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If Saddam is a murderer and murdered thousands in Halabja, what about J.W.Bush? What about the 655 thousand Iraqis which have been killed? I'm not a fan of Saddam or any other Arab ruler, they're all a bunch of thieves and mass murderers, but so is Bush, and so is the French when their troops killed a million souls in Algeria. What I can say for Saddam is that what ever his mistakes were, going to war twice with fellow Islamic countries, Iraq during his ruling had strong and was unified, no comparison with the destruction that is happening now there, and don't say it's the Iraqis or it's Iran or any of this non sense, they existed during Saddam's ruling and still Iraq was unified Shia'at and Sunna, if u know what that is, and Iraq had nuclear scientists and was a major Arab power, yes I am an Arab, and we do have problems in our countries but we don't need the marines invading our countries pretending to solve it while the real reason is steeling our resources, ask what happened to 23 billion dollars that were in the Iraqi treasury when the invasion occurred, the current government which non of us REAL Arabs respect or trust by the way receiver only 3 billions. And what happened to politics, isn't the right way to change a regime is to use politics, doesn’t your own government withdrew its claims about nuclear weapons! And why Israel should have nuclear weapons and not Iran or Iraq and north Korea ? So we can't defend our selves against your invasions? I have no compassion for Saddam but I morn the ethics that the Americans murdered by killing a Moslem on the morning of an Islamic Feast, they slaughter sheep u slaughter turkeys, and I sympathize for both, for all the victims of brutality and non compassion and lack of understanding between each other or even bothering to. Read and do not surrender to Western and American Media, most of it feed you lies.

2007-01-06 05:36:07 · 15 answers · asked by nana 1 in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

you think that the American media feed us all lies?!? Wow, I wonder what the freedom loving, truth talking, non partisan state owned media in most Islamic nations has been telling you and millions of others like you in not only the Arab nations, but around the world. Hey, I know, when a state run Islamic news outlet say that the jew are evil and that they control not onlly the United States, but most of the worlds money, we can all rest assured that that is the truth, the whole truth ....hmmmm.....doesn't work to well for you either does it? How about when they report that bush and Saddam were in it together and that bush supported him(never mind that JW Bush was not in office when the U.S backed the Iraq government.) And finally, those numbers you stated of dead Iraqi people, who, just who printed that little lie? We, the people, president, congress and the military, did not kill those people. That they died I don't know, but I do not doubt much that they did. That the actions of the U.S. will be judged to have at least caused the deaths I have no doubt at all. That they would be alive today without our actions, now that I can not fall for. Iraq was on a deadly spiral of abuse by a violent, murdering dictator, who died as a result of it was the only question left unanswered till now. The names of the dead will have changed from who would have died if the U.S. stayed out, to who did die when the United States invaded. And as far as blaming the U.S. or the "west" goes, Saddam violated just about every condition set by the U.N. which is very much anti-american and did nothing as usual about it. The people of this country are taught to stand up for what they believe in, the more we listen to the rest of the world and try to understand and follow thier way, the more we become the whiners the rest of the world loves to call us. One more thing, I cannot believe the number of complete morons, that is right, morons, that would compare the posession of nuclear arms by Israel with any of the countries you mentioned. You act as if this is a matter of fair is fair, it is not! This is a matter of countries who's leaders have publicly stated their willingness to use said weapons to further thier terroristic amabitions. Israel has taken the responsibilities of having this power seriously for a long time, proven by the fact that no matter how many times it's aggressive neighbors attack she continues to exercise that restraint. The nations you cited would not have that restraint, the men that sit in power in many cases believe that the death of all their people as a result of the use of such weapons would only be a glory to thier God, resulting in their immediate entry to heaven. Others are so concerned with maintaining the image of power they believe they now have over the opressed starving people of the nation they "lead" (korea) that they would blow themselves and all of those people to nothing but radioactive dust just to defy the rest of the world. You believe what you want, but I see the standard of living in your part of the world, and the series of great leaders those same nations get time and time again, only to remain the dismal, violent places they are. Oh, I forgot, that is the fault of the United States, and those pesky Jews.

