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I am new to christianity, and am an ardent History lover. My question maybe multiples. Anyways with that said. Do you feel that their are things which God and Jesus wanted for us to learn that were hidden from history because of sexism, and the churches and religious persons view of women in their day.
For example Mary Magdalene question was she or was she not married to Jesus. Then their is the Apocryphal bible and all the books hiddens from history . I believe that Stephen and Barthlomew had books to which were never published. I've read the expected one and have no hard and fast conclusions other than it really does make me want to study women in the bible a lot more. I am asking everyone to try and place nice and respectfully in their replies.

2007-01-06 04:52:34 · 12 answers · asked by lorrie m 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

Many women had key roles in the bible, both OT and NT. Ester, Ruth,Rebecca, Sarah, Pricilla, Chloe, Mary and Elizabeth. There are others but this is a good starting point.

2007-01-06 05:06:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Studying the history of the Bible and our faith is a fascinating study and I encourage you in your efforts.

If you are asking has the history, expressions and administration of the Church (Faith) been affected by sexism the short answer is yes. This is nothing new within the history of mankind in general and nothing sinister should be read into it without cause.

Does it matter if Jesus was married? Not to me as my faith is not determined by ones marital status but by the value of what one has to offer.

There are many excellent texts about women in the Bible. We should use caution however, when people say we have to rewrite history to include women's true role. First, because it is not necessary. Second, as the records do not include specifics we are left with individuals ideas as to what the history is or should be.

In a perfect world all would be equal and in the fullness of time all things will be made clear.

Move forward with your eyes open. Look to the past to help guide us to a better future. That is Jesus message of love, acceptance and forgiveness. Do not dwell on what you cannot change and work to change yourself into the person you are capable of being.

Peace be with you.

2007-01-06 05:15:25 · answer #2 · answered by o_s_c_c 3 · 1 0

First off, Jesus believed in equality of man and woman. This idea was revolutionary, and dangerous to people in political power. When Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire, and later the official religion, yes, Popes changed history, making women like Mary M. a whore. She wasn't. Later, they would recant, but that image of her is still seen today. If she was married to Jesus or not, that's another mystery, one as old as the new testament itself. It's by no means a new idea.
I suggest you get a bible that is an accurate translation from the original Greek and Hebrew, stay away from altered bibles like King James Version. Look into the Gnostic Gospels, and other books. There is a lot of wisdom that didn't get put into canon for political reasons.

2007-01-06 05:00:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you believe that God authored the Bible, and that He's in charge, certainly he would ensure that everything we need is contained in the Bible. The idea that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married is completely absurd! We do see from the way Jesus treated women back then (quite well compared to most men back then) a good example of how one should treat women today.

2007-01-06 05:17:49 · answer #4 · answered by Epitome_inc 4 · 1 0

Studying history is good, but studying the WORD of GOD is even better. The scriptures, says to "study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed; rightly dividing the Word of Truth." 2 Tim: 2:15

Mary Magdalene was not married to Jesus. I'm sure there were many historical books written in times past that may have revealed many things about biblical characters. But the most important thing is that a person that's spiritually aware must be able to seek the Almighty for the truth of his Written Word, "The Holy Bible" which is spiritually discerned.

The Word says, "that the secret things belongs to the LORD our God, and those things revealed belongs to us and our children, that we may follow the words of the law."
Deuteronomy: 29:29

I encourage you to ask God about the hidden wisdom of His Word and be not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine based from history. Everything that's revealed is for us to know and at the appointed time we shall know that which is hidden.



2007-01-06 05:11:07 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

never stop asking questions...expect your beliefs to change as you accept fact

trust yourself before allowing another to try and rule you and tell you what to think

see also "Dark Bible/ the inferior status of women"

The Biblical view of women

The God of the Bible decrees that woman must submit to the dominance of man.

"The social and legal position of an Israelite wife was inferior to the position a wife occupied in the great countries round about... all the texts show that Israelites wanted mainly sons to perpetuate the family line and fortune, and to preserve the ancestral inheritance... A husband could divorce his wife; women on the other hand could not ask for divorce... the wife called her husband Ba'al or master; she also called him adon or lord; she addressed him, in fact, as a slave addressed his master or subject, his king. The Decalogue includes a man's wife among his possessions... all her life she remains a minor. The wife does not inherit from her husband, nor daughters from their father, except when there is no male heir. A vow made by a girl or married woman needs, to be valid, the consent of the father or husband and if this consent is withheld, the vow is null and void. A man had a right to sell his daughter. Women were excluded from the succession."

-Roland de Vaux, archaeologist and priest

2007-01-06 04:59:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Absolutely, the Bible does'nt state that Mary Magdalene is the same Mary who is constantly with Jesus. Verses in the Bible have been changed, added & omitted from different versions.

2007-01-06 05:03:00 · answer #7 · answered by MJR 5 · 0 1

Please ask one question at a time, and be respectful and you will be more likely to be respected. If you really are a history lover, you would know there is not basis to your comment about Mary Magdalene. Fiction is not history.

2007-01-06 04:58:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

expensive pal, In her severe undertaking, this female "believed" that He grew to become into in a position and prepared to heal her. She did no longer care who grew to become into looking or what number of human beings have been crowded around the Lord, her concentration grew to become into on one factor and one factor in uncomplicated terms. To "touch" merely the hem of His garment. This grew to become into an illustration of "genuine" faith. Jesus knew that this female approached Him like an harmless baby. And He, looked upon her with the candy compassion that a Father has for a baby and linked her as His daughter. thank you Jesus that we are in a position to humbly come to you as sons and daughters and as a result we too would be stated as the little teenagers of the "residing" God.

2016-10-06 12:59:10 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

ok Jesus was not married to any one. especialy not mary magdelene. there are many books that are missing from the bible because the catholics felt they were to strict. and decided it was better for us to live in ignorance and be guiltless, than it was to let us know how to live and be held accountable for what we chose not to obey.the role chosen for woman in the bible was not due to a sexist nature, but because men were made a specific way forthe role of leadership. women were specificaly made to nurture and give complete care to the husband children and home she lives in. this does not mean that we are to be slaves to our men, it means that we are to let them work for the finacial stability needed to survive. and we as women are to take that financial gain and pay bills and buy food clothes or what ever is needed to live from one day to the next, we are also supposed to keep our homes clean and take care of or children. thier fathers will also take part in the rearing and teaching of thier children., but we shoulder the greater responsibility.the reason for this is we were built with the compassion and nurturing nature nessesary to take care of children. and the intelectual calmnes to take care of financial matters. men do not have the patience it requires to fulfil the many things a woman can fulfil on a daily basis. men belong in the seat of leadership because they have what it take to defend us from our enemies. they can be heartless when it calls for it. as women it is harder for us to kill others especially knowing they come from families to, that they are someones child, mother, or father. i do not mean to offend you. this is truely what i believe and how i live. took my husband a little while to get used to the fact that i was happy just bieng his queen, and letting him wear the pants but we are happy doing things this way. God bess i hope this helps.

2007-01-06 05:34:46 · answer #10 · answered by Thumbs down me now 6 · 0 0

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