplined and have alot of home training. I spanked my on in a supermarket and this lady tried to scold me. I told her if she would spank hers, he would be over there breaking everuy glass on the aisle. She had to pay for $50 worth of broken merchandise. I'm not an abuser. I believe in discipline and home training. My kids are spoiled but they know that "no means no"!

2007-01-06 14:26:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Since you're still an immature child yourself, I can see why you are so ignorant. There are mature teen mothers that educate themselves to the best way to parent. Parents that don't smack their kids are smart and educated about the effective ways to discipline. Here's a link that you should look at if you really want to do what's best for your children. Did you really have your first baby at 11 and the second at 13??????

2007-01-07 07:21:32 · answer #8 · answered by bibliobethica 4 · 0 2

I was a mommy at 18. It wasn't due to not being spanked, it was due to me being living on my own. you would be in a worser situation than you are now? Don't you mean worse? What could be worse than being 13 and pregnant; 13 pregnant and HIV positive maybe?

2007-01-06 14:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Now a days, people are scared that someone will see them whooping their kids and report them. Some people who's parents took the whooping to far (it actually turned into beating) make an early decision not to whoop their kids. And then there are some parents that want the "new style" of punishments. But hey i'm with u, i'm gonna whoop my kids

2007-01-06 14:06:37 · answer #10 · answered by betgirl08 2 · 7 2

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