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I hear this question so many times, but this world has said there is no God, and we don't need God.

What you see is a world that man has asked for, so don't blame God.

As this world rots from moral decay, and wars grow worse and worse, don't blame God.

Next time you see a sick and dieing child, and people starving, don't blame God. You are the ones that don't want to teach your children about God. You are the ones that don't want him in our schools. You are the ones that want to forget God, so don't blame him.

This is what man has asked for, a world without God. Are you happy with what we have become?

2007-01-06 01:35:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

...Jesus has promised eternal life and forgiveness of sin to all who believe on Him for salvation. Contrary to the teaching of some gospels today, God has not promised to make all Christians rich, perfectly healthy, and/or politically free.
...The only way to solve moral decay is to get the Gospel out; Jesus changes people from the inside out and gives them hope, and changes them for the better. Even the poor can be spiritually rich in Jesus Christ.
...I am not happy that people are suffering; I am glad to know at least one missionary, who brings the Gospel to the people, and also helps them to start legitimate businesses, thus improving their lot in life.
...Our choices can dictate our destiny. The reason there is hunger in some countries is not because there is no food, it's because sacred cows eat 7 times the grain that one human could eat - the problem is pantheism; they won't kill anything, believing that a sacred cow is some long lost ancestor, and these cows are devouring food that people could eat.
...Shortages of food can also be linked to flaws in the thinking of governments. A former pastor of Romania relayed this information in a missions conference one night. Marxist and communist countries fail to meet the needs of their people, and this kind of government really destroys economies. For economies like that to work, all they need is a perfect plan (which they don't) and perfect people (they don't have those, either). The government plan tells them when to plant, harvest, etc, regardless of what the weather is really like. To cover up for the flaws in that kind of system, there is then widespread lying and cheating. One report in a former Iron Curtain country found years of reports of a factory and its production that actually never existed at all. Shortages of all types are common in Marxist countries, and there is no incentive to work, since all get the same reward, whether they work or not.
...Good point I saw - when we see suffering and need, it gives us opportunities to comfort and minister to those who are suffering, too.
...All people need to trust in Christ; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
...Whosoever will, may come.

2007-01-06 02:02:47 · answer #1 · answered by carson123 6 · 1 1

If you read what Jesus said, when asked if He was the "coming One" He said in Luke 7:22 "report what you have seen and heard: the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM."
Why was the gospel preached to the poor? How would the gospel feed the poor. Answer is simple because God looks after His children. When people come to God through faith and believe in Him, they are born again into His family and become His children. And God feed His children. The more our contemporary society turns away from God and turns to false religions the more poverty and starvation you have. The answer today is the same as it was then.

2007-01-06 01:45:03 · answer #2 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 2 0

The 60% of the international’s wealth is with the G8 countries. Even as we talk 100s of loads of nutrition are being thrown away into sea through the wealthy. the wealthy and greed are amasing wealth from the undesirable as though they're going to stay in this international for ever. while guy isn't loving his own fellow people how can u assume God to do a similar. guy with the aid of his greed and selfishness has in basic terms made Nuclear Bombs, hollow interior the Ozone layer, HIV / AIDS and so on. good muslims continuously pray for the undesirable and supply zakaath for them. 2.5% of their extra wealth.

2016-11-26 23:45:39 · answer #3 · answered by bolte 4 · 0 0

God's got nothing to do with it. Man grew a brain and defied God and God threw man out of the land of plenty, so now man is on his own.

So the question is why are there so many POOR and STARVING people if MAN is so GOOD.

The answer is obvious. MAN is NOT VERY GOOD.

How much of your income do you provide directly to helping the poor. How many rooms in your house to do give to homeless people.

In short, how GOOD are you!

I don't pretend to be good.

2007-01-06 01:40:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

God is HERE!! But He has NOT A THING to do with the way mankind is.
It is a world turned away from God, for sure!

2007-01-06 01:44:41 · answer #5 · answered by bettyboop 6 · 3 0

if we ask for Gods healing in the name of Jesus, we will be healed, on Gods own time. satan want's us all to be poor and sick.

2007-01-06 02:03:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because we allow it. Pure and simple. God put us here and told us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This means take care of them if they need it. There is war, poverty. sickness and pain because WE allow it to happen. It is our fault, yours mine, OURS! God is watching and i bet he doesn't like everything he sees.

2007-01-06 01:42:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I am not sick or starving, so its OK.

2007-01-06 01:47:41 · answer #8 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 0 2

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