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This is our dogs first litter of pups and she is 6 years old. This puppy was born without a tail and I am worried because I can not see an anus. (No Jokes) He has suddenly gone limp and is not opening his mouth any more. We just gave him some high protein lactose free milk by squirting through a small syringe. The puppy has no energy at all. I read on a site about low sugar level. It suggests to give glucose which I don't have. What can I give him right now? It is 3.30 am here and nothing is open (no Vets) so I need to use something I have at home.

2007-01-05 03:35:06 · 8 answers · asked by scottleigh89 1 in Pets Dogs

8 answers

It doesn't sound like there is much that you can do for the puppy. If he has no anus, he cannot live. If he makes it through the night, get him to the vet first thing in the morning (We have 24 hour emergency vets here in the US - are you sure you don't have something similar where you live?)

2007-01-05 03:39:43 · answer #1 · answered by Yo LO! 6 · 0 0

I was researching how to cure sick puppies a few days ago because my puppy was sick. I forgot the website, but a very well respected dog breeder said that when a new born puppy get sick, it is important to keep turning him over. When a puppy is dying they often lie flat, and then pass on. I'm not sure why its important, but he said to keep turning him on his side and keep him from laying flat. My puppy wasn't that sick so I don't know if it works, but the guy had his own website and saved a lot of puppies from dying so give it a try.

2007-01-05 13:13:07 · answer #2 · answered by Erika 1 · 0 0

The chances are really low for him to survive. I'd say take him to vet but your just wasting your money cause the puppy is already suffering.

2007-01-05 11:43:45 · answer #3 · answered by coldconfession13 3 · 0 0


Yes, it is possible for a pup to be born without an anus. It can be corrected but you MUST do it right away.

2007-01-05 11:38:12 · answer #4 · answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7 · 0 0

Give him Gaterade on a sugar tit. Which is just a lint free towel sarurated with the Gaterade.Also try Goat milk, you can buy it the local grocery.Try juice off can Salmon.It may not work ,but at least you tried. I have had it to work many times.You have to do it frequently.

2007-01-05 11:52:12 · answer #5 · answered by DEBO 3 · 0 1

If it isn't dead already, take it to the vet and have it euthanized. This is why breeding should be left to those of us who have a clue. You needed to be prepared for this kind of thing and have a vet on call.
Don't breed again, and your bit ch is too old to be having a first litter. It better be the last.

2007-01-05 13:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 0 3

We keep pedialite (sp) on hand for this. Gatorade is second best. Your description indicates premature or deformity, and in either case it is probably best if the puppy doesn't make it.

2007-01-05 12:26:05 · answer #7 · answered by tom l 6 · 0 0

Emergency Vets are every where!!! Look in your phone book

2007-01-05 11:43:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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