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Couldn't it just be a test?

2007-01-06 08:53:26 · 21 answers · asked by Ragdollfloozie is Pensive! 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Gee thanks god. lol

2007-01-06 09:02:47 · update #1

21 answers

Ultimately, if he created everything--that has to include the bad stuff too. It's the question of evil--why do bad things happen to good people? I've yet to hear an adequate answer that would make me accept a simultaneously all-powerful AND all-loving god.

2007-01-06 08:57:28 · answer #1 · answered by someone 3 · 4 0

Isaiah 45:6-7:

"...I am the LORD and there is none else. I form the light and create darkness. I make peace an create evil. I the LORD do all these things." (KJV)

Job 9:22-23:

"...[God] destroys both the blameless and the wicked. When a scourge brings sudden death, he mocks the despair of the innocent." (i.e. laughs at the suffering of the victim)

Lamentations 3:37-38:

"Who has commanded and it came to pass, unless the Lord has ordained it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and evil come?"

Yahweh has always claimed responsibility for bad things. Humans try to blame it on the devil, a creation of the authors of the New Testament.

Maybe certain people need to read up on Satan. At my source, there are essays on Satan from ancient times and the beginning of the bible to more modern times and the latter part of the bible. Yes, there is a change. There is also a change in God.

2007-01-06 17:01:48 · answer #2 · answered by Wisdom Lies in the Heart 3 · 1 1

I love questions like this...it shows people, however hard they try, can not make intellectual sense of the Bible. This is just one of the things that don't make sense...Here are some others.

1. If God can do anything and he permits evil and distruction, then what does that say of God? That "HE" is evil and cruel?

2. If God can not to everything and is not able to stop evil in the world, then what does that say of God? That "HE" is incompetent?

3. If God allows evil because it is good for us, then are we missing out on God's precious opportunities to increase faith when more of us didn't die in 9/11? Are we missing out on divine faith when we are not suffering tremendously? Maybe we should pray for more suffering if this is the case. Would to God that your entire family wasn't killed in that car accident instead of just your wife. How much more faith you could have now if they had...how much more joy you could have in your life with more death and distruction...stupid, isn't it?

4. If God does not allow evil but Evil is committed by his arch nemisis, i.e. Satan, then is there more than one God therefore proving that "God" is not omnipotent?

Whatever justification religious people give for bad things that happen in our lives, it just isn't rational. Faith makes no sense...believe it because you want to, but it is in no way logical unless God is a cosmic sadist (the most logical of conclusions if one believes in the existance of God.).

The truth is that rain falls on the just and the unjust and the evil that happens in the world does not prove or disprove the existance of God. Good and Evil can not be rationally explained by religion but it can usually be explained by history and science.

2007-01-06 17:30:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ever hear of Joseph or Job? Joseph was able to say that what his brothers had meant for evil GOD had intended for good. GOD isn't evil, though, but as in Job's case, GOD may permit evil to accomplish good. What greatness over the devil! Unbelievers cruxified Jesus, not knowing that they were unwittingly helping attain salvation for all believers. Why build a new bus to get home if one going that direction is pulling up to a bus stop you're standing next to? Sometimes, though, we must persevere in praying, trusting & doing as GOD desires for good changes to happen. Research what the Bible says about prayer, as the various verses even in the new testament alone paint a nice picture about the matter.

2007-01-06 17:13:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Ha! A tornado rips through a trailer park in Kansas or a hurricane destroys half of New Orleans. There is death and destruction everywhere from nature's asault, power is down, food is scarce, and the survivors are killing each other for looted DVD players.

The media takes a helicopter into the heart of the wreckage to find people, and on camera what's the first thing out of their mouth?

"Thank God we survived!" or "God was watching out for US!"

Where do you think the hurricane came from in the first place? Maybe God is sitting in his recliner, watching TV and thinking, "Me dammit! I missed some of those bastards!"

2007-01-06 17:00:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The bad things that happen in our lives are the result of our own free will or someone elses. The Bible says that God doesn't give Tests.

God Bless!

2007-01-06 16:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

As a matter of fact i believe God is the cause for all things good AND bad! he only puts bad things in our lives so that we can value the good things... Now there are two different bads here; the bads that we do and the bads that are bound to happen eg. we can commit sins and tht is bad, here satan is responsible by persuaing us.. but the death of a relative from cancer has nothing to do with satan!!

2007-01-06 17:11:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares theLord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
-- Jeremiah 29:11

I'm a firm believer that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Some times we have no control over what happens to us but we can control how we react to things.

The letter of James says it best in his opening statements. Chap 1
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

I know it sounds ridiculous to jump up and down and say, "Yea. I'm going through hard times". But, just know that even when hard times come our way, God is using these things to teach us to trust Him and depend on Him.

Keep looking to Jesus for hope and faith and and help.

Luke 21.19
By perserverence you will obtain your souls.

Hope that helps some

Jesus Loves You

2007-01-06 17:04:29 · answer #8 · answered by revshankumc 2 · 1 1

God have made the perfects laws in the Creation, because He is perfect.
Human being are learning how to respect the laws of God and they make mistakes.
Soon or later the human being must take the right direction .

2007-01-06 17:24:19 · answer #9 · answered by wellcome 3 · 0 2

Not all Christians have that mentality. I wholly accept that God allows bad things to happen to me. Maybe it's a test, maybe He's trying to teach me something, maybe He's trying to break my dependence on a certain thing. There are many reasons why things happen that we think are bad.

2007-01-06 16:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by cirque de lune 6 · 2 1

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