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25 answers

you prove it by looking inside your soul and seeing god standing at the door waiting for entrance
it isnt designed by 'smart people', god is the one, one god, one love, one way

2007-01-06 03:07:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, how do you prove it's designed by smart people to control?

How do you prove that the Sun is not just a display on a huge LCD screen that is above the whole planet, which is actually flat?

You cannot prove the above things. You just assume that's not the case, because of too much data which points to it, and your personal observations accept that theory.

Religion is true. That's a fact. Look at the churches and other religious objects around you.

Religion does not require to be based on real things. I highly doubt the existence of a God. But that doesn't mean there is no religion.

Human beings tend to believe in something, and an organized religion is the best way to have the people united and to create a group moral and ethical backbone for the society.

I believe that the Religion made by people. They are made spontaneously, by everybody adding to it and interpreting it. It's not made by smart people/peoples, since it is too complicated to be created that way.

2007-01-06 12:16:51 · answer #2 · answered by Hesse 3 · 0 0

Proving that a particular religion is true is impossible, but discrediting the idea that religions are designed for controlling others is easy based on how bad they are at it. I think this idea originates from the close link between religion and culture, culture being the much stronger influence on behavior. Religion reflects the culture which originates it, but still people behave contrary to their self-proclaimed religious precepts all the time, because religion is not a very effective method of control.

History also discredits this theory, as early religions lacked the hierarchical systems and monetary requirements of large organized religions today. Anyone was a potential religious figure. Religious figures had influence, but not power or control, and usually were listened to not just on the basis of being religious, but also on a proven track record of good decision making.

It's okay. I used to think religion was about control too, but as I studied, I learned better. Communal behavior does not necessarily a system of control make.

2007-01-06 11:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by Lao Pu 4 · 0 0

You have a good point. Many religions are just that. Some are similar to an older traditional religion with their own bit of twist.

The only religion that can be proved as legitimate is from the Holy Scriptures or bible. Reason is this,

1. Over thousands of years, it has proved historically correct.
2. Information regarding prophecy has been correct.
3. Persons in the bible state their own imperfections and
mistakes, this is not typical of other kings, or religions.
4. Many of the laws stated in the bible are for our benefit, but they also are thousands of years ahead of their time. Like staying away from blood, not touching the dead, They had no knowledge of micro-bacteria.

These are only some, things and of course the council that the bible give for families is still applicable in our times also. Really, it is good to question a religion and look at it from all angles.

2007-01-06 11:20:57 · answer #4 · answered by fire 5 · 0 0

Religion is no doubt designed by smart people !
But the true founders were not selfish power hungry folks !
They designed religion to regulate the life of the individual in society !
Religious rules pertaining to family, marriage, inheritance etc., have played and do play significant roles to maintain 'law and order' in society.
More important is the question of giving obedience to laws governing a society - Punishment in Hell is a great deterrent to the commitment of crimes.
Religion lays emphasis on self-restraint and thus teaches the individuals 'How to live in a collectivity '

But sad enough selfish and power hungry individuals have come to the helm of religious affairs and have turned religious institutions into corporate business houses each selling its own God and creating disharmony the world over through negative propaganda which has brought the individuals level of tolerance of other faiths to the lowest point ever - the negative control is very much evident today in place of the positive control for which religion was intended !!

2007-01-06 12:33:44 · answer #5 · answered by madhatter 6 · 1 0

Control what? Religion is probably the weakest tool for controlling a population. Religion transcends the material world, and removes all incentive for defending material pursuits. If you want to control people, you need to control the economy, or convince people that a common enemy is threatening their lives and property. That is why Communism is such an effective tool for controlling the population. Do you think Stalin, Mao or Castro would have been able to control a population who only cared about the afterlife? They advocated militant atheism in order to place all of the hopes and fears of the nation in economic and political structures. After that it was easy to control everything. If you convince the population that suffering in this life is rewarded in the next, then why on earth would they try to defend anything in this world?

Interestingly, the ancient Romans blamed the Christians for emasculating the empire. Why? Because Christians didn't care if their possessions were stolen, their lives taken, or their fields burned. They had a reward in heaven. The Romans sought to eradicate Christianity so that the Roman populace would again feel the need to fight for their own security.

2007-01-06 11:08:11 · answer #6 · answered by NONAME 7 · 1 1

Religion serves many purposes. Many people (like myself) are drawn to a spiritual connection to the divine; others seek order in a world that seems constantly on the verge of imploding.

I believe that the world's great enduring religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, etc.) encourage people to be less fearful, more compassionate, more grateful.

Sure, they also seek to control the worst aspects of human behavior...And while at times all religions go too far in this endeavor, is seeking to create order such a bad thing?

2007-01-06 11:07:11 · answer #7 · answered by Colin 5 · 0 0

You're not going to ever be able to prove it. It's probably not a helpful question to ask. You should instead ask yourself if you're willing to believe anyway - to have the faith to just let go of your concern about the possibility that it's all just nonsense, and accept it despite the strong possibility that it is.

Remember that real religion is about faith. If you had proof, or even evidence, there wouldn't be any need for faith, and belief would be trivial. You need to either decide that you have the faith to believe despite the lack of proof, or that the complete lack of evidence is enough to keep you from believing.

2007-01-06 11:05:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Some religions don't have any order given by a person who is higher on the spiritual ladder than another. Wicca, for example, teaches not to impose your beliefs on another if they don't want it. Satanism teaches that you can be your own God. Islam's imams are teachers rather than religious leaders. Many other religions also stress the importance of self-empowerment. Christians, however, feel the need to worship their God through men (preachers, priests, ministers, popes, etc).

2007-01-06 11:04:56 · answer #9 · answered by Wisdom Lies in the Heart 3 · 0 0

Smart rulers, beginning with the Romans,brought religious leaders into their government in order to more effectively control the people. It was like an extension to the law; a built-in moral corrective.
They didn't really believe in God, but they saw how they could use this belief to their advantage, by calming the very rebellious Jewish tribes within their boundaries.

2007-01-06 11:21:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Religion is nothing but a system of faith. it differs from person to person. rightly it is the act of some smart people to get control over others for their personal gains it is propagated. out of all the living beings only humans have religion. this is because they have a brain to be used for their own growth at the cost of others.

2007-01-09 07:01:32 · answer #11 · answered by ravipati 5 · 0 0

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