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I am having my female dog spayed on Monday. I am concerned she will be in a lot of pain after the op because my last dog was.
When my last dog was spayed she was very sleepy for the first few hours after we bought her home. Then she woke up an staggered out into the garden to relieve herself. After that she was in obvious pain for the rest of the night. She was whistling and panting all night long.
I really do not want this dog to suffer in the same way.
I know she is an animal and they deal with pain differently but I hate to see any animal suffering.
Does any one know of any ways I can minimise her discomfort.
Also stupidly forgot to ask how much it is going to cost me it was 12 years ago when I had Cleo done and it was £100 - any ideas.
She is a big dog 40kg
She is 1 year old.

2007-01-05 22:08:17 · 14 answers · asked by mummylove 3 in Pets Dogs

14 answers

The vet will give you pain meds for her. Trust me, they keep them pretty comfortable! We had our female spayed in Sept, and with the pain meds she was on, she did fine.

2007-01-05 23:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Pam 6 · 3 0

in 20 years doing rescue and having over 90+ bitches spayed, I never had one suffering pain as you described. Most of them were out and playing 24 hours after the op. Perhaps you are babying them and fussing too much, making them feel anxious much like dogs get during thunderstorms when silly owners go all gaga and say "there there darling, don't worry, ah don't be afraid" .
Be sensible about it. It is a small op with a small wound. Tell the vet you ware post op' pain relief like rimadyl or metacam and then don't fuss her.
Pain is useful. It tells the animal that moving quickly hurts. This makes them rest for a few days instead of getting up and being too active. That goes for every living thing. Pain is there to tell us not to do something which might cause damage to our bodies.

2007-01-06 00:28:51 · answer #2 · answered by fenlandfowl 5 · 0 1

I am not to certain the place abouts you live but i suppose in specific nations they both give agony remedy or not when my dog was spayed the primary few days she found uncomfortable which could be very comprehensible she wasn't given any remedy too she would wander ultimately she is going to sit or lay however are attempting to not touch her or raise her up :) after a number of days she should be first-rate if no longer go to your vets :) hope i helped and your canine gets better quickly

2016-08-10 11:02:47 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well your vet will give you the advice you need to know about after care,a ***** is not meant to play boistrously or free run exercise for 10days after the op,lead walks only and she may require a lampshade collar to stop her biting at the stiches.Regarding cost when i asked for a quote it was £150 but whether this is for all dogs im not sure,maybe having a bigger dog it will be more like £250,good luck and remember to ask your vet anything your not sure of.

2007-01-05 23:04:18 · answer #4 · answered by Heavenly20 4 · 1 0

Ask your vet first- there are pain meds available; then make sure your dog moves as little as possible the next few days following the surgery. No stairs if possible. Keep food and water near. The dog basically had a hysterectomy and feels pain like any other living mammal.

2007-01-05 22:13:59 · answer #5 · answered by pj j 1 · 3 0

Your vet should be able to give you pain meds that she can stay on for a few days after her surgery. My stray kitty that came to us pregnant just had hers done after her body aborted the kittens and it was quite traumatic for her due to infection in her uterus. They also gave us pain killers for her to take afterwards. Just tell them you want her to have painkillers after surgery.

Your dog being so large it is going to be hard on her body and the procedure also costs more because of her weight. Just be prepared for her to be groggy after surgery and even possibly the next day. You might try crating her with some fresh linens inside the crate in case of drainage and adding a water bottle to the crate so she is able to drink whenever she wants. I would bring her out every hour or so to let her walk around for a few minutes, go potty or grab a bite to eat then return her to the crate. That way you can keep down activities and she probably wont mind too much considering she is not going to feel well afterwards. If you do not own a crate, you might consider confining her to a bathroom or a small room where she wont have beds or whatnot to jump up on.

Defintely keep an eye on her stitches, because she is so large there is a bigger chance of infection. If you see dark redness, large swelling or heavy drainage you should take her back into the vet to have it checked out as that would be signs of infection. If she gets no infections and you keep her actitivity to a minimun she should be fine in 7 to 10 days.

Good luck

2007-01-05 22:45:07 · answer #6 · answered by zawni2004 4 · 2 1

Please don't give your dog aspirin. Aspirin is NOT good for dogs. Give her some baby Tylenol. However, keep in mind that anesthesia takes 12-24 hours to wear off, so some of your dogs behavior may reflect the disorientation caused by the anesthetic drug. So she will exhibit some weird behavior such as whistling and panting because technically she's recovering form a bad hangover. Offer her plenty of fluids, and she'll be back to her old self in no time.

2007-01-05 22:18:34 · answer #7 · answered by badpennyweb 2 · 1 1

Your vet should send you home with pain meds for her. If they don't then ask them to give you some for her.

Do NOT EVER give a dog Tylenol,Advil, Aleve they are very toxic to your dog..they could kill your dog. Also while Asprin is usually safe for dogs in a prescribed dosage agreed upon by your vet, do NOT EVER give it to a dog following surgery unless specifically prescribed by your vet. Asprin can cause blood thinning and bleeding.

2007-01-06 02:21:47 · answer #8 · answered by Great Dane Lover 7 · 0 0

pain meds from the vet, and ice packs!!! quite and comfort and lots of water. if you really really want to be nice get a puppy pad and let her pee in the room you're keeping her in. usually a tiled room is best b/c the cold tiles feel good to them. look and call around for prices in your area, and ask if any specials are coming up.

2007-01-05 22:26:55 · answer #9 · answered by mamie_nm 1 · 0 1

I would discuss these concerns with your vet. He/she can dispense pain meds after the surgery. Good Luck.

2007-01-06 12:26:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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