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Ok, I have a few questions regarding religion and God.

The first is what is god. And how is it a man.
Do you honestly believe that women were formed from a RIB? That the evolution theory is defunct, despite all the evidence supporting it and lack thereof on your behalf.
also, how can you believe in the afterlife? Is it more of a comfort thing, thinking that when you die, there is something and not just uncomprehending nothingness?

Not being a religious person, I cannot get into this mindset.
I know that a person is just the neurons firing in the brain in a certain pattern, not a soul.
And when you die, there will be nothing, not black like sleep; because you wouldn’t be able to comprehend it, because you will be nothing, cease to exist

In addition, since many religious people on this site tend to take anything said against their religion as a personal insult anyway, consider this a challenge against your religion, a friendly one, but a challenge none the less.

2007-01-04 23:55:20 · 14 answers · asked by Kamakazi Highlander 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

God is the "person" or "being" who created and substains the universe and everything beyond. He has the three major attributes of being omnipotent (can do anything), omniscience (knows everything) and omnipresence (is everywhere and everywhen).

God is not a man, but at one time He choose to reveal Himself in a human body to make it easier to communicate with man. And to make possbile the redemption of man.

And, while the King James Bible uses the word "rib" for the creation of woman, a better translation of the verse would be "cell". The word actually means a "cage" or "container". The KJ translator, not yet knowing about "cells" in the 1600s, took the word to mean "rib cage" and translated it that way.

The Bible teaches that man was made directly from the elements of the earth. As there is nothing chemically in man that is not an element of the earth, the Bible is correct in saying that. It says that God then took a "cell", genetic material, from man and altered it to make woman. Again, science shows that the only difference between male and female is that a female has an extra "leg" on one of her chromosones that is missing in males. God extracted that when he created woman.

On the issue of evolution, the Bible says that animals reproduce "after their own kind", meaning that a pig does not have a fish for a baby. But nowhere does it disclaim adaption for survival within species. Rather, the Bible presents a creation that has survived and adapted more than one life exterminating natural disaster over the course of its existence. It also presents an "Intelligence" behind the process that is able to place within DNA the material needed for such survival to occur. But in order for a species to adapt to where it can survive, the DNA code had to have been there BEFORE the need for it. It was placed there by God - who is powerful enough to do it, intelligent enough to design it, and present to guide and maintain it.

Humm, look like creation and DNA takes us back to God in the end. Funny how that works....

2007-01-05 00:12:32 · answer #1 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 1 0

A) What is God? That than which there is nothing greater.

B) How can He (NOT "it") be a man? An article of faith for Christians. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, in obedience to God the Father, became man in order to open heaven to all of mankind who wished to reside there forever with God.

C) Woman from a rib? No way, Jose! In fact the genetic evidence suggests rather strongly that the first true human was a female (see mitochondrial DNA).

D) Theory of evolution defunct? Not yet and probably not ever. Evolution is as much a creative process as God saying the divine equivalent of "ZAP".

E) The afterlife? Again a matter of faith. Christians and many other religious faiths accept this as a primary tenet of their respective faiths.

F) And just which archangel came down from on High and told you that we are nothing more than neurons firing off in the brain?
Even biologists and physicians know there's something else going on there. The non-believers among them may not like it, but there it is anyway, will they nil they.

G) I do not take insult from your query. I decided to take it seriously as coming from one who really wants to know what I believe and why I believe as I do.

H) Jesus said, "Ask. And ye shall receive." You asked. I answered. You have now received. Good luck.

2007-01-05 00:18:12 · answer #2 · answered by Granny Annie 6 · 0 0

First, I'll answer by saying that if you knew God and had a relationship with him, you would see that these questions are silly. I'm not talking religion, I am against organized religion, however, if you spent even the smallest amount of time worshiping and talking to God, you would understand the meaning of faith.

It is not known that God is in the form of man, I believe that He is called "he" because it is proper to say that. Its not like you will refer to God as "it."

No women were not formed from a rib, it is a metaphor meaning that first there was man then from the design of man came a woman.

Evolution, no one said that God made man in the form that we are now, yes man has evolved to fit his surroundings.

Heaven, of course there is a heaven, heaven will be a place of worship to God, we are so greedy to want Heaven to be a place of our own wants and needs, like there would really be IPods in Heaven. Greed makes humans say, "me,me,me" ...how ridiculous

Our time here on Earth is short...it is a test, if we pass we live in God's covinent for eternity and if we fail we suffer in Hell-FOREVER.

