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Since you believe what the bible says about our origins is the truth. That we were created seperately from all other life. Math clearly shows that 2+2=4 and Science clearly shows that all life, including humans, evolved through natural selection on this planet.

To put it another way, where is the logic in religion? Science and Math shows us what IS true, religion is what people WANT to be true. It just "feels" right to believe what a book tells us. It doesn't feel right that we evolved from simple organisms.

Evolution is better science than Genesis.

2007-01-06 13:28:13 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Remember what science is, it's a tool, we humans use to uncover the mysteries of the universe. It's not perfect but it's a self-correcting enterprise that at it's heart the search for the truth.

2007-01-06 13:34:20 · update #1

If you don't understand the question, then you are under the influence of the mind virus of religion. You are unable to see the logic in the question.

2007-01-06 13:36:37 · update #2

Evolution is happening right now. Only because humans life short lives, we can't see it.

2007-01-06 13:38:54 · update #3

Don't forget the proals!

2007-01-06 13:41:34 · update #4

45 answers

Irrelavent. It does not say that. Science clearly shows what you want it to show. There is more then the book. There are thousands of years of tradition. So you believe in evolution. I will believe in Genesis. It does not bother me. Why does it bother you so much?

2007-01-06 13:30:43 · answer #1 · answered by Jimfix 5 · 5 2

What the Bible says is truth therefore it would not say that 2+2=4. Secondly, evolution is happening all around us and no where in the Bible does it say that it doesn't happen mainly because once again the Bible only speaks truth. However this idea that all of creation and the universe "just happened" and that all living things on the face of the planet came from single-celled organisms that "just happened" seems a little more far feched than admitting there is a creator. Thirdly, if we all did come from single-celled organisms that "just happened" than why are people the only anything on the face of this planet that can do anything we do. Do you see any other animals making technology or typing some messege on a computer or do they have anything that we have. Clearly a Creator had to be involved. Evolution is different, animals, plants, people do change and become different over many generations; but a Creator is involved.

2007-01-06 13:45:54 · answer #2 · answered by fire_fall_now 2 · 1 1

You ask this question based on Math. Math is theoretically non existent because it is society and those who call themselves intelectual who have decided that 2 is 2 and not 3. Therefore if God would say that 2 + 2=5 I would believe him.

Talking about mathematics and human error solve the next question. There was once 3 men who entered a Hotel where they were charged $30. Each man payed $10. Minutes later a the manager remembered there was no cold water and therefore gave $5 to an employee for him to take them to the 3 men. This man had helped the 3 men with their luggage on the way to the room. As he remembered that they had not given him a tip for his services he decided to give $1 to each of the 3 men, and kept $2. If they all got $1 back therefore they paid $9 each. If u multiply $9 x 3 (for each man) then u get $27. If u add the $2 that the employee kept. You have $29 and $1 has been lost. Is this mathematically correct???

As you see Mathematics are not perfect. God and his organization are the only perfect beings. Therefore we must put our confidence in God and not the human toughts which are imperfect and in no comparison to God's Knowledge.

Hope this answers your question. If it doesn't, it is maybe because you have decided to be stubborn and stay with your philosophy, and only put this question to make a statement about your believes and confuse other people. I wish this site would be used to find answers to real problems and not to distortion people's believe. I did feel my believes where attacked by this question and therefore had to defend myself.

I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors

2007-01-06 13:46:03 · answer #3 · answered by wiseob3oo 3 · 1 1

Your question is foolish and redundant. God created all laws, including the laws of mathematics. True science verifies the account of Special Creation as recorded in Genesis, not the hypothesis of evolution. Even evolutionary scientists admit there is no scientific proof for evolution and that it's all based on assumptions, conjecture and their own personal bias. It is impossible to evolve through natural selection because natural selection is a process which weeds out mutations, and evolution simultaneously argues that mutation was part of evolution. Evolution also has no explanation for the fact that no fossils have ever been found beneath the so called Cambrian Layer -supposedly the oldest layer, according to evolutionary geological charts, and evolutionists are compelled to admit that life suddenly appeared on Earth, in all of its complexities. The hypothesis of evolution contradicts and violates the laws of biogenesis -just to name one science.The laws of biogenesis state that life comes from life and can not come from non-life. I guess you better go back to the drawing board and start again
Evolution is happening today? Where, when? Your precious hypothesis of evolution contains more holes than Swiss Cheese. There is nothing on earth that has evolved or is evolving from one "kind" into a completely different "kind". When your dog starts to meow you might have an arguement. The word science literally means knowledge -or it did until evolutionists twisted it to mean something else in the late 1800s. True science uses observation and experimentation to prove a hypothesis. Since none of us was here when everything began this is quite impossible. The arguement between creation and the hypothesis of evolution is not an arguement about evidence, it's an arguement about the interpretation of the evidence

2007-01-06 13:40:08 · answer #4 · answered by utuseclocal483 5 · 0 1

This idiot on YouTube says he would accept that 2+2=5 if he found it written in the bible.


