I attempted fudge last night, and used a candy thermometer. I used the old fashioned recipe that is on the back of the Hershey's coacoa can (you can get it off of their website). I like the fudge that is rather hard on the outside but the inside melts in your mouth. This is how my fudge turned out BUT it got way too hard before I could ever get it out of the pot! Instead of pouring it into the pan, I had to scrape chunks of it off. I wanted nice, neat squares. Don't get me wrong, it tastes wonderful. Why did it harden so quickly? Did I beat it too long? Or was my candy thermometer off and cooked it too long? What do you think? Also, the recipe I used was great for producing the right consistency that I like in my fudge, but the downside was that it was really, really rich! Any suggestions on that? Less sugar (used 3 cups) ? Or perhaps another recipe that produces similar consistency (hard on outside, middle melts in your mouth - not chewy!!) ? Thanks, Rachelle.
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