for one thing,he sounds like an honest guy.just because a guy has slept with other girls,doesnt mean he's not sincere towards u now. actually it differs from person to person. for some ppl it becomes a habit n its difficult for them to give it up. others start feeling so empty with one night stands that they would do anything for their gfs who really 'love' them n keep content in every manner,unlike one night stands. its really for u to judge which category your guy falls in.
2007-01-04 19:44:00
answer #1
answered by tina 2
One night stands is a commen thing amongst most single guys, men are dogs when they are single... BUT! When they are in relationship allot of us guys connot be trusted, and then there are some of us that can be trusted!!!! SO! there are allot of ways to look at any situation. Being in a long distance relationship with someone has a 90% chance of not working out! You have to find out as much about this guy and then deside on what to do. You should look at the situation from all sides and give him a fair chance!!! GOOD LUCK!
2007-01-05 02:50:24
answer #2
answered by flaming scorpions 1
I personally know one couple where both the man and his wife had a lot more than 4-5 one night stands before they met each other.
Now they are married, and they have no problem with being comitted to each other.
Perhaps after being with so many other people, they both know that they are more compatible with each other than with anybody else.
Perhaps it's like this with your friend. From his experience with other women, he knows that you are more right for him than anybody else is.
But you are not sure, because you haven't had a lot of relationships and perhaps you think that some day you will find a better man.
2007-01-05 03:00:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well he came clean and he was being honest with you, which shows that maybe he is trustworthy. Just because he's had one night stand doesn't necessarily mean he isn't trustworthy. It may show, however, that maybe he doesn't like the whole commitment thing. But if he's putting forth an effort to keep the relationship going, especially since it's long distance, he wants to be with you and wants it to work. You can question him on his previous relationships and ask if they went well. Maybe you'll learn something from there. Good luck and don't worry! It'll work it if was meant to be.
2007-01-05 02:40:38
answer #4
answered by Nay Nay 2
i think you are making this a very big issue. which shouldn't be. first of all, it all happened BEFORE you met him. so it's past already. also how can you tell if a man isn't into one night stands if he didn't tell you? you won't right? trust is something that you should decide if you are giving it to him or not.
i've heard of a lot of guys out there that are very straight before but suddenly became a womanizer after they were married. how do you explain that? i can't.
i suggest you try to gauge his sincerity towards you and the relationship. don't judge him because of his past. trust me a lot of guys just don't tell their partners or aren't caught yet. but most are prone to flings or one nighters.
2007-01-05 03:05:47
answer #5
answered by Coolitz 4
I think you have to take guys like this on a case by case basis. If you do give him a shot, maybe your concerns would warrant some caution until you have a better idea. Come to think of it, you should do that with ALL guys! I think the totality of the circumstances--that is, taking in everything about him, including the one night stands, and deciding what you think overall--should be your guide.
2007-01-05 02:38:49
answer #6
answered by TCSO 5
These one nite stands happened before you, so i don't understand why you are having trust issues. One nite stands are by no means a sign of bad things to come. Grow up a little
2007-01-05 02:41:18
answer #7
answered by ckgene 4
He is correct - nature made Men to be promiscuous. His number one objective is sexual intercourse and
doing that long distance is for the Birds. Find a Lover closer to home or join a Convent.
2007-01-05 02:41:16
answer #8
answered by fatsausage 7
i can't really say you should because he has a dirty mind and bad ways to have 4-5 one stand apprently he a dirty mind freak sorry if that to hard by it seem he just wants to tap that.nothing else. i really think you should trust me another guy would be lucky to have u. youre a wonderful women.
2007-01-05 02:47:27
answer #9
answered by mary ann 2
i would suspect that if he is openly telling you this information and you are still together you have surpassed the one night stand mark...but i would keep my guard up just a little and make sure he is in it for the relationship and not just what he can get....take care of yourself and good luck
2007-01-05 02:38:42
answer #10
answered by michele m 4