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19 answers

for all you jerks on here i hope you are bitten by a dangerous dog so you can have some empathy. as for the asker of the question i know how you feel and have the same feelings as you. dogs are animals and will always be animals and will always act as animals no matter how much training it gets it will always have animal instincts.

2007-01-05 13:42:18 · answer #1 · answered by steve french 2 · 0 2

OK, so you got bit by a "dangerous" dog. We should ban all "dangerous breeds. But why stop there? People get killed every day by drunk drivers. Lets ban drinking! Wait, people die in just regular accidents too. We have to ban all cars and trucks! At least once a year, there is a bad plane crash, we need to ban planes!!!! People are shot and hurt or killed every day. All those guns have gotta go! Now Wait! People are also stabbed. No one should be allowed to own a knife either! Oh, No, people die from overdosing on prescription drug! Lets ban them too!!! Every summer at least 5 children die in Florida by drowning in the family swimming pools. We gotta ban those too.

Anyone else see how ridiculous this gets? If we ban everything that cause harm or death, there would be absolutely nothing left!

I have been bit by dogs before, I have a nasty scar on my leg from an evil little terrier mix. I am not scared. I got over it and did not blame every terrier mix just because one bit me!

2007-01-05 21:07:51 · answer #2 · answered by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6 · 3 1

What people don't understand is that a 'dangerous dog' does not mean a certain breed. So it is impossible to ban dangerous dogs. I got attacked by a golden retriever who left scars on my face. But no one would ever think to ban golden retrievers. People need to focus more on dog OWNERS than dogs themselves. We need to ban Bad Owners from owning ANY dogs.

2007-01-05 21:04:30 · answer #3 · answered by Stark 6 · 0 0

No...any dog has the potential to be dangerous and they can't possibly ban ALL dogs.

Some areas do have more restrictions on specific breeds.

How old are you? You might want to seek the help of a therapist to try to get over this fear of dogs...especially if it's going to affect your life so profoundly.

2007-01-05 21:00:29 · answer #4 · answered by gypzndog 3 · 1 0

I sure hope that they don't. By the law doing this they are slowly taking away our rights. There are car window tint laws, large dog laws, smoking bands, how many children you can have laws, etc. We the people need to stand up for our rights. All dogs bite. Not all dogs are bad-it is how they are raised-same as kids. Children and dogs need to be taught how to act civilized.

2007-01-05 22:15:04 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

All dogs can be dangerous depending on the circumstances. Should they really ban ALL dogs??

2007-01-05 23:53:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depneds on where you live some contys banned pit-bulls and rotwhilers and some other dogs.Truely I think it's crule because lap dogs bite alot more but they just don't bite hard enought to go through skin.

2007-01-05 20:58:31 · answer #7 · answered by wordlesswerido 1 · 0 0

My question is what did you do to make the dog upset enough to bite you.? A lot of young children end up getting bit by dogs because they pull their tails and jump all over them. If this is the case, I would have bitten you too.

2007-01-05 21:03:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

If you mean certian breeds then no. The breeds have bad behavior and reputation due to bad owners. So just drop it. The blame does not lie on the dog. But on the owner.

2007-01-05 21:02:40 · answer #9 · answered by 13 year old girl 2 · 0 0

im 35 and got bitten 3 months ago by a large shepperd when he fight with one of my dogs..,i still ove dogs and not scared. dogs bite,so what?? next time a dog tries to bite you,run and defend yourself,you big baby!!

2007-01-05 23:41:07 · answer #10 · answered by dannyboy 1 · 0 0

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