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Christians claim that being homosexual is wrong because it says so in the bible (by the way, it doesn't). Yet their whole religion is based on a sin. We are supposed live by the Ten Commandments and the first commandment is "Thou shall not worship false idols" Yet all Christian religions worhip Jesus Christ and his likeness is at the head of every church. Funny the only recorded manifastation of God on Earth was as a burning bush.

So if you go to Church and pay homage to Jesus and worship in his image, how can you defend yourselves as not having sinned by disobeying God's first commandment. You worship from a book created in the sixth century from poor translations of older texts and whose ideas reflect a period in history that we shouldn't really take pride in. The deciples of Jesus were sent out to spread the word of God, not the worship of Jesus and our religous leaders were never meant to try to usurp power for themselves.

2007-01-06 08:12:56 · 25 answers · asked by rndmacts 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

um ... most folks calling themselves "Christ"ians are in fact Paulists. they follow Paul more often than Jesus. Paul had a problem with homosexuality whereas Jesus apparently said nothing about it at all.

most Christians say that the Old Testament rules no longer apply so they need not follow Hebrew law but they'll site Leviticus when it serves their bigoted agenda against gay folks.

these Paulists do indeed use the cross and the Bible as idols. and not just as idols but as weapons as well.

what's funny is that Jesus seemed to have a particular dislike for hypocrites.

2007-01-06 08:46:18 · answer #1 · answered by nebtet 6 · 0 1

1-It quite clearly says that homosexuality is a sin the Bible (I Timothy 1:8-11) But so is lying, stealing, and many other things.

2- Everyone sins, including Christians. You do not have to be perfect to be a Christian.

3-Worshiping Jesus is not a sin as Jesus is God (John 1)

4-There are many manifestations of God on earth recorded in the Bible other then the burning bush. He hovered over the waters of earth during creation (Genesis 1:2), he walked in the garden of eden (Genesis 3:8), He came to moses in the form of three men (Genesis 18), he came in the form of a man (John 1).

5- Jesus' likeness is not at the head of every church. In many churches you will not find a single, painting, picture, or carving of him

6- it is interesting that such a poor translation continues to be prooven accurate with every new manuscript discovered

7- The word of God is about Jesus, as Jesus is God. As such, the spreading of God's word, by it's very nature would include the worship of Jesus.

8- I (along with most Christians) agree, religious leaders should not gain for themselves power. This is why in most Christian churches, the power resides in the whole congregation, not in the hands of a single man or group of men.

9- In the future, before you start throwing accusations make sure that you actualy know something about what you are accusing.

2007-01-06 09:05:55 · answer #2 · answered by BoranJarami 3 · 0 0

Homosexuality is wrong. Here's one example: Romans 1. Especially verses 26 and 27. If you don't bother to look it up, it therefore will be your fault for stating that sentence ever again. Because it's called lying.

Christ Jesus is the Son of God. God is the Triune God-the Father, Son, and Spirit. I worship God as all three because they are one. If you don't understand this, here's an example: H20 (water) Whether it's ice, steam/vapor, a liquid, in an ocean, or in a river, it's still water, right? Same thing with the Triune God. I hope that helped a bit.

I use the Recovery Version (not sure if you've heard about it) but I know it is excellent. Check out www.recoveryversion.org.

Correct, I do not worship Jesus alone or religious leaders, which is why I don't have a religion and am not Catholic or whatever. I say I am a non-denominational Christian to help people understand. I enjoy Christ, eat Him, enjoy His Word, and many other things. I don't do it as a ritual or practice, therefore I do not have a religion. Also I don't have a minister or pastor, because God never said to have a religious leader or anything; we can all just enjoy Christ as the living tree!
Hope that helped; email me if you have any questions about anything! May the love of Christ be with you and your family.

In Christ,

2007-01-06 09:02:58 · answer #3 · answered by Hannah 3 · 0 0

1) Homosexuality is sexually immoral, and consistently is condemned, both in the Levitical laws and multiple times in the New Testament.

2) Christianity is not based on sin but the redemption from sin and the pursuit of righteousness.

3) The Ten Commandments are a good moral code but following them will not earn you salvation or righteousness. The Ten Commandments merely keep you from the most horrid and common of sins.

4) The First Commandment is "You shall have no other gods before me"

5) Jesus is neither false nor an idol. An idol is something manmade that is worshipped.

6) There are numerous manifestations in the Old Testament, including God wrestling with Jacob and God walking in the Garden of Eden

7) The image of Jesus isn't worshipped, Isaiah records that there is nothing remarkable about his appearance to draw us to him, yet we honor Jesus for bearing our inequities that we may receive God's grace.

