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I searched through the AR 670-1, and I couldn't find the answer to this.

Are boot knives authorized with BDU/ACU's. I would think so, but I have heard different stories. With the answer, please provide the regulation and where I can find it. No offense, but I would rather not just take someone's word for it.

2007-01-05 14:49:47 · 6 answers · asked by CAUTION:Truth may hurt! 5 in Politics & Government Military

6 answers

Depends on your command. The Issue is not addressed in AR 670-1, and under field conditions uniform modifications are allowed per Commanders discretion.

2007-01-05 15:05:40 · answer #1 · answered by Albert F 5 · 4 0

Yeah, the first post has it right. What I never understood is why the Army would spend millions on R&D, testing, and fielding of a piece of equipment, and then not let us use it the way it was designed. I especially loved how I had to wear a load bearing vest over my body armor, even though the armor has attachment loops for all the various ammo pouches and such. Or how you couldn't pull up your hood on your raingear in formation. Or how many places expected you to wear a BDU between the poly-pro and gore-tex layers of cold weather gear, in direct contradiction to the directions. I know that isn't true of every command, but many.

2007-01-05 23:31:03 · answer #2 · answered by Chance20_m 5 · 2 0

That kind of addition to the uniform is really up to your chain of command. It isn't covered in AR 670-1.

The only place that I have seen a boot knife officially authorized is for jumpmasters performing jumpmaster duty.

2007-01-05 23:52:56 · answer #3 · answered by Geronimo 4 · 2 0

The first answer is right. That type of thing is up to your command's policy. Like being in Kuwait and not be allowed to wear the bonnie hat becuase it isn't neat even though the hat was designed to, hello, protect exposed skin from the sun.

2007-01-06 00:42:16 · answer #4 · answered by k3s793 4 · 1 0

Ask your command. If they say it's not, then it's not. For instance, my unit's stupid, so I'm not even allowed to alter the layout of my vest for personal comfort. That's right: when I fight, I have to be at a prescribed level of discomfort.

2007-01-05 23:11:23 · answer #5 · answered by DOOM 7 · 2 0

During a deployment it is up to your command. When you arent deployed than NO.

2007-01-06 00:14:59 · answer #6 · answered by mpwife_99 3 · 0 0

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