Taking her to the vet is always a good idea, but from what you said, it sounds like something my dog does sometimes. When he's sleeping, he's not swallowing his phlegm so it accumulates and when he tries to breath, he chokes and makes this horrible noise. We keep lemon juice in the fridge and just squirt a little bit down his throat to clear up the phlegm. Hope this is all it is and not the "kennel cough". Good luck!!
2007-01-05 06:14:44
answer #1
answered by Jen 4
There's a possibility that your dog has kennel cough. Kennel cough sound very deep and croup-like. If this is the case, you can take him to your vet for cough meds. Also, almost every dog I've seen has at one time or another made what sounds like a backwards sneeze, or a duck. This action is completely harmless and is thought that dogs do it due to hair tickling the throat. Hope this helps
2007-01-05 14:16:26
answer #2
answered by lunarkry 2
I'd get the dog checked for kennel cough or some lung problem. Could also be a heart ailment, possibly heartworm. If the dog has not had any recent blood tests. But you need to bring it to the attention of your Vet.
2007-01-05 14:11:39
answer #3
answered by Big Bear 7
Is this the first time she's done this? It could be a cough or a hairball. Have you recently taken her to the groomers or a kennel? Those places are quite often the source of kennel cough. Watch her and if it continues, take her to the vet.
2007-01-05 14:12:05
answer #4
answered by Laura L 1
Sounds like kennel cough... Has she been around other dogs within the last week? Take her to the vet asap - if it's kennel cough, it doesn't go away on its own, it only gets worse.
2007-01-05 14:11:22
answer #5
answered by Anna 2
Hi Tabitha...
sounds like your dog has kennel cough.
It is extremely contagious, so don't take your dog out where other dogs may be.
Your vet can give you antibiotics (only cures them a day or two early)
My dog had it recently..my vet gave her some doggy cough medicine and we kept her isolated until it went away.
it sounds horrible, but generally they will be fine.
2007-01-05 14:12:25
answer #6
answered by caughtfishin 2
Oooh, take her to the vet honey. We aren't vets and could not tell you what is wrong with your dog. I'm sure she's fine, but that cough will not go away on its own. Please take her in, especially if she is running a fever. Most respiratory infections will not go away on their own and require antibiotics. I waited one day with my cat who ended up having an upper respiratory infection and he had a very high fever when I took him in. He was so mad he bit the vet. He got it from the SPCA I adopted him from.
2007-01-05 14:14:17
answer #7
answered by Lisa H 4
She might have a bad cold or asthma. If it keeps up take her to the vet.
2007-01-05 14:15:02
answer #8
answered by curiositycat 6
my pit bull-lab had the same cough and she had been stung in the throat by a bee and had an allergic reaction
2007-01-05 14:13:21
answer #9
answered by superstar t 1
if it sounds like there is something wrong with the dog than take her to the vet. when my dog sounded like that... she had broncitis
2007-01-05 14:17:45
answer #10
answered by Rattiesrule 2