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I am by birth christian and i have spent my whole life as christian and i will die as christian. The difference is i have found real christianity now after 40 years research. There were many questions in my mind as every body has, which make us confused and away from our religion. Main questions are.
1. I cant believe humans created by GOD can kill son of God. Your son just can be human like you and he will get all attributes like you. He cant fly and he cant be a tiger or eagle or elephant. He just can be human. So if we believe jesus as son of GOD then how human created by GOD can kill a GOD
2. Why we have different type of bibles. Who changed the bible and why. We cant find even two bible which are same. According to history our old kings and greedy preacher changed bible to fullfill thier needs. Real bible was in Hebrew language and we should believe in that bible only. we cant say bible need changes with passage of time.God told everything to Jesus and he wrote it forwholetime

2007-01-06 04:33:49 · 36 answers · asked by Adam 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

Christianity is the belief in Christ. Whether you accept him as the son of God is not necessary. There are many roads to God and Truth as evidenced by the myriad of religions and spiritual beliefs on this earth. In order to find the truth one has to either have faith in their beliefs while alive or die to find out. Just be comfortable that your beliefs are from your heart and brain and that you do no harm.

2007-01-06 04:39:35 · answer #1 · answered by sashali 5 · 0 1

Your arguments don't make sense when compared to Christian theology.

The first part, about killing God; the point is that God wasn't killed, only the body of the man that was god was killed, and this was supposedly proved by the resurrection.

If Jesus wasn't the Son of God, and you are a Christian, who was he?

As for the different types of Bibles, the word Bible implies a collection of books. Bible is not a sacred word. People have different sets of scripture that they read, and in Jesus' time, there was NO BIBLE AT ALL, so going back to the "original Hebrew Bible" simply means that you're going to have a room full of scrolls that you won't understand.

Jesus didn't write SQUAT! The people in Jesus' time weren't reading and writing Hebrew. Jesus likely spoke Aramaic. Others, years after the resurrection started writing things down. There are no gospels or writings about the Christian faith that are contemporary to the time Jesus spent on the Earth, and what was written later was in Greek.

I'm not a Christian, but I just don't likek arguments agaisnt that religion that make no sense.

2007-01-06 04:44:29 · answer #2 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 0 0

You have some errors in your "question". Jesus didn't write the bible. No one person wrote it. It is a collection of stories written by a number of people. These stories are called gospels. The bible is a selected collection of these gospels as well as the Old Testament written by the Hebrews. Some gospels were not included in the bible, probably because they didn't convey the overall story the selectors wanted. The gospels were written in a language called Aramaic. This is the language Jesus spoke. All bibles other than the original are translations. All translations introduce errors because no two languages are the same and because the translators are human and make mistakes. We would all like to think the bible was the accurate word of God but it isn’t; it’s a product of humanity. Even if you wanted to learn Aramaic to be able to read the original bible you’d be frustrated because you could not learn the language in the context the original speakers knew it, hence you would not fully understand what you were reading.

2007-01-06 05:03:58 · answer #3 · answered by Michael da Man 6 · 0 0

First off, if after 40 years of research you’ve determined that Jesus wrote the Bible you need to work on your study skills. Jesus did not write any part of the Bible, not a single book.

Christianity is not a trait like skin color or ethnic background; it’s a belief or a relationship with Christ. Christian means follower of Christ. By definition you cannot be a follower of something you do not follow… it doesn’t make sense. Its like saying “I’m a vegetarian, but I only eat meat…

The problem with your first statement is your assumption that God is restricted by human genetics, this is clearly not the case. The God who created the entire universe and everything in it can give any attributes to anything he wants. Your argument makes no sense.

The reason there are so many different Bible out there is because people speak different languages, and languages do not always translate cleaning leaving room for interpretation. Languages also evolve. The English we speak today is barely recognizable compares to old English. However you are correct we need to understand that what we are reading is a translation made by men

2007-01-06 04:37:18 · answer #4 · answered by TLJaguar 3 · 3 0

I was born and raced catholic. It was never my choice to be catholic.
I made the choice to be a Christian. When I started to study the word, God finally spoke to me and I was able to understand his word. This happened after years of begin in prayer to have my eyes see the truth.
Most of those years were spent demanding very arrogantly the answers from God.
It was when I humbled my self that the answers began to arrive.

