We found this Pit Bull a few weeks ago in bad shape, she was very emanciated and looked like she had been in a dog fight. For the first week she just stayed to herself. Now she has warmed up to everyone except my dad. When he calls her she just walks away. And he was the first to actually spot her and give her some food. I was thinking she doesn't like men but my 12 yr old nephew came over and she is fine with him. What could be the problem?
11 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
The reason I thought it wouldn't be men because my nephew is actually taller than my dad and has a deep voice but I guess the dog can tell the difference.
08:32:33 ·
update #1
it could have been abused and your dad reminds it of the abuser.
2007-01-05 08:25:56
answer #1
answered by J Q Public 6
See if the dog might come to him for just food at first, with no verbal interaction. A dog's hearing is so acute that it picks up on vibrations we are not even aware of - and human speech is full of vibrations. There may be something your dog hears in your dad's voice that reminds him/her of being hurt or abandoned. So have your dad take the dog a really tasty treat a few times until the dog comes willingly; then have your dad pet the dog in whatever way it likes best (some "foundlings" take years to have their heads/ears fondled). Only after these two types of interaction are completely OK with the dog (or better yet sought after) - THEN have your dad start talking to the dog, not in a commanding way, but very gently. And all of you must be very patient, as this is a long (though VERY rewarding) process....
2007-01-05 16:28:11
answer #2
answered by tracymoo 6
I agree with the dog not liking men part. Your Dad may bear a resemblance to who ever miss treated the dog. He will just have to pay a lot of attention to her and slowly when with her. Your nephew is only 12 and may not be the same size as your Dad. Give her time, let your Dad be the one to feed her so she can rebuild her trust... It's not everyone that would take in such a troubled dog. Good for you!!
2007-01-05 16:28:04
answer #3
answered by Moon Man 5
It could be the dog doesnt like adult men. Adolescents may not bother the pit bull. It may help if you let the dog know that he isnt higher up in the "pack" then your dad. have the dog eat after everyone else does. Also, I know this sounds gross, but have your dad spit in the dogs food. In the wild, the alpha dog eats first and the next dogs to eat have the alpha's scent and saliva on their portion of the food.
2007-01-05 16:27:04
answer #4
answered by W.E.S. 2
There is a big difference physically between a 12 year old boy and a grown man (your dad). This poor animal was probably abused by a grown man, causing a painful memory for the dog. When the dog sees your dad...the memory surfaces, and the dog walks away to protect himself. Lots and lots and lots and lots of love is what is needed.........And give him a big hug from me. Good luck to you all.
2007-01-05 16:30:27
answer #5
answered by artistagent116 7
It could be that she doesn't like men..yes dogs can tell between your 12 y/o nephew and adult age dad...or it is just personal.
Don't force the issue..just tell dad to carry lots of treats on him, give her unconditional love...try offering her a fav toy. Maybe tell him to speak in quieter lower tones.
2007-01-05 18:56:36
answer #6
answered by smurf 4
my pitt mix was abused by a man when he was a very young pup. he is now 8yrs old but he is still very wary of adult men, but he really likes kids (even tall ones). it may be the "vibe" the dog picks up from your dad, his body language, or eye contact, etc. just give the dog some more time. make your dad the only one that feeds her and have him give her alot of treats. if he kneels down when he calls her she will be less intimidated.
2007-01-05 19:46:03
answer #7
answered by sgdrkfae 2
I don't know maybe (no offense)your dad reminds the dog of someone that abused it, so it's scared.You also might want to try what W.E.S. said.
2007-01-05 16:27:23
answer #8
answered by ♥ luving animals ♥ 2
Maybe she thinks that he is a threat to hI'm or (im not trying to be offensive in any way) maybe she doesn't like the smell of him.
2007-01-05 16:24:44
answer #9
answered by x.x..wee nicky..x.x 2
something in the smell , a dog can smell , you and that's how they see you to,
2007-01-05 16:22:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous