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I just wondered if anyone has lost there mom and then had a baby if it made it harder on you emotionally to have the baby? I lost my mom 2 years before my second son was born and I got depressed thinking about her and that my baby would never know her. I also was scared because she wouldn't be there for his deliver like she was with my first son, however I felt she was there right by my side like the first. has anyone else had this happen, and how did you feel?

2007-01-05 16:01:49 · 6 answers · asked by Lucky 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

6 answers

Your mum is with you, I promise, she's watching over you all the time. Keep a look out for the signs and I'm sure she'll let you know she's around.
Don't be surprised when your children talk to her or you find one of them laughing or looking at something you cant see. She's there and they know it.
Children are more in touch with the spiritual world than adults because they havent been taught yet to disbelieve.

2007-01-05 16:08:15 · answer #1 · answered by kezzafazza 2 · 2 0

I did not lose a mom, but I had friends who did, and definitely said it was harder, and sadder too. But I understand on the side of having lost a baby, a daughter and then having a daughter again soon after and it was so hard. One thing that I found peace in was believing that in some way my other daughter found a baby that she believed to be the sweetest baby she could find, and she sent that baby to us as a blessing. Maybe this or something similar could comfort you. Your new baby is definitely a blessing, and I do believe that no matter what your religious beliefs are that all people have some thought that all spirits continue to exist even in death, hopefully you can find some way to feel that connection to your mom during this time. Even something as simple as a picture of her you bring into the delivery room, and show your new baby a picture of "Grandma" as soon as you hold baby. It's a nice way of having your mother there in spirit. My husband was not there for our first born's birth, because he was in the military and this was how we handled him being there. Funny the baby actually seemed to look at the picture and was calmed by it.

I hope this helps in some way.

2007-01-06 00:19:19 · answer #2 · answered by Jodiontop 3 · 1 0

I lost my dad and with each new grandchild I have I grieve because he can't know them or they him.

Work on not being depressed, but consider it part of grief to be sad when important things in life happen to you. We are all in the cycle of life. People come and go in our time. It is human to grieve the loss and wish they were with us.

I would suggest that you get the feeling that your mom continues to be with you. Go ahead and talk to her. (just don't appear nuts)
Take the baby to the cemetary and introduce the baby to grandma. and Grandma to the baby. You can continue to have your mom in your life, it is just in a different way. It sucks that she is gone. But you can't change it, you can only change how you react to it.

You can make sure your children know her by having pictures ou of her......talk about her. They will know her.

Keep her memory alive.

2007-01-06 00:14:06 · answer #3 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 1 0

My best friend lost her mom before evering bearing a child. She recently had a beautiful baby girl. She looks to god everyday knowing mom is watching her. Depending on the circumstances it can be tough. ou have to have faith and reassurance your not alone

2007-01-06 00:04:46 · answer #4 · answered by WillsBroncoGal 3 · 1 0

This didn't happen to me but to my step-sister. She lost her real mom while pregnant with her second child. It was very rough on her but she felt her mom was still there in spirit. I am not sure how you feel about things like that but it did help her. She also named her child after her mom. One thing though...talk to them when they get older and let them know how great she was.

2007-01-06 00:05:33 · answer #5 · answered by b_fab115 3 · 1 0

when i had my 1st my uncle died on my b-day and on my second my husbands dad died..and im pregnant again with my 3rd and my grandma died 2 days before christmas ..it is hard they dont even get to see them and i never had a chance to say good bye

2007-01-06 00:50:18 · answer #6 · answered by jessicadavid p 3 · 0 1

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