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What actually controls the behavior and character of a human being, his soul, or his genetics?

2007-01-06 03:17:36 · 13 answers · asked by Dallas M 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Observe a down-syndrome person. Why does he behave the way he does? Is it not because his body controls the way he acts?

2007-01-06 03:27:58 · update #1

13 answers

All togeather. The soul controls the body, and the body affects the soul decisions. satans affect the soul. genetics affect the body.

2007-01-06 03:22:47 · answer #1 · answered by thinkingstrange 2 · 0 2

It is the Soul.

We humans have the ability to control our life thru our souls, our body is an interfering machine that is used by the soul and can affect it in some cases, and it is our duty to control it and this is what differentiates us from animals who are followed only by their body needs and their instinct.

We humans can sacrifice our lives in order to prove our principle or our beliefs. And this is a proof that the soul controls the body.

2007-01-06 11:54:46 · answer #2 · answered by A Muslim 3 · 0 0

Many people say that we have a soul, and they say that the soul lives on after the body dies. They say that Lazarus’ soul was alive somewhere. But the Bible does not say that. It says that God made the first man Adam “a living soul.” Adam was a soul. The Bible also says that when Adam sinned, he died. He became a “dead soul,” and he returned to the dust from which he had been made. The Bible also says that all Adam’s offspring inherited sin and death too.—Genesis 2:7; 3:17-19; Numbers 6:6; Romans 5:12.

Clearly, then, we do not have a soul that is separate from our body. Each one of us is a soul. And since people have inherited sin from the first man, Adam, the Bible says: ‘The soul that sins will die.’—Ezekiel 18:4.

James 2:26 notes that “the body without spirit [pneu′ma] is dead.” In these verses, then, “spirit” refers to that which gives life to a body. Without spirit, the body is dead. Therefore, in the Bible the word ru′ach is translated not only as “spirit” but also as “force,” or life-force. For example, concerning the Flood in Noah’s day, God said: “I am bringing the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force [ru′ach] of life is active from under the heavens.” (Genesis 6:17; 7:15, 22) “Spirit” thus refers to an invisible force (the spark of life) that animates all living creatures.

The soul and the spirit are not the same. The body needs the spirit in much the same way as a radio needs electricity—in order to function. To illustrate this further, think of a portable radio. When you put batteries in a portable radio and turn it on, the electricity stored in the batteries brings the radio to life, so to speak. Without batteries, however, the radio is dead. So is another kind of radio when it is unplugged from an electric outlet. Similarly, the spirit is the force that brings our body to life. Also, like electricity, the spirit has no feeling and cannot think. It is an impersonal force. But without that spirit, or life-force, our bodies “expire, and back to their dust they go,” as the psalmist stated.

2007-01-06 11:25:00 · answer #3 · answered by Gizelle K 3 · 1 1

Shalom Dallas,

The body is a expression of the soul or its being projected by it from outside of the body. Just like the atmosphere is around the earth so is the soul/mind around the body. Genetics and the soul are interlinked, because the genetics are too projections of the soul patterned on to the material plane. And just like in quantum physics there is nothing but mind and everything that is outside of us is only aspects of our own minds projected into the material world.

The soul is trying to evolve into completion that spans over the course of many lifetimes. And it has projected many personalties before yours or sometimes known as past lives. Your one of its many manifestations in a attempt to gain the necessary development to reach the Omega or absolute knowledge. Your soul self has already mapped out your life before you were born, all the possibilities that can occur, or the sorrows and turmoils etc. And this is why one gets deja vu because they are for a split second able to view things from the soul perspective.

Everything revolves around the law of sow shall you reap. Anything you do will be returned to you or everything eventually returns to its source of origin. Homosexuals, murderers, the poor anything you can name are in the position they are in because of what they did in the past. And this is why Paul said:

“On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, Why did you make me like this, will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use, and another for common(dishonorable) use? What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction?” (Rom 9:19-22 NAS).



2007-01-06 11:44:32 · answer #4 · answered by Aza 3 · 0 0

Human's have more aspects than soul, and body. Mind is another. Ancient Egyptians listed six or seven. The name you are given influences who you become to some degree. Also, social position.

2007-01-06 11:26:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

There's no such thing as a "soul".

Our behavior is the product of a combination of our innate genetic tendencies and the ongoing rewiring of the nervous system that happens as a result of our experiences.

2007-01-06 11:19:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

We are a Spirit that has a soul that lives in a body. The soul is the real essence of the person. It is who we are. Our souls live on forever.

2007-01-06 11:19:56 · answer #7 · answered by djm749 6 · 0 2

No one can tell what the real you is like by looking at your body. What controls your behaviour and what will be judged by God is your heart, and your words.
Matthew 12: 35 "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. 35 "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. 36 "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

2007-01-06 11:23:44 · answer #8 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 2

His genes.

Thanks for the 2 points.

2007-01-06 11:19:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi Craig B.........you're still making points huh.....me too.. he..he..keep answering and nobody cares. Gizelle K. got the corret answer, I will give her 100 points as bonus....

2007-01-06 11:23:06 · answer #10 · answered by Harvard 4 · 0 1

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