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my mate wants to do one. I'm very sceptical of all that spiritual stuff so i suppose i've got nothing to lose. Just wondered if anyones had any weird experiences doing them?

2007-01-06 03:15:13 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Yes - about 30 years ago, and it was a VERY DANGEROUS experience. I sat back watching my mates and they weren't getting anywhere till I joined the circle. Then the tumbler started moving around, spelling out answers. A young man, ex-army and very sensible, seemed to become possessed and started speaking in a voice clearly not his own. The outcome was we had to take him to bed and we took turns in watching over him while he tossed, turned, blasphemed and swore. It wasn't him, it was something or someone else speaking through him.

About 3 in the morning, after we had all finally gone to our respective beds and fallen asleep, I woke up suddenly, in a cold sweat. Something had woken me up and that something was pure evil. I could smell the fear on me. I prayed ferverently for protection - not something I used to do then because I wasn't a Christian. The young man who had been possessed was ranting, raving and thrashing about. His blood pressure and heartbeat were dangerously high. I took it upon myself to get on the phone and call a priest/vicar. The phone rang and rang and rang. No-one answered. I stayed on the phone, trying other numbers for priests/vicars and stayed on the phone determined not to give up till I got hold of someone to come out. Then, for no aparent reason, whatever it was that had possessed the young man departed and his physical life symptoms returned to normal. He came round, exhausted, drenched in sweat and unable to recall the events of the past 5 hours.

At breakfast, the couple who managed the property (a training school) told us their dogs were up barking, whimpering and had their hackles raised during the wee, small hours. They thought perhaps a burglar was snooping around and went to investigate but found nothing.

Friend, I am not making any of this up. If I was ever in the presence of people who wanted to do a Ouija board, I would physically stop them. I would throw the damned thing out of the window, set it on fire, do anything to prevent it happening. And I am only 5 feet tall and weigh less than 9 stones. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, would prevent me from wrecking any Ouija board session (and I'm not given to violence). Enough said?

2007-01-06 04:38:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So, you want to do Ouija, right? First of all, no one is really sure how it works, not even the makers.

From a metaphysical point of view, it works because of spirits that guide your hands. They have total access to the Akashic Records, a collection of information about the past, present, and future. The scary bit is if a spirit with darker intentions tries to give you messages. Not all things in the universe are all "fluffy bunnies and rainbows and pretty unicorns". Set up a sort of protective circle before trying it.

From a psychology point of view, it works because of your unconscious mind. You get messages from within yourself. This is not as spooky as you hands being dragged around by the dead, but is still dangerous. Your dark inner self, or "Shadow", could be giving you messages as well. Take care to cleanse yourself by smudging or doing a ritual bath before attempting it.

If you're just a dabbler in the occult, I wouldn't try Ouija just yet. It's an incredibly powerful tool that acts as a spiritual magnet. If it attracts the wrong things, your health could be in danger.

Do more research on Ouija safety before hauling out the planchette (or however it is spelled).

2007-01-06 03:33:25 · answer #2 · answered by Wisdom Lies in the Heart 3 · 4 0

I used to be a Spiritualist and used them sometimes. Some people are not upset by them at all. Some people are sensitive and nervy, very susceptible to suggestion. These people should never use them. On balance I would say do not have anything to do with them . Not because you will call up any evil spirits, but you will influence the weaker minded members of the group and those who are easily lead. Not a good thing.

2007-01-06 04:34:40 · answer #3 · answered by Eso_ uk 4 · 0 1

when i was wiccan, i would use tarot cards and ouija boards. at the time, the weird stuff didn't bother me b/c i expected them. now as a christian, it gives me an eerie feeling to think about them. i would have the pointer fly off the board and hit objects in the room, or a friend. it would spell out names, dates, and messages like,"death tonight..." however, i've never checked out the names or dates they gave me. and certainly never the death tonight message because their is always death everynight. one time my cat ran out of the room and hid under my bed for 2 days(wouldn't eat, or drink) he peed and pooped under there too-which most cats wouldn't do if they plan to sleep there. that's about it. be careful if you plan to play with a ouija board, they are evil(wish i known it back then).

2007-01-06 03:40:48 · answer #4 · answered by Jesus junkie 3 · 2 0

I own a most suitable hand embellished one on o.ok.and characteristic it framed and putting on the wall interior the residing room. the really component i have suggested diverse because this is been putting there is that the fundies do not come round any extra. it extremely works so strong i'm thinking putting one lower than the no soliciting register the front door to keep the JW's and Mormons at bay. sarcasm

2016-12-01 22:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If Ouija boards were really that dangerous, why hasn't someone proven for a fact that that danger exists and gotten the boards taken off the market? If Ouija boards were really that harmful or bad, you know that there would be parent groups out there all over the place trying to get the product banned. I mean, look at today's society; if a toy or game causes something bad to happen to a child, or if he gets hurt while playing it, even if it's probably his fault, and even if nothing bad happened to the other ten million kids who used it, they STILL recall the product. The fact that they still sell Ouija boards is enough proof for me that they're nothing more than a game.

2007-01-06 03:25:15 · answer #6 · answered by . 7 · 2 4

yes done it, strange things can happen??

can be quite accurate asked if my sister in Australia would have any children yes 2 boys ,asked if my cousin would have children we knew she could not have them answer yes girl blond blue eyes, a year later she adopted a baby was bald when she adopted but when hair grew blond blue eyes girl ????
old man said it was all rubbish accused us of throwing the glass at him we were all sat with fingers still where the glass had been,

2007-01-06 05:03:09 · answer #7 · answered by quasar 6 · 0 1

yes did it just the once....there were just the two of us and only I knew my Nans christian name, she had died a short time before....I too was sceptical, to the point I began to argue with the source, and asked for proof...stopped doing it after the light started moving....Unless you can handle it don't do it....

2007-01-06 03:25:31 · answer #8 · answered by Bluefurball 3 · 3 0

yes ive done one, i never believed in that sort of stuff until either! i was a very strange experience, i was asking the (? whatever is there), questions no one on the table knew the answer to and they spelled every one of them out right! the only people i know who believe it are the ones that have actually done one, so go ahead, if only to put your mind at rest lol

2007-01-06 03:23:32 · answer #9 · answered by button moon 5 · 0 3

Yes, I tried it once when I was much younger. I didn't like the answer and it all ended badly, I would never touch one again! Dangerous!

2007-01-06 03:36:53 · answer #10 · answered by June smiles 7 · 1 1

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