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2007-01-06 06:29:46 · 11 answers · asked by Veronica B 1 in Environment

11 answers

I have to answer this one because of the blantant errors someone has put up.

It is the thinning of the ozone layer that was causing the Anteartic Ice Caps to melt, not the thickening of them.

If you bother to check, you will find out that ozone IS oxygen. It is O3 instead of O2, but it is oxygen, in an unstable form. The release of so called greenhouse gasses (old types offreon and others) were working their way to the upper atmosphere and combining with the ozone to make O2 and other gases (which other gasses depends on which type of gas the ozone reacted with.

It will not get "so hot we will die". Not even the most deluded of the "Global Warming" fanatics believe this.

Ozone is not toxic! If it were, then you would have poisioned people around lightening strikes.

The water around the equator will never boil killing all the fish (unless it is in someones dinner pot, of course).

Endangered spicies have been becoming extinct since life first formed on this planet, and long before mankind came on the scene, much less before the Industrial Revoulation and we began to mass dump our waste into the atmosphere.

I can't even read anymore of that foolishness without either laughing or crying.

Some people, usually the uninfomed or the profiteers, like to say that mankind is causing global warming. Of course, all they do is rant about things they have heard without checking their sources, or, god forbid, their facts.

So, lets just look at a few fact.

The use of harmful freon has been restricted since the 80's. The manfacture of harmful freon has been outlawed since the 90. All refrigeration equiptment manfactured since the 90's has had to use environmentaly friendly refrigerants.

The Ozone hole is closeing, probably because of these laws. It is true that before the 80's no one knew of dangers of certain freons to the environment, but once it was discovered, laws were made to restrict and eventually eliminate their use.

One of the main culprits, according to these fanatics is carbon dioxide.

Now, Carbon dixoide is a true greenhouse gas! It tends to let in high energy radiation and prevent the release of low energy radiation (it lets the heat in, but will not let it out).

How much carbon dioxide does man produce. You produce some every time you breathe, but I do not suggest you stop breathing (well, I might for some people).

Automobiles produce carbon dioxide in their exaust.

Some older industrial plants release carbon dioxide.

However, all this is small change when compared to the largest producer of carbon dioxide. That, of course, is the earth.

A medium sized volcano will produce more carbon dioxide than man!

Do you suggest that we outlaw volcanos? Perhaps the EPA can file an injunction against Mother Nature.

Now, one (well, maybe two) more thing before I quit. Check your FACTS before starting to preach. Know what you are talking about and have the facts to back them up. Check the studies being done in Anteartica about the history of global climate (the ice there has remarkable records going back long before man was around), check the levels of the greenhouse gases present against past. Know what you are talking about instead of just spouting doom and gloom. Learn how to use the shift key when spouting off. It makes your sentences easier to read (but they are still funny).

Finally, I got tired of typing all this out again and again, so I made a pat answer to all these rantings. Here it is, I hope you find it amusing:

It was very hot outside today, and I know why. I know exactly what Global Warming is really all about. The thing to remember is that is isn’t so much that the planet is becoming warmer, it is that the planet is becoming less cool. It is the Global Uncoolness.

In 1998 we had the hottest summer in New Orleans on record. What you have to ask yourself is: What event occurred shortly before the heat? I know the answer. Frank Sinatra died and Seinfeld went off the air. See the connection? Two sources of cool, now gone. The result: Global Warming.

According to figures from the Environmental Protection Agency, global temperatures had declined slightly from the year 1900 until the early 1970s, when, according to the EPA, “temperatures rose sharply“ OK, remember, it is not warming, it is uncoolness. In other words, the 1960s was the last non-warm, or “cool” decade. Think about it: at the end of the ‘60s, just as we began to experience the “sharp rise in global temperatures” what happened? The Beatles broke up, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all dies; Cary Grant retired, and Sean Connery decided not to play James Bond anymore. In other words, a lot of really uncool stuff.

