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Nowadays, the media displays a very bad image of islam. I always wonder how can it be the fastest growing religion if it is, as the media says terrorist or teaches terrorism?? How can all these women convert to Islam if they think that Islam is a religion that does not believe in women's rights??? I looked at pictures of mekka, and I always wonder how can a religion unite people that much and still be terrorist (if it even is). All these people come from all over the and do the same thing at the same time. Isn't that touching?? Can that religion still teach terrorism? How do I know the truth about Islam?? any suggestions???

2007-01-06 04:13:25 · 19 answers · asked by athlete 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

You want to know the truth about Islam??? Go talk to someone within their religion. I have and it's VERY disturbing!

2007-01-06 04:17:08 · answer #1 · answered by Nibbles 5 · 3 1

If you want to discuss the media please SPECIFY WHICH MEDIA you are talking about. If I were to watch Al Arabiya I would probably hear little or no debate about Islam itself or even Muslims. If I watch Fox News, the only guests they may have on a certain show may only be people who have long shared an animosity towards Islam. If I watch BBC World News I'd get images of Muslims as wealthy as Prince Ala-weed who manages Investcorp to images of very poor muslims in Yemen. If I watch CNBC East (which is pretty much dedicated to Asian news coverage then they are going to show Muslims doing business. I don't think the broadcasters sit and debate on whether they are presenting a negative or a positive view. They just report. I have only discussed cable and satellite networks. There are many other types of MEDIA. There is radio, websites, newspapers, magazines, books, comic strips, etc.

2016-05-22 23:05:22 · answer #2 · answered by Elizabeth 4 · 0 0

Media is a hard thing to deal with but put it this way... if you took 2 newborn baby's and put them on an island with their parents and they grew up being taught one way, do you think they would have any other thoughts in their mind? These Islam children and women grow up from birth believing in Islam. And they arnt like Christians who go to church every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesday and that's it. They prey over 3 times a day, in their schools and in their homes. Its not only a part of their life but their surrounded around it. If you grew up like that only in a christian society do you think anyone could take away your love for God? And in many places where Islam is the majority of the population if your not Islam they kill you, so most of the women have no choice if they want to live, its almost what Hitler did in Germany. Islam is more of a dictatorship than a religion. All you can do is prey for them and hope that God does a major change in their lives.

2007-01-06 04:41:17 · answer #3 · answered by Trinity 2 · 2 0

I wondered the same thing. I once felt inspired by Islam.

And I began a long search into it along with my own personal research into Theology.

I did feel a positive wonder about Islam but on further inspection I was able to see beyond the pretty face they hold up to the world the mask that hides the hideousness.

Think clearly here who was it that help you associate the phrase "the religion of peace", with Islam? HELLO it was the "biased" media.

Also, if hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants could rally and march together to demand the medias attention, you mean to tell me that Muslims are not equally or more superiorly capable of doing the same? illegal immigrants rallied in bigger numbers for their cause than Muslims will ever do in fighting against terrorism and I suspect I know why!

I now believe that all religions are low tech mind control software. Stories and fables designed to paint pictures and associations of pain or pleasure to various things they want you to do or not do.

Mind software for mass population control of humans.

Further more, I believe that Islam is a very dangerous ideology.

