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i believe in god,i believe christ was just the same as u and me but was chosen to speak the words of god and was so intune with his spirituality that he had powers that we can't explain,i don't think he was god on earth....we are all sons&daughters of god like him.

I believe in the afterlife but not as heaven and hell,i think all siprit and energy just exist,good and bad.that u meet all loved one's that have passed over.i think reincarnation is when u are ready to further your experience in life and your soul.

I am confused to what i am labelled with,i was christened at birth but do i have christian believes or spiritual or both???

2007-01-06 04:00:42 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

You are the same as me. We both believe in a higher being or Holy Spirit. Don't worry about these other Kranks who have answered you. You have the Christian faith and Spritiual faith as well. I only go to church when I feel the need but I know that I would do anything within my power to help another human being when they were in need. I believe in the power of good and evil and I think you are as confused as I was, but take heart settle on being a Christian spiritualist and you will find inner peace. I did and it worked for me!
Good luck!

2007-01-06 05:42:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you don't believe that Jesus rose from the grave to die for your sins and was sent by God and is more than a mere human man, than you are not by any means a Christian. What defines a Christian is not just belief in God it is belief that Jesus was sent by God to die for our sins. Sounds like you are a mix between the Islamic faith and Spiritualism where thaey believe Crystals have powers and you live your life over and over through reincarnation until some point in which you mature and move on to the next spiritual realm. Point being, if you believe anything that is not biblically sound than it's safe to say you are not one of Gods flock.

2007-01-06 04:10:03 · answer #2 · answered by Stacey B 2 · 1 0

You were christened at birth as you had no choice in the matter. Your parents chose that religion for you. As you have grown you have been given other options to consider and the other options gave you the answers that you have at the moment such as the afterlife. If you believe in what you say you do then you have spiritual faith.

I too believe in God but not in a religious context. I believe that something powerful gave us the universe and life but I do not believe in the stories that have been passed down to us such as Adam & Eve, Christ, Moses and Noah etc.

2007-01-06 04:33:09 · answer #3 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 0 0

I believe very much like you do, except I feel that god is universal, and the universe is mother/father god. Anyway, I am an earth witch....some would call it wicca, but I don't adher to all of the moon rituals, or other rituals that most wiccans do. (except the moon meets and sometimetimes I do my spells according to the full moons. I also will energize my crystals in the light of the full moon)......check it out on the web or there is alot of wonderful books in this book club that I am a member of ..... "one spirit"
you are not a pagan, because you believe in god
you seem to be more spiritual than religious
labels are not that important to me, sometimes they do help to guide you where you would like to go however.
good luck in your spirit path
I think that spirituality is a personal thing.......you can take part of one path....and coujoin it with another, if it makes you feel at peace....for instance..wicca and something else.
religion would never permit such freedom

2007-01-06 04:09:09 · answer #4 · answered by amber 5 · 0 1

To be a Christian, you must believe in Jesus as God, and reincarnation is another way of saying you don't need Christ's sacrifice, because there is no punishment for sin. I think that, according to the Bible, you are dead in your sins (sorry, but the expression is like that in the Bible. I know it strikes you). You are dead to God. That is what you are. You need to make up your mind about God, about your need for forgiveness. You don't need a religion. You just need to start reading the Bible and believe in it as the Word of God. Step out of men's religions, and find God. Please.

2007-01-06 04:09:46 · answer #5 · answered by Cristina 4 · 1 0

My God why would anyone believe anything like that. You just made that up didn't you? You cant just make thing up yourself. You have to have a Prophet or old Manuscripts or something. You cant just make things up and start believing they are true. That's just like saying the sky is falling. What if I just started telling everyone the sky was falling? How would that sound? OO

2007-01-06 07:28:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are what is known as a 'Timewaster'. You are wasting your talents wondering what label to put on yourself when you need to just get out there and live.

Your life should define you, not a name. You are obviously a spiritual person, but this means nothing unless your beliefs positively influence your actions. So stop puzzling over it and act!

Good luck!


2007-01-06 05:27:58 · answer #7 · answered by Nobody 5 · 0 0

The bible can confuse one because it was given to a people at a certain time and place and like prescription medicine is not for everyone all the time. For example, eye for and eye, or cuting off body parts ETC. Christianity, budhism, and islam have their roots is the vedas, siddha yoga, vedanta philosophy, and hinduism. Jesus was taught by a siddha yoga Guru and was himself a siddha yoga guru. see romans 8-29 this discribes the guru diciple relationship, Jesus taught reincarnation,see matthew 11-14/15, 17-10/13 & 22-32 Jesus tells the diciples that john the baptist is Isias reincarnate. He taught metation on God,"God dwells within you as you." Jesus knew he was one with God in unconditional love within his heart, to show this union by physical axample he did not fully merge with God until his ascention. Thanks to him and all the other Saints who have Gone before we can and should awake to this state of oneness with God while still in the body. As the colors of the rainbow are contained within sunlight, so to are we all contained within the light of Gods unconditional love within our hearts. I believe you should study siddha yoga. see syda.org/theguru. Swami Chidvilasananda, she is a saint with the same power of God as jesus to baptize with spirit. also see www.stephen-knapp.com/articles_to_read. this is an unbiased, factual site giving the roots of many religions, Much more clarity than the bible.

2007-01-06 04:33:02 · answer #8 · answered by Weldon 5 · 0 0

Why do you want to label yourself? I don't think you can call yourself Christian, as Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God who was sent to Earth so that through His suffering, we would all enjoy eternal life. So if you don't believe that - and it seems that you don't - then you're not a Christian.

I would call you a spiritual person. Be happy with your non-defined faith!

2007-01-06 04:05:35 · answer #9 · answered by smee_1972 5 · 1 1

Your beliefs overlaps many. Whether it is christian lies in the eye of the beholder. Most christian I have come across believes that Christ is the one and only son of god and that his way is the only way. Most christian I met also does not believe in reincarnation. They would probably disagree that your way is christian.

Know that there is only 1 god (but many dieties). It is the faith that matters, not the label.

2007-01-06 04:06:10 · answer #10 · answered by Kubbi 2 · 1 1

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