8) The oldest known existing manuscript of the New Testament dates back to about 90AD, within sixty years of the death of Christ and presumed to be within the lifetime of the apostle John. Many of the Greek manuscrips date to the second century, and early church fathers in the second century quoted the New Testament manuscrips abundantly. The New Testament is the best recorded document of ancient times and over 20,000 manuscripts have been cataloged, 5,000 of them in the original Greek. To compare it, Tacitus, a Roman historian of the second century, wrote his Annals of Imperial Rome, the first six books exist in only one manuscript dating from the ninth century. Books eleven through sixteen are only found in an eleventh century manuscript. Books seven through ten are totally lost. Concerning Josephus' work The Jewish War, there are nine Greek manuscripts, all of them dating beyond the tenth century. Obviously the New Testament stands extremely well against other documents of its time, and your claim that it wasn't created until the sixth century is obviously ignorant.

9) The disciples did worship Jesus. "When they saw him, they worshiped him" Matthew 28:17

10) You are right! Religious leaders were never meant to usurp power for themselves!

2007-01-06 09:03:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's obvious you haven't read the Bible as it clearly classifies homosexuality as Sexual Immorality and if you went to Bible Study you'd learn that the Old Testament is a history book of how things were before Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross for our sins. The two commandments in the New Testament are how we should live our lives today.

If you confess to God that you are a sinner, and we're all sinners if only for the fact that we inherited Adam and Eve's original sin of eating the forbidden apple, and believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross for your sins, you have a chance of eternal life with God in Heaven.

Of course being a Christian means you should try to be like Christ and Christ was without sin, so you'll probably need to make some other changes in your life.

God Bless

2007-01-06 08:38:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is in the Bible more than once that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination. It also says that this exist, like all things for a purpose.

As Christians we are not suppose to worship any image that includes Jesus. I don't know why mankind has chosen an object of torture and death to honor (the cross) and bow down to the image of mankinds interpretation of the of Jesus.
There is no place or instruction in the Bible that tells us to do so. In Jerimiah it mentions that we are not to cut down trees to worship in any form.

GOD was manifested according to the Bible in many ways. Like the cloud and pillar of fire the lead the Isrealires from Egypt, or the man that Jacob wrestle with all night. HE showed HIMSELF to the Isrealites and they begged HIM to only let Moses see HIM cause they could not take the awesome power of seeing HIM face to face.

Humans are less than perfect and we all know this, so there are most definately going to be some imperfections in how and what we worship as well.
It's all about the spirit, not images or things, but we as people like things we can put our finger on. We must overcome that to reach our true spiritual selves.

2007-01-06 08:45:46 · answer #6 · answered by mythoughts 2 · 0 0

Oh, by the way, it does say homosexuality is a sin in the Bible. It says it's an abomination unto God. And not all Churches have statues of Jesus in them, that's a Catholic thing. I believe every one that goes to these Churches and prays, does so knowing that God is in Heaven, and that they are actually praying TO GOD, not the statue. And you didn't mention it, but we wear Crosses on chains around our necks, not as an "idol" , but as a symbol that we ARE a Christian, and to remind us of what Jesus did for us. We worship from the Bible a book passed down for ages. We don't live by the life of the people in the Bible and
God doesn't expect us to live like we are from the period when Jesus walked the Earth. The Desciples wrote books in the Bible as they saw things, put their emotions, feelings in. Wrote about Jesus and his time on earth.

2007-01-06 08:45:27 · answer #7 · answered by creeklops 5 · 0 0

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I can assure you that we do not bow down before nor worship idols, people or statutes. Like the First Century Christians, we too go out to spread the word of God and not the worship of Jesus, nor angels, nor saints nor anyone or anything else. As for homosexuality, it does say in the Bible at 1 Corinthians 6:9 that "men who lie with men, or men who are kept for unnatural purposes will not inhereit the Kingdom". We as Christians however cannot judge people ourselves. How do we know what is genetic or a personal choice? God is judge and will do the judging. In the meantime we will continue to preach to ALL the inhabited earth.

2007-01-06 08:44:36 · answer #8 · answered by professor grey 2 · 1 0

first off, almost everything you say is wrong. read the Bible before you claim that it is wrong. Jesus is God in the flesh, therefore we worship God. In Leviticus 18:22, it says that lying with a man as if with a woman is an abomination. and if you actually read, you will find more on homosexuality

Yes, they were commanded to spread the word of God. do know why we worship Jesus? because he died so we may live eternally. that is why we worship him and God in church. and i dont know what your last statement means. but we are not disobeying any commandments by worshipping jesus.

please, go to the website i have posted and click on text blogs. there are alot of answers there

2007-01-06 08:31:19 · answer #9 · answered by Bob B 2 · 3 0

By the way, yes, it does state in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. But worshipping Jesus is not, as he is not "a false idol." He is God. Father, Son, Holy Spirit--the holy trinity.

2007-01-07 03:06:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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