I did not grow up knowing God and never really cared about anything of the sort. But then one day his love hit me and it was so overwhelming that there is no way that I could be more at peace, I am overflowing with joy. Not everyday is easy, but I have my Savior to lay me burdens apon. And trust me, I am no fool, and I know that its real... good luck and God Bless

2007-01-05 00:22:09 · answer #3 · answered by Heather 3 · 0 0

Just because Religions are the main cause of war does not mean there is not a God. Something made us and everything around us. The big bang theory is stupid, the coming from muck ect. for the pure fact that if all of this is here, something made it or it wouldn't exist! Nothing can come from nothing! Just because we can't get our brains to wrap around this idea doesn't mean it isn't true! I will not say God is a he or a she because this is way beyond our thinking abilities! Oh, and for the record, electricity does not die, it may change form but it never dies and we have learned this in school, from scientists ect.

2016-07-20 13:18:01 · answer #4 · answered by Michael 1 · 0 0

I read somewhere that women have one less rib than a man--how do we explain that--everyone also has the one element of DNA that binds us together--clay.(don't know the scientific term). They have been doing research on all different types of DNA and have found that they all have one thing in common-clay. The Bible says that God took the clay(dirt) from the ground and blew life into Adam. Explain that one. How do we explain that when someone has a near death experience they see a light or a form of a man--then come back to the living? The Word says that God is many things: the Alpha, Omega, the beginning, the end, the great I Am, our Redeemer and Savior--Faith that God is who He says He is and that He knew you before you were in your mother's womb and created you with a purpose and a plan for your life---that's all you need to come to Him--and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. I don't put too much faith in a religion, only in my relationship with Christ--who is the true Son of God (God in human form) and my only salvation.

2016-03-29 08:48:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I accept your challenge-- NO one really knows what happens when we die. The bible does say at death there is eternal peace. well if you don't know anything cause you are dead shouldn't that be peaceful? What a sad world it would be if no one believed in God. I'm sure there would much more meanness than there is now because no one would be afraid of offending our God. If you truly don't believe in God --why do you even care if other folks want to. I think thou do pretest to much. Have a great day.

2007-01-05 00:10:16 · answer #6 · answered by snowflake 6 · 0 0

Hes is the supreme eternal Creator....He was TEmporarily a man One part of Him to die for our sins on the cross....Yes Eve came from Adams rib. Evolution is not correct.. Cuz God doesnt lie and there is AFTERlife.. I Know I will live again..

2007-01-04 23:58:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Please don't equate religion with God. Religions are human's
attempts to justify their existence. Humans want to survive in
God's realm, so they kill and eat other lives to survive.
Unfortunately humans have more complex thought forms -
often mistaken for intelligence- and they think that God's only
purpose is to "save" humans from their imaginery sins thus
making themselves important. So much so that humans blame
God for abandoning them in their grieving moments.

To survive, humans then kill other humans in the name of their
God. And they exploited Mother Earth because they said their
God give to them, although the other party also received it
from their God.

A truly religious person give and would refuse to receive more
than one person's need.

2007-01-05 00:20:10 · answer #8 · answered by wcsj 2 · 1 0

You do know the difference between "Religious People" and Christianity don't you?

People like you amaze me. You're so arrogant and passive aggressive, but at the same time so ignorant you lump all religions into a couple unshared beliefs.

2007-01-05 00:05:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first i dont feelyour questions are out of order or an insult i believe you sincerly want answers. the problem is i can tell you what i believe but i cant make you understand.God is as real to me as you are.I feel him, hear him.see him at work in my daily life,to consider what you believe about his nonexistance is as foriegn to me as my beliefs are to you.I dont feel any animosity toward you or your beliefs , i do feel concerned however that you will stop searching. i didnt just wake up one day and be a full fledged bible thumper you know. in spite of believing in what most nonspiritual people see as fairy tales im a very intelligant and logical person i didnt just swallow the god stuff either ,it wasnt logical to me. but i had to know the truth so i began to study and i sought out people who knew the bible and most important i prayed for truth to be revealed to me.what harm could it do to seek the truth? are you afraid you might be fooled into believing in somthing thats not there? I was.Again i say whats the harm in seeking the truth,Lets say i am deluded,well its a grand delusion. I have the peace that passeth understanding.im firmly in the hands of a wise and awesome father GOD who leads and protects me.(I know in whom i believeth, that he is able to keep that which he hath commited against that day)kjv--there is alot of comfort in that. im not telling you to go get a religion, Im saying that intelligent people dont just walk away without considering all sides.put yourself out there.ask God to reveal him self in your life. give it a good honest try if nothing comes of it then youve lost nothing ,in fact it will only bolster your present belief.----peace be with you

2007-01-05 01:03:51 · answer #10 · answered by matowakan58 5 · 0 0

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