Is he?
2007-01-05 04:18:27
answer #1
answered by Mikey ~ The Defender of Myrth 7
Yes, I believe you are, you and Nancy Pelosi who says that we can expect big things from the democratic party. She didn't elaborate, simply because she doesn't have a clue of what those big things might be. I think she is just parroting some nonsense that Harry Reid and Eddie Haskel (Durbin)said in chambers.
I believe we will see a lot of that from Pelosi. You know, talk for the sake of talk! Other than a few democratic style euphemisms, I haven't heard much of any substance come from her, and frankly, I don't expect to hear anything with any content coming from her.
2007-01-05 13:31:46
answer #2
answered by briang731/ bvincent 6
Yes, you are the only one that thinks the US is loosing militarily. Politically, Bush may not be winning the war on feelings with the liberal side of the country, but then again we don't care about how anybody feels, its just doing the right thing, when it needs to be done. We don't pay our officials to talk, we pay them to take action..
2007-01-05 12:18:23
answer #3
answered by Shawn M 3
No. There are many who believe that Bush's was on Iraq is illegal as well as stupid, and that makes him a war criminal as well as guilty of treason. However the media as a class is still behind him, because he went to war to protect Israel. (You didn't think Hussein was any threat to YOU did you?)
2007-01-05 12:18:35
answer #4
answered by hasse_john 7
I don't think he is. He's under a tremendous amount of stress due to people splitting up America and supporting the terrorists.
I think many of those who think they could do better would have long ago 'lost it'.
2007-01-05 12:28:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes as no one has ever mentioned this 23,000 times a day.
2007-01-05 12:24:28
answer #6
answered by SweetDeath! 3
Not at all but I knew he never had it in either department. I am just very disappointed it took soooooo long for everybody else to catch on. You guys must be very slow not dumb just slooooowww. AAAHHH who am I kidding your all as brilliant as a busted light bulb in a shut closet!
2007-01-05 12:27:28
answer #7
answered by brian L 6
No. He never had it to begin with and he is getting worse with each passing day.
2007-01-05 12:18:35
answer #8
answered by plhudson01 6
I believe that thinking is something you are not mentally able to do!
2007-01-05 12:16:59
answer #9
answered by slodana2003 4
You can't lose what you never had!!!! His head and heart have always been empty!
2007-01-05 12:14:09
answer #10
answered by Bondgirl 4
2007-01-05 14:18:49
answer #11
answered by mvas800 3