Why does this not surprise me? Religious people refuse to accept any science which conflicts with their crazy supernatural mumbo jumbo don't they. They prefer silly creationism to proven natural selection. Then they force their mindless drivel on poor unsuspecting children unfortunate enough to born into their crazy households.

The bible has no evidence to support its ridiculous stories. Bush's don't talk. Neither do snakes. Jesus didn't walk on water. He smoked too much ganja. Moses never rode a camel. The animals were domesticated much later on. Noahs Ark animals would have died out as 100 specimens MINIMUM are required to avoid catastrophic inbreeding. Adam and Eves descendants would have been too inbred to walk after a few generations.


2015-01-16 13:51:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible makes much more sense to me than man's theories and calculations. Man can't even accurately predict the weather from day to day. He might be close some of the time. But he can't be counted on to get it right all of the time. God on the other hand created man and the heavens and the weather. God tells us in His book who He is and what He expects of us. He has these beautiful set of laws for our happiness. Which one of the ten commandments would you remove. A man or woman who puts there own ideas about science and math over God's ideas will answer to God. 2 + 2 can miraculously turn into thousands if God wills it. Believe it! It is so easy to believe that God created me. For me it is impossible to believe that I evolved from an ape. Apes are still apes. Men are men. And God is God. When I die I do not want to talk to a scientist, atheist, mathematician nor read their books. Only the Bible gives me the Truth I need both to live and to die.

2007-01-06 13:42:56 · answer #6 · answered by cathyhewed1946 4 · 1 1

What is funny is that evolution can only be called a theory because scientist know that they can exactly pin point facts or dates but try to come close. One day scientist say the earth is 3 million years old. The next year they say its 4 million years old.

There is a lot of logic in the bible but the bible says something very interesting.

It says the the wisdom of God will be as foolishness to nonbelievers. Well you obviously dont believe. And you obviously think the bible is foolishness.

It also says the spiritual things are picked up by people living a spiritual life in tune to God. If you have to connection to God then of course you will be blind to the 'logic' and 'reason' of the bible.

And if the bible is so dumb then how come most of the laws of civilized stable and successful nations originate from the moral codes set forth in the old testament regarding how you treat your fellow man.

Atheist are so arrogant and their arrogances will be their downfall

2007-01-06 13:38:51 · answer #7 · answered by h nitrogen 5 · 1 1

Actually the Bible does state in two different places in the Old Testament that pi, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is three, not 3.14159265....

The Bible was the best that the ignorant people of ancient times could do, but it certainly is not to be relied upon to determine most anything today, especially science, which has surpassed the Bible in all respects.

Some people might say you are attempting to discredit religion, but religion is what discredits religion. Science determines truth by verification. If science makes a mistake, it can be corrected. Unfortunately, religion is stuck with nonsense because otherwise people would realize that it has no absolute truths and they are from men and not a God.

2007-01-06 13:36:05 · answer #8 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 1 3

OK if evolution is real then why aren't any specs evolving right now???

why are babies coming from the mothers womb and not evolving from monkeys??

where did the dust or the goo or whatever come from?

why do scientists say that the earth is a billion years old just to support it??

think about this:everything came from something something never comes from nothing

2007-01-06 13:37:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hey man, that book has all the answers to every question ever asked and that will be asked. It takes a lot of naivety to believe that the people, who thought the world was flat and liked to burn "witches" had the whole origin of life thing figured out. Ignorance is bliss:) "Oh look at me, I'm going to heaven when I die, never mind the fact that I don't follow the rules that my religion so clearly lays out." "Judge not lest the be judged, unless you think they're sinners, then it's ok... to throw rocks and discriminate?"

...What do you mean that's not how it goes?

2007-01-06 13:42:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well first of all the bible does not say that 2+2=5 and science is being hypothetical just like you. science has never 100% proven that life has started this way. Just like the Big Bang Theory. IT'S JUST A THEORY!!! so get your facts straight and it seems like reading the bible would do you some good. if not then to hell you go!!

2007-01-06 13:35:10 · answer #11 · answered by brenkenlyn 3 · 2 1

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