1. - GOD knowing us, planned to have his son killed by us. Yes Jesus had all the human attributes but he also had the same kind of power that this world was created with. Besides Jesus did not just die. He resurrected and he is alive. How else would he have shown us that there is life after death! Jesus showed us that he is the ruler of life and death. You see it is not about killing as it is about showing you and me.

2. - The original Bible it is writing in Hebrew and Greek. I speak two languages fluently and understand 5 languages. I have studied the bible in different languages side by side and found that yes some of the words are different, but they mean the same thing. You need to get past the terms into the meaning.

It really does not matter who changed the bible. God has been hard to find and get to. He does not want to prove him self to you. The way HE sees it: "if we are his, we'll go back to HIM. If we don't go to him, we never were his".

It is up to us to find him. He is our Lord and shepherd. We know when he calls because we listen to him all the time. The ones that listen but can not hear will not know when he calls and its time to go home.

One last thing. Denying that Jesus is the son of God. That is discrediting the power of the all mighty. I've learned that that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and that also is the only sin that God will not forgive you for.

2007-01-06 05:05:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One first has to have faith which is to accept something without proof. Then comes beliefs which come through study and life experiences. One may be born into a Christian family, and yet you must individually freely choose to accept Jesus as your Savior.

If you know of Jesus mission on earth to reconcile man and God, then no man killed Jesus. Jesus sacrificed his life that we (man) may live.

You are correct that the Bible has been changed over time and this has been done for a variety of reasons. However, it is the Old Testament that was in Hebrew. The New Testament was originally written in Greek and was not written by Jesus.

The New Testament is a collection of books which came together in the 4th Century. There are many books that were not included in the Canon of Scriptures. The history of the Bible makes for fascinating reading and I would encourage to explore it from different perspectives.

Peace be with you.

2007-01-06 05:00:18 · answer #6 · answered by o_s_c_c 3 · 0 0

You can't be born a Christian. Everyone is born cursed by the seed of Adam into sin. That is why Jesus says "You must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven." - John 3:3.

1. Humans didn't kill God. Jesus laid down his life by himself. He knew mankind hates God because of their sins and love their sins and hate truth. Jesus knew this and fulfilled Scripture of Psalm 22,23,24 on the cross of Calvary. Jesus had to fulfill Scripture and prophecy concerning his mission on earth. Death couldn't hold him because He never sinned therefore He was resurrected by the Holy Spirit. "For the wages of sin is death." - Romans 16:23. That is why we die, but Jesus never sinned therefore death couldn't hold him.

2. If you are talking about translations, then you are right, there are many. But the meaning is the same. The KJV was written in old english and uses words we don't use anymore. Doesn't mean that the meaning has changed. The "real" bible doesn't exist. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. The Bible is a codex consisting of 66 different books. It wasn't written as a whole book, but a collection of writings by 40 different authors spanning 3 continents over 1,500 years..........yet the meaning is still the same. There is no other collection of writing in one book like the Bible. Jesus didn't wirte the Bible. The Bible was written by those chosen of God through the Holy Spirit to write down what God said.

Please get involved in a Bible study class and read the Bible for yourself. Pick up a book on hermanuetics and put everything in context.


2007-01-06 05:16:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When the Father God revealed to Peter who Jesus is, and Peter confessed Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. Jesus said to Peter that the Father revealed this to him. That on this Rock Jesus builds His Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail.

So, you cannot be a born again Christian until you have confessed Jesus Christ Lord and believed in your heart in His Resurrection from the dead. Realizing Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God is foundational. It is what Jesus builds His Church on. God looks at the heart. Heart faith is sooo important.

You aren't a born again Christian yet. You might be close or on the edge, but that is a dangerous place to be. But until you have heart faith in God, the Father, Word & Holy Spirit and are born again, reborn spiritually, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.

One needs to believe Jesus died on the cross for the remission of their sins, otherwise there is no remission of sins, and you will die in your sins.

If you get the King James version and a Strongs Exhaustive to look up any bible words, you will see the original Hebrew word of OT and original Greek word of NT. Language is different, and every human being thinks a little different. You need the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is given to all who are born of God.

