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I have a mini doxie pup that has been blind since birth. I thought that we had a home lined up for him, but it has fallen through. I don't have the time or finances to invest in his care. I've tried to surrender him to a no-kill shelter, but they refused him on the basis of his being blind. I've also placed ads online and in the paper, but have had no responses.

He is a great little dog and I'm fearful that if I drop him off at the local animal shelter for adoption, he will be put down as it is there policy.

2007-01-05 06:01:02 · 8 answers · asked by Penny's from Heaven 3 in Pets Dogs

His is the runt from our final (accidental) litter. We didn't think that he was going to make it past the first few days. He was supposed to go to a home that knew of his condition, but they backed out. There are very few places around here that will take him... believe me, I've looked! :(

2007-01-05 06:10:09 · update #1

8 answers

You definitely contacted the wrong "rescue"!
Go to www.petfinder.com , then click on your state. You'll find hundreds of rescue to chose from.
Don't know where you're located, but if anywhere closed, I wouldn't hesitate to take into my rescue program!

2007-01-05 06:15:31 · answer #1 · answered by amccoy1962 6 · 1 2

He should not have extensive vet care if he is already blind. Why can't you keep him and where did you get him?????

WOW...SHAME on you for even THINKING of dumping him at the shelter. This is YOUR responsibility!!!!! You cannot just put him at a shelter!! Shelters are for HOMELESS animals, not for some person that breeds and get a problem puppy!!!!! You must accept responsibility for that pup FOREVER. You may find a great home for him, it may take a week or a year. However long, you must keep him until that day comes. I have been there!!! I currently have a 8 month old pup that I kept due to a heaet murmur. He is MY responsibility. The blind guy is YOURS!!!!

2007-01-05 06:05:05 · answer #2 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 0 3

where do you live? if you are in ohio i would love to have another pup! i hate it when ppl think blind animals are no good, they are good if not better than dogs who are not blind. they tend to be more trusting once you get to know them too. if i were you i would call anyone you know who may want a pup. call some shelters and try to get some names of foster parents... sometimes they will take the dog until the perfect home is found.

2007-01-05 06:07:09 · answer #3 · answered by Rattiesrule 2 · 0 2

My Humane Society adopted out a blind cat (it was born without eyes) really quickly. Usually people have soft spots for special needs animals. Post signs at your vet and call every rescue around your area.

2007-01-05 06:04:29 · answer #4 · answered by KL 5 · 2 2

Keep asking around, go to vets offices to post a notice, and don't be afraid to go to your local newspaper or TV stations for help too.

I believe that out there, there is always someone to love someone else, no matter who it is. d=)

2007-01-05 06:11:42 · answer #5 · answered by Gary D 7 · 2 0

If you live in Arkansas, or close to it (Memphis, Dallas, Tulsa, Shreveport, St. Louis) my husband and I would glady adopt the dog. We have a deaf cat and a blind bird already.

2007-01-05 06:10:32 · answer #6 · answered by txharleygirl1 4 · 3 1

Search for a dachshund rescue outfit in your area on the internet. Many of them will even come to you to pick the puppy up.

I am a dachshund owner. I'd like to help. Email me, and let me know what state you're in.

EDIT : HOW DOES MY ANSWER RATE TWO THUMBS DOWN!?!?! Some of you people absolutely suck.

2007-01-05 06:06:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Please try the doxie rescues in your area. I'm pretty sure they will take him. Good luck to you and the little one.

2007-01-05 06:04:36 · answer #8 · answered by ® 7 · 2 1

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