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My husbands family is in the process of moving and couldn't take all their cats with them so we recently adopted one of their cats. His family said he was the quiet one of the group. (there were 3 other cats becides him in his old home) But since we have had him he has been meowing alot and sometimes pretty loud. Is there anyway to make a cat stop meowing? We live in an apartment and don't want the neighbors to hear. The owner of the complex said we could have a cat but if we get just one complaint we have to get rid of him. :( We are moving in the begining of April so we just need him to be quiet until then! Anyone have suggestions to keep him quiet? We have had him for about one week now, he has always been an indoor cat. He is 2 years old and is already fixed and declawed, we keep the house and litter box clean, his food and water dish are always full, and we pet and play with him often!

2007-01-06 04:53:42 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

43 answers

make him a cozy place. Either give him a pillow in the back of the closet, or buy him one of those hooded cat beds. He needs to find his comfy cozy in your house. Help him find it. Be sure that his potty box has some privacy. They don't like a public potty. So put it someplace private. give him a few cozy place options to choose from so that he can select the one he likes the best. Just put a towel under the corner of the bed where it meet the wall and show him to lay there. Anything along those lines will quiet him down once he's adjusted to his new home.

2007-01-13 07:59:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

HI.. Yes meowing cats can be annoying.( I Have 6) Some cat's are just more vocal than others.. and this cat has just gone through a dramatic change. He may miss the other surroundings and his cat friends and the previous owner. It is a BIG thing to a cat. They have feelings and will tell you by their meow. It isn't just about food and water and clean litter box. They really have feelings!!!k It is about time and patience and understanding> Your cat may well be heart broken. Just try to be loving as possible and try different things with the cat whether new toys or an cardboard box with a sweater or fleecy piece of material. Ever cat is completely different. Keep tryiing different things and just wait. It truely is a big deal and an emotional adjustment for SOME cats!! good luck.. Also know you said cat has food and water, but cat's do become vocal when they are hungry and bored. My cat will somethimes start to meow in the wee hours of the night cause he is bored and wants to play. He has learned to go to bed now for the most part. Give him time!!

2007-01-06 05:04:11 · answer #2 · answered by rebecca m 1 · 2 0

You have gotten some pretty good advice (and a few clunkers) so far.

I agree with the posters saying that it is a change, be patient, he misses the other cats, etc...

Another possibility is the cat might just be talkative! When I have had cats who are talkers, they especially want to talk when you are just getting home or if you are relaxing around the house. Siamese especially are known to enjoy a good conversation! Instead of trying to quiet him down, you might encourage him to talk--within reason, of course. I've started calling my husband the cat whisperer because he seems to 'meow' in a way that the cats like! I know this sounds goofy, but it's kind of cute and once they are done "talking", all is quiet for several hours.

Now, If the cat is meowing when no one is there or in another room I might be inclined to take it to a vet just to make sure... He might have a kidney stone or other problem that he is trying to tell you about.

Good luck and know that it is unlikely that your neighbors will hear.

2007-01-06 05:30:47 · answer #3 · answered by Trust no 1 3 · 1 0

Sorry, but the answer is no. I have one that hasn't been quiet since birth 4 yrs ago. What is going on with the cat is he simply misses his family, feline and human both. He's very homesick and is telling you all about his saddness. Ask your husbands family to record either a tape or video with them on it. Make sure they include the other cats if they still have them. The sound or seeing them even on tv can be helpful. Call them and put the cat on the phone and let them talk to him. This sounds a bit crazy for some, but it works, my mom goes away for 2-3 weeks several times a year and she calls just to talk to her cats and their ears perk up and their eyes light up with hearing her voice. You can go to your neighbors and explain to them that you just got him and he is missing his family. That you'll be moving in a few months and your sorry for his having disturbed them with his crying. A little bribe never hurts either. Have them over to meet their new neighbor. Don't forget to play the tape/video for him.

2007-01-13 19:00:28 · answer #4 · answered by wolfinator25840 5 · 0 0

I know cats are suppose to be solitary animals but I've seen cats get extremely bonded to each other. Try calling the family and see if one of the other cats was very close and you'll probably have your answer. If this is what it is then he needs a friend. If not then it's probably stress over losing his previous owners and the move.

2007-01-14 03:30:39 · answer #5 · answered by BoarderChik 2 · 0 0

(P)Awww! Hi. I agree w/ a lot of these answers. May I add another suggestion? Maybe u can get old unwashed socks from the former family. This way, your cat will have some familiarity based on his keen sense of smell. U & ur family might not be able to stand the odor, so maybe they can be left in your cat's enclosed bed, or cardboard play box, etc. Remember, everyone & everything are new to him. Cats need to be reassured...poor thing. (poor thing=cat)

2007-01-13 20:59:50 · answer #6 · answered by karaokecatlady 5 · 0 0

My cat was a rescue from the streets and he meowed so loudly for a bout a week and I felt it would never stop but once he realized this was his new life he settled right in and I can't tell you the last time I have heard him meow. It sounds to me that he is either unsure of his new surroundings or he is in desperate need of a kitty friend. Good luck

2007-01-12 22:58:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

poor fellow, he probably misses the other cats. His old buddies.And it must be hard on him to live with people he does not know. Make him feel at ease, do not yell at him when he meows, he will only meow more if he is stressed. You might try Cat nip to calm him down, but this won't last long. Are you feeding him the same diet he was on before. I am afraid only time can make him feel at ease in his new home, Good Luck

2007-01-06 05:00:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anne2 7 · 3 0

Your cat is crying. Give him lots of love. Pet him brush him and play with him. You should take him to the Vet for a check-up the Vet can prescribe a medication to help calm him down. Poor little fellow he doesn't know what has happened to his humans and other cat friends. He is just like a child crying for those he has lost. He needs extra attention right now not criticism!

2007-01-13 01:27:29 · answer #9 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 1 0

Spray him with water when he meows and after a while he will stop. You can also try putting him in another room away (usually where he eats and uses the litterbox) from where you are and ignore him (but let him out the next morning). He will soon get the idea that he shouldn't be meowing.

2016-05-22 23:11:04 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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