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Why is Canada becoming a multi cutural country, Im a different race my self but I was born in Canada. Why are they letting large amounts of different people into our country for example Middle Eastern people. Isn't it getting to be to much? What if our language changes? Can they stay where they are...

2007-01-06 05:26:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

15 answers

Your concerns are a few decades too late. Since the 1970s Canada has prided itself on being multicultural, asking for little accommodation from new immigrants. It has been deemed racist to ask immigrants to adapt to their new home, but Britain has had a painful lesson in what happens when newcomers aren't expected to adapt to the local values and this philosophy, thankfully, is finally being questioned. I don't think it matters where immigrants come from if they agree to live by Western values. More and more people are waking up to this.

2007-01-06 05:32:35 · answer #1 · answered by Dunrobin 6 · 3 0

Wow what a racist movie that was recommended to the person asking a question.

What American's dont realize is that California, Nevada, Texas, Arizona all used to be part of Mexico until the USA took them during the Spanish American war, but I'm sure y'all didn't know that.

As for the Canadian issue of Canada being multicultural. Take for example that no immigrants ever came to this country. Then it would be mostly WHITE, but the thing is that the whites are immigrants themselves as this is Native land. Anyways, Canada is already multicultural without including the bloody foreigners. Look at the Northern provinces where the Inuit have their own way of life and language. Surely these people are Canadian. Look at Quebec with its French population, look at Newfoundlanders with its own dialect of English and different culture. Even Alberta and Saskatchewan have their own cultures and way of life.

You say immigrants like its a bad word. Don't you realize that the vast majority of immigrants thta come to this country are law-abiding, educated individuals who want to raise their families in relatively peace in a society where they would be exposed to ALL cultures, therefore reducing the chance of their offspring become racists arseholes like a lot of you have become.

If there was only white people and natives in Canada, the population would be between 10-15 million and Canada would be a 3rd world country.

We need to keep ensuring that all immigrants that come to this beautiful country are law-abiding and educated. That they have something to give back to society including their time, their culture and their taxes. Canada is the epitome of cultures, religions and languages standing side by side, united in peace!

Long LIVE CANADA and its our many faces!!!

2007-01-06 07:10:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my god....


That was a very racist movie. I'm now scared that there are people in the world that would think like that.

DON'T YOU FRIGGIN GET IT. There is no possible way that we can't be multicultural. Look at the world. How many people are there on the globe. Howmany cultures. Howmany countries, how many languages.


There can be no racial superioity. It just doen't work.

Remeber Hitler, yea Adolf. You know trhe one,. What did he want. A single pure race in the world.

Hhjahahahahahah. What a ridiculous idea.

He lost of course why?????. Because all the other races got together and kicked his **** back to Berlin.

Yes, american, canadian, British, French, Quebecoi, Native American, immigrants from all ocver the world got together and kicked his ****. You remember that???

Unity is strength.

If we divide ourselfs into tiny little groups and hate each other, WE WILL DESTROY OURSELVES AND MAYBE THE PLANET

Whjy can't you people see this obvious fact.

And what the hell!!!.

The language of Canada was in danger since the beginning.

The french wanted to seperate. Many still do, and now we start to worry about immigrants.

Middle East. What is the problem, You think they are all terrotrists waitibng to kill you and your family????

for Christs sake people.

Wake up.

And you Katsulover!!!

Do you really believe in this Nazi stuff?????

2007-01-06 05:48:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is happening all over the World.

People are flocking out of disadvantaged countries and immigrating to Canada, United States, Britian, and other Western Europe Countries. They come for a better live and to get weathy. They do not want povery, war, and suffering.

This is why the Counties of Advantage need to close their border.
The USA is getting many from coutnries all over the world. We are getting overcrowded trying to keep our borders open to those in need. We get them from Mexico, Central America, Africa, Asian countries, Middle Eastern countries, and parts of Europe.
We are going broke trying to take care of all these people and provide jobs for the masses. The same will happend to Canada and Britian. Us three are the most popular for immigration. Why?
We are wealthy countries and they want a piece of it. But the pie is only so big, and when it gets eatten we will all go down. Our country is in huge Debt because of this war. When do we stop?
When do we turn others away?

2007-01-06 05:37:14 · answer #4 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 1 0

Are you kidding me, Canada always was multicultural, we recognize the two founding cultures, but didn't discriminate from the beginning, remember the American underground railway ended in Canada so many blacks arrived in Canada expecting freedom and they received it. You say you are a different race but were born Canadian, but what of your parents or grandparents so why are you questioning the rights of people coming to this country. My only complaint with our immigration policy is that we allow people into the country who are only interested in continuing the sectarian violence that they experienced at home and bringing it here. I am tired of seeing people coming here and saying they want security and peace and practicing the religous intolerence that they practiced in their home country. And this feeling also goes back to the founding religions in Canada such as Catholic and Protestant. We have hate laws in this country and someone preaching hate behind the facade of religion is someone I don't want occupying my country. Freedom of religion is to worship a higher power in any manner you choose but not the right to butt into my affairs and tell me what is right and wrong. I live my life trying not to hurt others and expect the same from them, so immigrants should remember it is a gift that has been extended in coming to Canada, leave your previous politics at the immigration gate and live as a Canadian.

2007-01-06 05:52:10 · answer #5 · answered by rndmacts 1 · 0 0

Canada imo only claims to be multi cultural. I mvoed there through marriage. IMO it is very separate not equal for many immgrants. It is more racist in some ways than the US could ever be.

You must be able to speak english or french to migrate to become a citizen.It helps to get you into the country as well. go to statscan and www.international.gc.ca to learn more about your own country.

2007-01-06 06:10:08 · answer #6 · answered by CCC 6 · 0 0

Canada does not sustain it's own population by means or reproduction, in order for industry to grow and diversify Canada has to look for skilled persons outside of our own boarders.

If Canada were to halt immigration the economy would effectively crumble do to great deficits in the workforce. I welcome anybody who comes to Canada to make an honest living.

My family immigrated to Canada is 1855 before Canada was even declared a nation, my ancestors were immigrants to this great land just as yours were too. You should respect that Canada continues to allow people the opportunities that your family and my family alike have received. That is what makes this nation great.

2007-01-10 03:28:51 · answer #7 · answered by smedrik 7 · 0 0

Can you name a country that hasn't become multi cultural? Well, perhaps Nova Scotia or Greenland, but give them time, it will all catch up.

Yes, it is getting over bearing, especially when these disgusting immigrants become demanding, you just want to remove their head from the rest of them. Oops. I sound like al Quada!!

The one thing you can expect to remain is your language, your culture on the other hand.................? They won't go away, but you might want to buy some rat poison, just in case!

2007-01-06 05:35:30 · answer #8 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 0 0

Will Canada grow to be a third international usa? with a bit of luck no. even yet it somewhat isn't any longer impossible. i could want to work out all immigration stopped for some years. i think of unemployment could bypass down and issues could get better. If no longer, we are able to continuously turn on the faucet back.

2016-11-27 00:04:42 · answer #9 · answered by magnusson 4 · 0 0

Look Planet Earth is for every living creature who wants to survive and live in Peace. ´s not up to any Government to decide who lives where. That´s Hypocrisy,and furthermore obsurd ! God made this Planet and Religion divided it . I really don´t think that Religion has that much influence on People who really want to live in Peace; any more. The Days of relegating Humans who really want to live in Peace are coming to an End. Bank on it !

2007-01-06 05:39:31 · answer #10 · answered by RJ2K1 5 · 0 1

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