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my dog had puppies about 5 weeks ago and she hasn't had a bath w/ soap since she got pregnant which was back in october ....because im afraid ill poison the pups.....does anybody kno of any soap that is okay to use for nursing dogs.....or any suggestions at all?

2007-01-05 08:58:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

18 answers

Use puppy shampoo to clean her, but make sure she is completely dry before you let her back with the pups!

2007-01-05 09:02:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I used Johnson's baby shampoo on three baby kittens I bottle raised- they were about 3 weeks when I began bathing them. They are all perfectly healthy, so i see no reason why washing a mother animal would cause any problems either. Just make sure you rinse and dry her thoroughly.

By the way, this is vet approved- I called and asked him before bathing them and he said this was the best way to clean them. He does not like some of the chemicals found in many soaps formulated for animals- Johnson's is the gentlest product out there, period.

2007-01-05 17:02:22 · answer #2 · answered by Rachel 6 · 2 1

Any dog shampoo (I prefer oatmeal based) will be fine to use on your dog..just make sure to rinse completely (which you should anyways but in particular) and the nursing pups will be fine they won't be poisoned.

2007-01-05 18:26:54 · answer #3 · answered by smurf 4 · 0 0

Human Babies and Dogs have the same ph value for skin, so any human baby product would be alright. As well as anything ment for puppies and nursing mothers.

2007-01-05 17:05:36 · answer #4 · answered by ljn331 4 · 0 0

She'll clean most of it off herself. I wouldn't recommend shampoos. Just take a warm wash cloth, and wipe her down. Make sure, before you put her back in with her puppies, that she is totally dry. The puppies need to stay as warm as possible and not get wet, because they can get chilled and sick easily.

2007-01-05 17:08:31 · answer #5 · answered by Chihuahua Lover 5 · 0 1

You may have to wait until the pups are old enough to tolerate shampoos, or check your local pet supply store for a safe product for mom and her babies.

2007-01-05 17:10:08 · answer #6 · answered by chihuahuamom♥ 2 · 0 0

Just wash you dog gently around her stomach and you'll be fine! My dog had puppies too and it was fine.

2007-01-05 17:06:39 · answer #7 · answered by crazy_babe95 2 · 0 0

I would call a vet hospital then ask them if it is ok to give your dog a bath since she is nursing. I would think it would be ok if you were to rinse her nipples off really good!

2007-01-05 17:02:42 · answer #8 · answered by ~*Sweet Pea*~ 5 · 0 3

Use Johnsons baby shampoo. Yup the same one for human babys. This is non toxic, gentle and will get her clean.

2007-01-05 17:00:33 · answer #9 · answered by crazypranks 2 · 3 1

Maybe try a shampoo formulated for puppies on your dog

2007-01-05 17:00:09 · answer #10 · answered by kiu 3 · 2 2

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