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You know what Christians, I believe many Christians will be left here to face the tribulaton as they are not ready. I am. Jesus has showed me in a vision in the middle of last year that me and my sister will be alive when the rapture happens, and I also had an end times visions in the middle of 2005 and that was very biblical. And plus I had my dreams and visions backed up at prayer ministry by the Holy spirit. I hate when people call the holy spirit a lier. That is blasphemy. Some people are jealous about what God gives other people. If God does not what to share certain things with people he won't because he is God and he does what he wants.I know what I received from God and so does he. I do not give a toss one way or the other is people doubt it, because i have been blessed enough for it to happed to me. I have read a bood by sister Choo Thomas called Heaven is so real. It is a try story of a lady who encounterd the living Christ, and he took her to Heaven in her spirit body

2007-01-05 23:49:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesus showed her the rapture and the tribulation in the vision with Jesus next to her. Her granddaughters where only babies in 1996 and in the vision she saw them flying out of the window wearing white garments, and she said they looked a bit grow up with their hair down to their shoulders. Jesus told her unless my disbedient children wake up they will miss the trumpet and will have to go through the tribuation and many of them will become Satans. Christians a stern warning from Jesus to the world.

2007-01-06 00:01:27 · update #1

10 answers

Well, you ask a decent question, and then go off on some poorly worded, disjointed rant about dreams and visions... But, I will endeavor to answer your question.

People, as a group, as a general rule, lack conviction. This is why Mother Thereasa and Ghandi and others are celebrated. If we all had conviction like that, they would have just been one of many. But they stood out precisely because for the most part, we don't.

It is easy to pray a prayer, join the club, slap people on the back and call them brother, and then sit around telling people ghost stories and campfire fairytales, which they will believe are true because you used da Lawd in the story.. It is hard to actually live the life Jesus called people to live. You have to sacrifice, you have to stand out. You have to face ridicule. You have to defend your faith. Most people are not equipped to do this.

So...they call themselves Christian. They go to church every now and then. Some go every week. But in reality, they are no more spiritual, or enlightened, or committed than anyone else. They just like being in the club.

An easy way to find out who the real Christians are: Go to your church and organize a day long witnessing excursion in the nearest ghetto. The 2% that show up, are the real ones.

2007-01-05 23:59:32 · answer #1 · answered by elricsfate 2 · 1 2

If people only knew just how right you are!!
I feel the reason so many are acting like Jesus return is a long time away is people have been saying for over 2,000 years now that we are in the last days, and His return is near. I tell you the truth as Holy Spirit has revealed to me and I am aloud to share at this point.
We are no longer in the last days, but rather we are in the very last DAY, maybe hours, or even minutes. I will not say I know the day or hour of his return, but it is closer then anyone knows, sooner them most think, and much sooner then many are willing to believe. Time is so short we cannot continue to focus on the things of this world, instead we must focus on that which is on Gods heart, and that is the souls of the lost. The church today as a whole has its focus so far off that we are blind to the needs of even our own people, so how can we even begin to reach the lost when we are lost ourselves? WE MUST GET BACK TO WHAT GOD WANTS, AND THAT IS FOR US TO REACH THE LOST AND MAKE THEM DESCIPLES. We have to first repent and forsake our worldly ways, turn our hearts and minds to Christ, then set out and seek to please God and Him alone, then He will hear us and heal our land. Read 2nd Chronicles 7 vs 14, this lays it out perfectly.

There will be several "Christians" who will be left behind, and they are not new ones some will be Pastors, preachers, ministers, whatever they call themselves, and they will be of all denominations. I fact there will be a lot more people who will spend all eternity separated from God then will enter into the joy of the Lord. During the tribulation many will take the mark just so they can have food to eat, a place to live, work, etc., then after we are on the new earth with God for 1,000 years Satan will be let out to deceive he he can and even some of the very elect will turn thier backs on God and follow the devil right into Hell.

The only way to avoid this is to remain on fire with our wcks trimmed and our lanterns full of fuel so we do not get caught off guard and not ready for the return of the Bridegroom Jesus, who is at this very second talking to the Father about His return to retrieve the Bride the Church. If you tune into the supernatural realm you can hear Gabriel tuning his trumpet right now, listen closely, he is about to blow it and call us home.

Choose you right now who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

2007-01-06 09:49:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Lot's of decent responses prior to mine. Conviction was spoken to in a previous comment. I would add to that complacency. Could it be another antagonism? Where's Dirk Benedict when you need him?

The Bible is utterly clear on the topic of blaspheming the Holy Ghost/Spirit.

I am, like you, indifferent to what people fail to believe about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit or the Bible for that matter. As a Christian I understand my duty. Tell the story and witness...chew my rice, wear my clothes and live my life. It's God's...although delegated to Jesus and then partly delegated to the Disciples...job to determine judgement.

Many are called but few are chosen. Staying on the narrow path is very unappealing without conviction of faith. And we've circled back to conviction.

