I have had many cats and all are individuals. When your cat is looking at you and meowing, he probably does want your attention. Ask him what he wants, and he might respond a little and try to "herd" you into where he wants you to go with him. Talk to him and see what he does. Meow back at him, too.
Cats do have many different vocalizations, and one of my favorites is the little aspirated purr meow that's sort of like 'prfffft'. Like cats weren't already so fun anyway, they are just that much better with purring!
2007-01-05 21:23:25
answer #1
answered by artistpw 4
He wants to play, cuddle, snuggle. My cats do it too. And since I respond when they do they are (and I am) pretty much trained now.
It's great to be able to communicate. Just like they say about a baby's cry changing based on it's need, you will pick up that different meows mean different things.
2007-01-05 16:59:49
answer #2
answered by On the move 2
I agree with Bobby O. He probably wants you to pet him, play with him or some other attention. We have a cat (1 of 3) who is a major talker, and some of the times she meows constantly, to no one in particular. She's just a chatterbox!
But I'd bet on his wanting attention.
2007-01-05 16:23:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
One of our cats meows when he wants attention or is looking for us. He doesn't necessarily meow while looking at me, sometimes we will be in another room or upstairs and he will meow. He has several tones, one is his "where are you tone, I can't find you" and the other is "I want to hang out with you". Our other cat has a specific meow when she wants to play with her laser light. She has developed a routine in the morning and after her breakfast, will set on the step near the kitchen with a specific meow to let me know it's time to get out the laser light. I think our cats have actually trained us to respond to their meows just as we have trained them to respond to our voices.
2007-01-05 16:44:34
answer #4
answered by TG 3
Cats meow for a multitude of reasons. My 9 month old has a different meow for everything. She makes a loud meow or a chirping noise if she's hungry. A long drawn out meow if she wants her mommy (me) and chatters if she just wants to talk to me.
My fiance's cat will meow just because she wants contact from you, even if its just talking to her, or if she wants to go outside.
You just have to figure out what each of your cat's meows means.
2007-01-05 16:23:00
answer #5
answered by Jay Bunny 2
in spite of what some human beings could say which you have have been given experienced him to do it, i like to think of that cats DO understand you and prefer to offer affection. We 'talk ' to our cats each and all the time and that they are going to now and returned answer decrease back. yet like some solutions have suggested earlier me, cats will supply affection on THIER words, so he's in all danger working away reason he become int he middle of something substantial (like observing the poultry accross the line) and you interrupted him, yet he nonetheless desires to enable you recognize he loves you too. relish it at the same time as you may, some cats dont prepare any affection in any respect and we ought to constantly count huge form ourselves fortunate that we do!
2016-12-12 05:04:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He is just trying to say hello to you. He most likely does want to play. Cats get bored too, especially if they don't have another kitty to play with. So pick up a string or throw a little bouncy ball (my cats love that) and he will most likely be happy.
2007-01-05 16:14:15
answer #7
answered by roudy_jay 2
Well I would have to agree with everyone who said that he wants your love-attention. But If you give him a lot of attention and he still does the same then what he is saying is I'm annoying.
2007-01-05 16:18:35
answer #8
answered by gary r 2
could t e cause hes in pan my cat has not been spayed yet hes 7 monthes old hes in pain or hes wanting myattetion to playagain don t know
2016-01-25 13:16:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Play with him, or unless he is neutered he may be in heat!
2007-01-05 16:16:42
answer #10
answered by Justina 3