2007-01-06 06:17:57 · answer #1 · answered by avatar2068 3 · 0 1

I know that there are allot of mixed feelings in the Arab community about what the US has or has not done in the region. The majority however are in favor of the US occupation at this time. I do not read too much into our media. Media in general is Money driven, by this I mean they will only report what will get them the highest ratings. I have been there, and I have seen the mixed feelings of the people there and in the surrounding countries. Thats expected since its a proven fact that in any conflict, you will never have the majority of the countries people behind you. In Iraq, the difference in the religion just in the one country proves that.

As for the money found in Iraq, most of which was stolen by Saddam and his regime, has been pumped back into the country for the rebuilding costs. Schools, Hospitals, power plants, water treatment plants, bridges, Etc. Some went to fund the new Iraqi currency. We did not go into Iraq to force the collapse of its economy, but to rebuild it for the good of ALL Iraqi people.

If Saddam would have chosen to not host Al Queda and support terrorism, the whole outcome of the war would have been different. But He was an evil dictator that had to be removed not only for the good of the Iraqi people, but for the welfare of all the countries in the Arab Nations. We as Americans are not against the Arab countries or what they believe in, that would go against our beliefs, because we in America have a strong Muslim population living with in our borders. But to preserve the way of life, the freedom and the lifestyle we ALL have become accustomed to.

Dictators like Saddam, Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini and the like had to be removed because of the threat they posed to all people. This war may not seem like it benefits the Arab countries, but in the long run it benefits the world. We in the world want our children to have a better life than what we had, so we strive to make the world a better place for the good of all....Not just Americans

2007-01-06 14:09:49 · answer #2 · answered by SOSFG 2 · 2 0

Ummm Nana the Americans handed him over, Most Americans did not even know it was EID, the Iraqis they handed him to did Know what day it was and HUNG HIS TURKEY A ss anyway to get him out of the way and not spoil a really nice day of Prayer. Please SHUT UP and Learn something. although I realize most Islamic Women are not allowed to learn anything. These fine Iraqi Ladies are NOW allowed to so they may have a different opinion than you. Enjoy your day, May Allah show you something besides the foolish things you say today, Because Allah sent the Americans to Help or they would never have gotten there!!!!

2007-01-06 13:50:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Whatever.It is that crackpot excuse for a religion that is so pervasive in the middle east responsible for the vast majority of their problems.As for this "stealing" resources business,what stealing are you talking about?If the west didn't BUY oil from these countries,they would have nothing since they don't produce anything else of value.

2007-01-06 13:50:59 · answer #4 · answered by Michael 6 · 2 0

Obviously you are a supporter of terrorists and their activity.Bush did not kill 655 thousand Iraqis and neither did our military,most of them killed their own fellow muslims.Sure thats a life style we all want,either convert to Islam or die.I dont think so and nice try but Bush doesnt put children in tree shredders,Bush doesnt gouge out eyes of infants if the parents disagree with his politics, our troops dont cut of penises of people and stuff in their mouths while peeling the skin of the victim.Now who is the terrorist?Oh and we dont strap bombs to our children.

2007-01-06 13:46:03 · answer #5 · answered by jnwmom 4 · 3 1

Most of what you say is true. Dictator Dumbya is using the fog of war to steal. He is an UNelected installed dictator. The American people with the new Congress have now the means and the duty to oppose him.

2007-01-06 13:42:25 · answer #6 · answered by rhino9joe 5 · 1 1

you said a lot. I think that when a person suffers on this planet everyone suffers. War is not the answer, especially this one. I agree with you.
The almighty $$ runs this country, and its always the bottom line.
peace to you

2007-01-06 13:43:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

If you don't like Bush and his decision to take action instead of sitting on his *** and trying to talk like the Domocrats wanted, go live in f_cking France.....you'd get along with them.

2007-01-06 15:02:27 · answer #8 · answered by biohazrd1988 1 · 1 1

How sad you believe all the venom the libs are spewing out.

2007-01-06 15:06:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I totally agree with you .Bush is great criminal idiot and HE the person that should be hanged not Saddam.

2007-01-06 15:55:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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