You're either a slave to God or a slave to Satan. The thing is Satan's gotta helluva slick sales pitch. Sex, alchohol, party's, Santa, Easter Bunny, Halloween (Reformation Day), luxury, riches, celebrity, science (where is a shred of proof of one living creature alive today going through the so-called process of evolution? or how about all the holes in the so-called carbon dating process that can only accurately measure maybe maybe 800 years at most!), the false God's of media, Hollyweird, vanity and last of all freedom.

So many people believe that being free from religion gives them freedom when it sells their soul into slavery to Satan.

But while without conviction you are likely to be on shaky ground to say the least being complacent is a dangerous trap when it comes to being prepared for tribulation. Although to be fair, the Bible is very clear that the world must first go through 7 years of warfare followed by a peace treaty (architect = antichrist) before the end of times is to come. So while we do not know when this will be we know we must endure 7 years of global warfare prior to the end.

2007-01-06 08:20:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I do believe you have the holy spirit that dwells in you and he just gave you a personal spiritual gift--but be careful who you share this gift to becuase the people who you think is important to share this with may not be the one who have the holy spirit inside of them. The bible does mention spiritual gifts which each person who recieves and accepts Christ has in them. There are all types of gifts for Christians: wisdom, prophesy, discernment, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, etc. I think your gift is prophecy, but make sure it is bibical. Yes, some Christians do get envious of other peoples spiritual gifts. (Trust me, I have been in a situation similar where even the leaders of the church had something to say about my gifts.) Know that even if you don't convince people in the church, that it is your OWN personal relationship with Christ. And when you know him personally it doesn't matter what other people think. And continue to do the right thing even when it is frustrating and you feel like giving up. Some leaders in the church will appiont other leaders solely out of favoritism and not because they are hearing from God. But in the rapture YOU will be standing before him and he will YOU personally. If YOU have a good relationship with HIM, YOU will go to heaven and not them. But if they end up in heaven, be happy for them because they are your brothers and sisters in Christ. So don't let anyone try to rob you of what is yours. The enemy ONLY does three things--that is-- steal, kill, and destroy.

2007-01-06 08:17:03 · answer #4 · answered by Melissa Svetlana Flavored Coffee 3 · 2 1

Sad to say but you are right about so many Christians living as if Jesus will return sometime in the far off future. But I believe every Christian will be raptured when it does happen. Some may have only just made Jesus their Lord and Savior, and are still learning how to live the Christian life. Others may have been saved for many years, but haven't growned as Christians. I guess we will find out, it's best to live each day as if the rapture will happen that day.

2007-01-06 08:36:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Amen brother, I am with you, always ready.I have had signs and visions,I have had Holy Angels save me from death 4 times,I do
not know why,I guess I have a purpose here though as of yet I do not know what it is.I also encountrted Jesus,long story,I was in utter terror and I am praying and begging Jesus to be with me.
He was, His hand firmly touched my shoulder and the miracle occurs.no man knows the day or the hour,we must be always ready.God Bless.

2007-01-06 08:07:44 · answer #6 · answered by gwhiz1052 7 · 0 1

You may be surprised to know that you are not along in your visions. many Christians have experienced similar visions yet they knew the visions were for humanity and not only for the individual having the visions. Christians do not claim their visions for them self because it is as Jesus wants for all and we give to all what has been given to our vision. we do not say of the Holy Spirit that he be as your word has said. The Holy Spirit is was and always will be the source of life for all of mankind. to know your visions and for whom they are is good. amen

2007-01-06 08:06:25 · answer #7 · answered by Conway 4 · 0 1

If the Holy Spirit has shown you things, that's great! Just be sure it agrees with the Bible, and be careful to share only with those whom the Holy Spirit directs. Go for it!

As to the Rapture, I agree it will happen soon, probably in our lifetimes. But all Christians must continue to live our lives here in the meantime!

And, of course, not all people who call themselves Christian are truly Christian........

2007-01-06 07:58:03 · answer #8 · answered by Gee Wye 6 · 1 2

Thank you for your good comments! I know some other people who have received the same-sort of word. I can't wait for Jesus to come and I am occupying until he comes.
It is definitely our assignment to keep encouraging others not to slumber or to be apathetic. We do not carry a popular message in this post Christian society. Let's finish our race strong and hear. "Well done though good and faithful servant."

2007-01-06 08:49:42 · answer #9 · answered by greatnewsbearer 3 · 0 1

hello leann good to hear from you and you are right there will be alot of so called christians left behind just as there will be so many on judgement that GODwill say depart from me i never knew you people dont understand it is GODS way or the HIGHWAYplain and simple JESUS EVEN CALLED PEOPLE LIKE THAT SLUMBERING DOGS ASLEEP AT YOUR POSTTIME IS AT HAND WE NEED TO WAKE UP!!!! THANKS

2007-01-06 07:58:46 · answer #10 · answered by THE WAR WRENCH 4 · 2 2

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