So the 1970s featured a sharp rise in uncoolness. Gee, big surprise there! Nixon, Ford, Carter, bellbottoms and disco, we’re really lucky the planet made it through it all. Plus, Elvis Presley died. You see, the more we lose cool people the worse global warming becomes. James Dean, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, Dean Martin, Humphrey Bogart—all once great sources of coolness, now gone. And, what do we have now? Hanson, Fabio, and Barney! The world is less cool now then it has ever been, but scientists are focusing their attentions in the wrong places. Forget the ozone layer and pollution! Scientist should be trying to find a way to keep people like Jack Nicholson alive for a really long time. If it wasn’t for Sean Connery and Jack Nicholson, the world would have exploded after Sinatra died.

Genetic engineers need to find a way to ensure that more cool people keep getting born. The essences of cool needs to be studies. What they need to do is get Vanilla Ice and Jack Nicholson into a lab somewhere. The totally cool and the totally uncool. Of course, I’m pretty sure that if they were in the same room together, it would result in some kind of meteorological condition that would wreak havoc on the world. Actually, I think that is how El Nino started. It was when Sean Connery made that movie with Richard Gere.

They also need to study Marlon Brando. He was like a scale model of the earth (almost actual size). He, like the planet use to be very cool, but then became very uncool. If scientist can find out what made Brando uncool, that might be a start in the right direction.

PS: I just read some great news on one of the answers here.

The golf cost is going to receede! I may be able to play a few more rounds now.

Do you see why I don't take some people seriously. My spelling is bad, but golf cost! Give me a break.

2007-01-06 07:27:33 · answer #1 · answered by Walking Man 6 · 0 0

The earth will burst into a giant fire ball. Then, it will go nuclear like the sun! [~just kidding~] Actually, maybe sea level will rise a little and those rich b@$t@rds with all the ocean-front property will lose out. Us poor dumb$#%t$ will suddenly find ourselves with the high property taxes and insurance rates that the wealthy beach condo owners are now enjoying once our houses become beach-front property. Don't you know that the earth heats and cools in a natural cycle and it would be the height of arrogance to think we should keep the earth the way it is today for our own selfish reasons. Once (10M years ago) the seas were 120 feet higher than now and where I live in central Florida was tropical islands. When early humans arrived and settled in Florida at the end of the last ice-age, the ocean level was about 60 feet lower than now. They find the remains of early villages submerged off shore here. Before there was life on earth the atmosphere consisted mostly of CO2. That was a time and condition when life began. Even with an atmosphere of 80% CO2, the earth was not excessively hot. Now you're worried about 0.0383% CO2 causing problems? Give me a break! I lived through the global cooling scare of the 1970s. About every 30 to 40 years the threat switches from warming to cooling and back to warming and everyone acts like this is the first time we've heard this. You would think people don't read history! The other reason I believe the Global Warming Nazis are wrong is because the CO2 increase LAGS the temperature increase. This means that the CO2 is a result, NOT A CAUSE of warming. The oceans absorb a tremendus amount of CO2 and just like a soft drink, it releases CO2 when heated and absorbs more when cooled. The absorption-desorption of CO2 in the oceans always remains in equilibrium with the atmosphere.

2016-05-22 23:25:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

IF Global warming were real and continued...the climate would continue to warm, species across the world would thrive, then it reach a point of dramatic imbalance, it would cause significant melting of frozen waters across the world, then sometime later there would be a 'rubberband' counterreaction, and where global warming took years to happen, global cooling would occur in a fraction of the time, resulting in a new ice age that could last for centuries and a great number of species would die off. (it is comparatively easy for species' to survive and thrive in heat -look at all the life in the jungles- compared to surviving in extreme cold)

2007-01-06 06:43:09 · answer #3 · answered by Act D 4 · 0 0

Nothing as drastic as the alarmists have been claiming. The earth has been much warmer in its past than it is right now. Hell it was warmer 2500 years ago than right now. From 1400-1850 we were in what has been called a mini ice age(this universally accepted). We may still be coming up from that.

