Believe me you are not the only one that thinks that fight was stopped early. Go to any MMA website and all the articles will tell you that Liddell finishing flurry missed with every single shot and the ones that landed hit Tito in the arm. I think even though tito was hurt and laying in the fetal position that doesn't mean that he was not defending. The fight should have gone at least another 10 seconds because Tito was not in any danger of being hurt. And plus in Liddell's fight against Vernon tiger white the same exact situation happened and Vernon was blocking and the Ref let the punches just keep going.
2007-01-05 06:41:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The UFC has had a series of early stoppages since UFC 65, In PrideFC they let it go until it someone is out, but only when they fight in Japan because its not sanctioned by the New Jersey State Athletic Commision. But in my IMO the chuck/tito fight should have been stopped during an earlier knockdown, as far as the round three TKO I think at the point the ref decided to stop the fight he was correct but by the time he stepped in and actually called it tito was in a better postion which made it appear to be a early stoppage but the #1 thing that proves it wasnt an early stoppage is that Crybaby Tito Ortiz agreed with it. But give it a month or two tito will come up with an excuse.
2007-01-05 05:23:41
answer #2
answered by Joseph B 5
The fetal position is not a strategic nor intelligible defense position. Anything is possible in a fight. Had it not been stopped anything could have happened. However, when fighters get put in dangerous situations, as Tito was, the refs are constantly directing them to work/get out/make a move/etc. Tito's case was no different. He didn't react and the fight was stopped. Case closed. As for the possibility of a submission, remember round 2? Tito had Chuck's back and coudn't do anything with it. Chuck stood right up and the fight continued. Chances are higher that he would have gotten pummeled more. The fight could have been stopped in the first round, so Tito's 2nd and 3rd round opportunities were wasted. The Natural would have come back and been beaten - fighters retire for a reason.
2007-01-05 04:41:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Tito was simply out classed, he found out the hard way that there is a big difference between fighting Chuck and beating up a 42 year old man 10 years past his prime in Shamrock. It was a good stoppage to prevent Tito from taking unnecessary punishment.
2007-01-05 07:15:57
answer #4
answered by crazyhorse19682003 3
Well, I really dont think Tito was intelligibly defending himself by curling up into the fetal position and letting chuck wail on his arms, face, body ect. But if the fight wasnt stopped I do see tito fighting pretty good after chuck was finished hitting him. But he wasnt defending himself intelligibly so the fight was stopped.
2007-01-05 02:58:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He had his guard up, yet was taking some major hits. I think it was a good stoppage and did not hear Tito complaining that much about it. Some organizations let their fighters nearly kill each other and it is to the UFCs credit that they stop the fights early than too late.
2007-01-05 02:53:29
answer #6
answered by Billy Dee 7
Tito has more desirable. The combat became good. It did final longer than the final. i'm hoping the subsequent Liddell combat would be against Rampage Jackson now that he's back. (i don't think of Marvin Eastman will latest lots of a challenge to Rampage.) On an factor word, I felt incredibly undesirable for Forrest. He became devasted after loosing to Keith Jardine.
2016-10-30 01:49:56
answer #7
answered by ? 4
No, it wasn't stopped too early. Not even Tito complained about the stop during his post interviews.
2007-01-06 04:25:39
answer #8
answered by Mariposa 7
are you people ever happy with a fight? Jesus! eye poking, too early of stoppage, groin strikes....
when are you going to learn that fighting is fighting.... enjoy the show people! get off the small stuff!
2007-01-05 03:43:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Liddel is UFC posterboy and DanWhites bee-yatch!
Dana will do anything to keep Chuk as chumpion.
Ever since Dana lost all that $$ on Chuk in his lost to "Ranpage in PrideFC 2003 I'm sure he makes sure he wins all his fights.
Of course this is my opinion!
2007-01-05 05:58:53
answer #10
answered by DyrtByrd 4