I had to get a Strongs when I first recommitted to God, because Mormons and JWs confused me. I read the whole bible. I didn't understand everything, but enouph of it to know it is well written. Each of the different versions basically have the same message. If one has a different message, then it isn't of God.

Contrare to what others wrote, Jesus did write the bible. He is the Word of God. He is the inspiration of the written Word of God. Of course, also the Father and the Holy Spirit inspired the Holy Bible with the Word.

2007-01-06 04:47:58 · answer #8 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 0 0

To answer your second question first, only the Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew.The New Testament was written in Greek, if therefor if you accept only the Hebrew you must throw out the whole New Testament. About 150 years ago, a new school of thought began to develope in uneversities toward explaining the Bible. Called 'textural critisicm' it sought to explain how myth became truth in the Bible. At that time, the bible was believed to be a fiction heavily edited by the authors of the King James Bible. To these critics,Babylon and Jerico were mythological cities, Paul never wrote his letters, Christ never existed. One effect of 150 years of this ongoing criticism has been not only to establish the accuracy of approved translations from 5th century documents and codexes to current editions but also to document the circimstances leading to variences in translations. What is important for you to know is that even among scholars who reject the bible as a divinely inspired work, there is no dispte that the Bible we read today remains a remrakably accurate translation of the Scripture that existed in the 4th & 5th century. In this way, even the critics become powerful witnesses to validate the Bible. One final point in your second question that should be corrected is that Jesus never wrote a single word of the Bible. To answer your first question, God offered his son a ransom for many. From the shedding of an animals blood in the garden of eden to Gods command to Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac, the recurring message throughout the old testament is that death is the only result of sin and sacrifice and repentance is the only way to commute that sentence. Moreover the sacrice had to be spotless(perfect), yet in man there is none righteous and none perfect but God Himself. Man did not kill the Son of Man(Christ) of his own power because man has no power but what is given him by God but though it was Christ's life to lay down and take up again it was man who became the instrament of Gods judgement in the crucifiction of Christ. It was wan who whipped Him, who nailed Him to the cross,who Pierced His side. The question which seems to puzzle you so much is how could God empty himself into human form to suffer and die? Yet if God is God we know He is well able to do His will, for this reason the best answer to how He became flesh to die at the hands of man is why He did this thing. "For God so loved the world that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

2007-01-06 06:04:40 · answer #9 · answered by tony200015 3 · 0 0

Sorry, you are wrong about bibles number one. There are many ways to say the same thiing. The only bible that might be changed are ones that do not believe Christ is the son of God. All actual biblical accounts say the same thing. Ex: John was not there, or I did not see John there, John was suppose to be there. All express the samy view in a different way. You must examine closely the verse.
Number 2 Man dod not kill God. I believe he beat death and rose back to heaven. Tell me where Christ is buried? Heaven is not the end its the beginning whenever God takes us home. God allowed for his son to be sacrificed in place of us, and cleanse us of our sins. I repeat, God allowed us to sacrifice his son for our benefit. If your child was in danger and you had the chance to stick your hand through a door and hit a switch that would save their life knowing your hand would be cut off, would you do it? when you are only reading the Hebrew bible, you are only looking at the old testament. Isreal will win in the end no doubt, and all of her people when fall down asking Gods forgivness on judgement day and he will forgive them all when they do that!! they will be our teachers when they finally realize the meaning of their existence. Find a biblical person that is Bible based and talk about the anti christ and revelations. Do not attempt to figure outrevelations by yourself!

2007-01-06 04:52:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Adam, Adam, Adam,

You are doing TOO good of a job living up to your name sake!
You are accepting info you are told rather than thinking for yourself and researching for yourself

The word Christian refers to a follower of Christ
No person is by birth Christian
Jesus was not killed - he "gave up his Spirit"
As far as the 'changing' of the Bible - You need to research why the Dead Sea Scrolls are of such import. They proved that the different books had changed so-o-o-o-o very little, and the only problems were maybe spelling of one word, or some other tiny little thing.

Since you are right about the God told Jesus I will give you extra points.

2007-01-06 04:47:39 · answer #11 · answered by Clark H 4 · 0 0

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