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dec 13th,my dog got his back legs cought while jumping, and fell over on his back,it was very pianfull.i took him to the vet, and i was told that there was less than a 5% chance of him walking again cuz he had no sensation in those legs.i was given 3 choices,consider a wheelchair for dogs or keep him on stiroids and confined for a week,and after the week if he wasnt feeling any better my other choice was to let em put him to sleep.however,after the week,he still looked the same but putting him to sleep was the last thing on my mind,he was doin so bad that he couldnt move on his own he was swolen around the stomach area.its been almost a month and i am glad to say the he is doin much better,i massage him alot,the mussels on his legs are growing back, he's now streaching his leg and his body is goin back to its normal size,he's eating good n back to being hyper.he seems to be stiff and still not walking but is crawling.is it safe to let him crawl?is it a good sign that hell walk again?

2007-01-05 05:48:46 · 10 answers · asked by achlove11355 1 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

as much as i would hate to i would have to put him to sleep sorry

2007-01-05 05:50:54 · answer #1 · answered by mustang64093gt 4 · 0 3

I must admit, if the vet had told me that I would have put him down - but now, well - good luck to you!

It's been less than 4 weeks and look at the improvements - keep up with the massage and don't let him crawl too much just in case he overdoes it !

He'll probably never be the dog he was but if he has a good quality of life and is not in pain then - keep up the good work, you'll never know what you will achieve together !

Good Luck

2007-01-05 06:08:19 · answer #2 · answered by kamirsam 3 · 0 0

I had a dog who had that happen and we used the wheelchair cart for her. I also put her in the tub and exercised her back legs, kinda like physical therapy, it seemed to help, anyway after about 6 months she started walking again, just baby steps at first but then walking. Oh she also stayed on the steroid shots during that time too. Good luck!

2007-01-05 07:42:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'd monitor him if he wanted to crawl.

It's not unreasonable to find another vet for a second opinion here, either. I would continue the steroid use, and leave euthanizing him as a last resort. To that end, though, there does come a point when it is a quality of life issue, and that could be the most merciful choice.

I hope I never have to make that call. Best to you.

2007-01-05 06:03:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only you can determine what's best for your dog - if he's acting normal, chances are that he's not in too much pain, so it may be ok for him to walk or crawl. Definitely check with the vet if he has trouble standing or if things seem to get worse.

I'd also go to your pet store and get some supplements to promote joint health. They can really make a difference in just a few days.

2007-01-05 05:59:50 · answer #5 · answered by Casey 2 · 0 0

Does he seem to be in pain from crawling? You could be just prolonging his life for him to live in terrible pain.

If he seems not to be in pain over the crawling, I would recommend wrapping his legs with the dog gauze wrap so he doen't get sores from the floor.

Truthfully, you need to go back to your vet and they'll test to see if he is able to feel those legs yet. He really may be best off getting put to sleep, no matter how much it may hurt you.

Wouldn't you rather know that he isn't in pain anymore than to feel good about yourself?

2007-01-05 05:54:33 · answer #6 · answered by Shannon 6 · 1 0

If he's happy and not in pain, let him continue to recover. I know many cases of dogs that recovered from back injury after the vet said they wouldn't (my dog was one). Even if he doesn't recover, most dogs are quite happy with a canine cart.

Check out these sites:

2007-01-05 06:12:05 · answer #7 · answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7 · 1 0

i would keep giving him steroids. if you think he is getting better, take him back to the vet for a re-examination. if he isnt doing better, though its a very hard decision. you should think of putting the dog to sleep. if the dog is in that much pain, it would be the kindest thing to do. i truly hope your dog recovers without anymore pain.

2007-01-05 05:53:15 · answer #8 · answered by Rattiesrule 2 · 1 1

well, this is a hard one but you will just have to do what you feel is right in your heart. he might walk he may not. you have to think if you can handle keeping him and caring for him if he never walks again.

2007-01-05 05:56:05 · answer #9 · answered by Lil lady 4 · 0 0

Take it to the vet they would know what to do!

2007-01-05 05:52:41 · answer #10 · answered by In_Love_With_ Monkies!!!!!!!!!! 2 · 0 2

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