We are very arrogant to assume that we are teh only reason for climate change. Especially since we understand so little about its causes throughout history.We cant accurately predict the weather a week ahead of time how the hell can we put so much weight on predictions for 50 years from now?

2007-01-06 06:38:16 · answer #4 · answered by Mazlow01 2 · 1 0

Well, first the ozone layer would become so thick that the polar ice caps would melt and create floods.

Then the ozone layer might dilute the Earth's atmosphere, which would make a limited supple of oxygen, making it hard to breathe,

then it would be so hot that we might die,

then there would be no more snow,

and then it would come to a point where the water near the equator might actually boil, killing fish.

endangered species would become extinct,

and then the ozone layer might become toxic, which would lead to acid rain.

Then we might all die.

Then eventually the polar ice caps will totally melt, creating massive flood so that there is no land left.

Then the hot acid rain might penetrate the nuclear missiles that were made, which might cause them to explode. After the huge amount of radiation, the acid water might mutate creating a new type of life form.

And then Earth as we know it might be the new home for aliens, and might look like the planet Venus does with toxic gasses.

2007-01-06 06:38:54 · answer #5 · answered by The Ponderer 3 · 0 1

the world of the future will be very different than the world of today. if we knew what is coming we would be horrified and paralyzed, but the world will be full of beauty to those who will be made to live in it. when you are young you look at old people and you don't want to be where they are, even though that's where you are going, and when you get there it's got some compensations. we are disgusted by worms and vermin, even though they are what the future holds for us no matter what we do.
one day soon the skies will no longer be blue; they will be yellow. and the air will be full of gases which we find hard to tolerate now. it will be either very hot or very cold, and the balance of seasons and the annual progression of weather will be very different.
the days of large grazing mammals and their predators are definitely coming to an end. there will be no more cows and buffalo and deer and elk and gazelles and ibex and rhinoceros and lions and tigers and bears.
the future is promised to the meek. the life that is coming will be mostly very small; bacteria, algae. cockroaches will be the biggest animals around. maybe some small mammals will make it, like rats, as long as their breathing mechanism can adapt to the new atmosphere.
many new animals will emerge and evelop in ways that are hard for us to imagine, because there will be so many opportunities to fill in new niches. if humans are still around these new animals will mostly be small diseases. some of them will have been made by us, specifially to prey upon human life. some of them may combine characteristics of the organic and inorganic. nanolife.
the age of green and brown is almost over. the age of trees is at its very end. we are at the beginning of a new age of steel and stone and fire, and the face of the Earth will not be covered in vegetation, but in asphalt and glass and concrete and bundles of wiring. this will make the weather patterns very extreme since there will be no forests to make the breeze soft.
the nature of rain is going to change. instead of being natures cleaning crew, rainclouds are going to be deadly and dirty and most living things will need to adapt effective strategies at staying away from the rain and what it does to what it touches. if humans are going to live in this world, they will want to stay away from wet places like coastal regions and they will go to the dry deserts, like antartica, the gobi, the sonora. the blasting heat of the sun in these places will be softened by the heavy yellow and orange skies.
if this sounds like an ugly world to you, don't worry. it will have its own stunning beauty. but it will be very different from the world we live in now, so try to appreciate blue skies while we still have them, and grass, and trees, and the fruits and vegetables and meats we eat now will definitely not be around in the future, so savor their taste while they are here.

2007-01-06 07:04:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Massive relocation! Florida will be under water. Most of the Golf Cost will recede drastically. New York's Manhattan will be under water. as well as a receding coastal on both oceans.The polar ice caps are melting . We may all be living inland,or in the mountains!

2007-01-06 06:41:47 · answer #7 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 0 0

Fact: Man has nothing to do with the increased global temps that are presently occurring throughout the world.

Fact: Mother nature is preparing herself for another ice age...

2007-01-06 06:35:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What does your book say about it?

2007-01-06 06:31:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

http://fightglobalwarming.com/ http://climatecrisis.com/ you might find them interesting i did

2007-01-06 06:34:16 · answer #10 · answered by cinerella19772 2 · 1 1

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