2007-01-06 04:19:00 · answer #4 · answered by jimmy j 2 · 5 2

Nice and kind thinking !!!
Well what media is presenting is all fake and biased agaisnt islam, they just pick few redicals and highlight them again and agian just to show the world that islam is evil(there is special purpose of this propaganda), Well one can see terrorists in every religions but they are not even discussed as islamic terrorists are presented,Islam is a religion of peace and we are not taught about terrorism , we are given the lesson of love , we are ordered to respect believes of other peoples and their religions and if they are minority in your country they should be given their all rights just like majority citizens. i believe that terrosit have no religions, Our prophet said" killing a single human means killing the whole humanity" we are allowed to fight when attacked , i always say that our fight is defensive and not offensive.even if we are fighting in enemies region we are not allowed to destroy even the vegetation there, not allowed to touch innocents children and woman, and fight should e only agaisnt those who wage war against us...Yes islam is the fastest groing religion and when you ask the converts they would tell you how they found the truth, they searched it by themselves instead of following the media blindly and when they found the logics they got converted. Islam is the first religion which has given woman thier rights and even the right of voting 1400 years back and our moderen civilization has though of that much later, if one look at the original list of woman rights in islam you will be astonished.simply if one try to know the truth of islam its much different than wht media is showing

Peace be with you !!!

2007-01-06 04:37:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Dear Athelte,
The western media fabricated a very bad image about Islam,and all they say is not true...
Islam is the religion of peace and mercy,our greeting itself is"Peace be with you",even in the time of war soldiers are ordered by prophet Muhammad(PBUH)Not to kill,a woman,a child ,an old man,not to burn a house,not to break a tree,not to destroy a well,this is in case of war,so what about peace????
We are ordered to love eachother,to cooperate with eachother,and this is the meaning of the picture you saw about Mecca,we just not get together and do the same thing in the same time,it teaches us cooperation and being always together.You know,not all the Muslims are able to visit Mecca every year,but we pray together in Mosques,in schools,in everywhere clean,we call each other to achieve this cooperation.
Islam did not differ between man and woman,you just have to read how prophet Muhammad treated his wives and daughters,I think that it is enough to know that in the very minutes before his death he said to the muslims to take care of women and treat them well,because who treats them well is generous,and who treats them badly is mean....
Islam is a religion for a better life,it organises everything in our lives....believe me,Islam worths searching about its reality away from this bad image the media fabricated,just give it a try,and you not lose anything,may be you will win.
Peace be with you....

2007-01-06 04:48:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

My dear friend, please understand that not even many people who claim to be Muslim understand Islam. The media shows the criminals of Islam the terrorists. It is not fair to judge all Muslims by the criminals, do you think it is fair if we judge all Christians by the acts of the KKK? If you wish to understand true Islam, I suggest you read the Qu'ran with Explanation from Scholars.


This site has much good information


You have to get your information from the original source there are many innovators and this is strictly forbidden. You want the purest Islam, the way of the Salaf. (research that term)

Just know that our life is finite, and we are on Earth for a purpose, that is to worship our Creator and gather many good deeds (fasting, giving charity, praying etc..) this is true Islam. Submission to God.

If you have any more questions please message me.

No Compulsion in Religion

God said,

(There is no compulsion in religion), meaning, "Do not force anyone to become Muslim, for Islam is plain and clear, and its proofs and evidence are plain and clear. Therefore, there is no need to force anyone to embrace Islam. Rather, whoever God directs to Islam, opens his heart for it and enlightens his mind, will embrace Islam with certainty. Whoever God blinds his heart and seals his hearing and sight, then he will not benefit from being forced to embrace Islam.''

Peace Be With You

2007-01-06 04:48:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well it depends on what channel you are viewing or whose books you are reading. Nobody should tell you what you should believe in... the best thing you can do is to educate yourself about the teachings of Islam as the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, has revealed. Read the Qur'an. There are a number of English translated Qur'ans online. That's a start. Good luck :)

2007-01-06 04:20:24 · answer #8 · answered by Mawarda 3 · 0 3

If you already distrust Islam, that is a pretty good indication that you shouldn't trust it. You should also not trust the media.

2007-01-06 04:29:29 · answer #9 · answered by free 1 indeed 4 · 0 0

dont ever believe what others tell you do the research for your self go to the library and get books out on it from both sides read books by ibn warraq hes against islam and get books by ishrad manji shes a muslim who is calling for reform in islam and read the idiots guide to understanding islam thats what i did i never listened to what people say anyway im a skeptic who likes to find out things on my own

2007-01-06 04:17:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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