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what do you think about them and people who need them espcially kids and teenagers that no they deserve them but nobody to give it to them

2007-01-06 03:01:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

20 answers

Yeah, some kid are begging for spanking.
But it has to be always in an upbringing way NEVER out of rage or anger.

2007-01-06 03:06:15 · answer #1 · answered by kengoller 3 · 1 0

I think spankings are needed, depending on the incident. I was spanked all the time as a child and I grew up to be fine. I am a mother of 6 and 17 month old daughters and currently expecting my 3rd child. There are times that I have spanked my oldest, because she needed it and will do so when it is needed. What was good enough for my rear is good enough for my kids.

With teenagers spanking is no use, they look at you like your stupid ( I know I did, the last time I was spanked I was 13), but there are other way to get the point across. Taking everything they love away including their contact with friends absolutely kills them.

**There is a line between spanking and beating your child, it is the parents that don't know the difference that cause all the uproar about spanking** **I have worked in the child abuse field for many years and have seen when parents have taken spanking to the beating level** You have to know your limit, if you don't then spanking is not something you need to do.

2007-01-06 11:46:54 · answer #2 · answered by sunflowerlizard 6 · 0 0

Spanking is not the best form of punishment for a teenager. By that age there are things that you can take away from them that will be more effective than spanking (like computers, ipods, allowance, time with friends/boyfriends/girlfriends, etc).

If as a parent you choose to use spankings for younger children, don't make that the only form of punishment. They'll learn that when they're bad they'll get a swat and that's it. After a while it won't even bother them. Use a variety of punishments (time out in a corner, loss of priviledges like sleep overs, video games, tv in room etc, or just plain old send them to their room) so that punishment stays "difficult" for the kid and they don't find a way to make it fun.

2007-01-06 11:27:55 · answer #3 · answered by Laura 5 · 0 0

I was "spanked" and I turned out fine. It depends on the amount of force, the REASON and the number of times. I hate when people say "you shouldn't spank your children." My parents have 4 children. We're all grown. All educated and have NEVER been to jail. This is because of our up bringing. I do believe that there is a fine line between abuse and spankings, and that some people do cross the line. My father used this as a method for "our worse behavior." This was not our everyday way of being punished, and we understood and knew when and why we were punished.

As for the teenagers, sometimes it's too late. Spanking should be done early to "correct" potential bad behavior. When it comes to teenagers, other forms of punishment should be used. No phone, grounded, and even physical punishments (pushups...) or reading and writing reports...

2007-01-06 11:08:42 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Becoming and being a GOOD parent is the greatest challenge a person could ever take on.....and one some people...quite frankly, do not have the stomach for....The greatest love for your children is shown by leading by example and holding them to that higher standard.

If you teach your children RESPECT for authority, obedience, and honesty, then spankings will be less of a necessary evil. Spankings are useful to a point, but not the answer to everything. Swift and certain praise and punishment in a ratio of 7:1 will usually result in children you can be proud of.

2007-01-06 11:50:07 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. US of A, Baby! 5 · 1 0

I think a reasonable parent decides what is a spanking offense in their home. For some parents its nearly a rare event in others more regularly used. Teen agers are too old to be spanked other punishments work better anyway. In every society some get what they deserve and some dont thats life.

2007-01-06 11:16:42 · answer #6 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 0 0

Spankings are often used as a way for the parent to act out their own anger and that is wrong. There are more effective ways of punishment. That being said a swat on the butt goes a long way when you are talking about a dangerous situation. I will give my oldest a swat on the butt for:

1 leaving the yard or walking out the front door without permission
2. hurting one of the pets (on purpose)
3. hurting his baby brother (on purpose)

That is more about keeping everyone and everything SAFE. If used it rare and extreme circumstances it CAN be effective.

When I was younger my parents spanked, smacked, slapped, kicked, punched, knocked us off our chairs, locked us in the basement, etc. I would never hurt my child but at time he needs to be scared straight.

2007-01-06 11:07:04 · answer #7 · answered by iampatsajak 7 · 0 0

Spanking is only appropriate in very limited circumstances.

First, parents should never spank out of anger.

For children under 7 years old spanking has a useful purpose if:

The Child is putting him or herself in danger.


If the Child is being directly defiant and other methods of discipline don't work.

By age 7 children are old enough to understand simple explainations of the rules and to connect having things and/or privaliges taken away to their misbehavior.

2007-01-06 19:52:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was raised with a wooden pattle and spanks beleive me spanks = a show of love if you can beleive it. After my parents spanked me they always talked to me about what I had done wrong. I always felt loved even more after my siblings all feel the same way trust me all you who don't spank your kids are missing out. I'm not saying just randomly start spanking your kids only when they do wrong. I would say to me it taught me that when I am bad I am still loved.

2007-01-06 13:11:15 · answer #9 · answered by KK 1 · 0 0

i think they are wrong. giving a child a spanking is not going to help them at all, there just going to become scared of you which as a parent, guardian, etc, you don't want to happen. i think it's important not to show abuse like that because this may really affect some children. if you have a problem you should teach what you preach, as a parent you tell your child not to hit anyone then don't hit them, you tell them to use words, so you should use words. I think nobody deserves them, no teenagers or kids, it's just not the way to disipline someone.

2007-01-06 11:34:51 · answer #10 · answered by Put A Smile On! 2 · 0 2

sometimes (like when a 2 year old is trying to run into traffic) sometimes I think they are needed....no time out will leave an impression in my opinion...
I know there will be tons of people who disagree, I ws spanked and avoided doing (or getting causght!!LOL) the things that I got spanked for!!!! spare the rod, spoil the child, sorry but I do believe that....
Beating or anywhere but the butt, not acceptable...

2007-01-06 11:06:55 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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